1779 Map of Georgia

1780 Georgia Map

The 1779 map of Georgia remains unattributed to a specific cartographer, but it has considerable similarities to a map published just one year later by Bew, called A new and accurate map of the chief parts of south Carolina and Georgia. Native American Research This map is important for Muskogee and Cherokee research as it details the locations of many Indian towns and Indian Trails. One can determine by looking at the Indian towns on the map that there was little known by this cartographer concerning the interior of Georgia from the Atlantic coast to the Flint River. While he … Read more

1640 Virginiae et Floridae Map

1640 Official French Royal Map – Virginiae et Floridae

The Kingdom of France continued to claim what is now Georgia and South Carolina even though there is no record of any French settlements in the region after 1568.  By issuing this map, the King of France also recognized the legitimacy of the Virginia Colony.  The coat of arms of Great Britain are placed upon that section of North America.  By this time, France had also established permanent settlements in Quebec and was claiming all of present day Canada, except for Newfoundland. This map is the first one to provide an accurate description of the South Atlantic Coast.  It includes … Read more

1718 de L’Isle Map

1718 De Lisle Map

In 1718 Guillaume de L’Isle published “Carte de la Louisiane” which was based on the 1703 maps “Carte de Mexique et de la Floride” and “Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France,” credited to him, but actually done by his father, Claude. The 1703 maps were based on the explorations of Marquette, Joliet, La Salle, LeSueur, and others. These maps depicted the Missouri River extending as far as the country of the Omaha Indians, the “Rivière Longue” of Lahontan, the full course of the Mississippi River and, for the first time, an accurate representation of the mouth of the … Read more

De Bry’s Map of 1561

De Brys Map of 1591

A map of extraordinary rarity and seminal importance, this is one of the earliest and most influential maps of the American southeast ever published. Drawn by the French artist Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues c. 1565 and published by Theodore de Bry in 1591, this magnificent map details the Florida peninsula and Carolina coast from Cuba to the Bahamas, to “Prom Terra flag” or, as it is known today, Cape Lookout near Beaufort, North Carolina. The fascinating story of this map begins with the ambitions of the influential Huguenot Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. De Coligny, desirous of a French foothold … Read more

Sewall’s Map of Minnesota, 1857

Sewall's map of Minnesota

Sewall’s Map of Minnesota was entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1857, by J. S. Sewall. The map provides insight into the 19th century topographical history of Minnesota and Wisconsin, along with pinpointing the location of several Native American villages of the Chippewa and Sioux. The map was prepared for the purpose of land sales and the construction of the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad which was to be completed by June 1870. The map is extremely detailed for such an early creation, and includes natural and man-made creations such as waterways, roads, railroads, and reservations. A … Read more

1755 Mitchell Map

1755 Mitchell Map

In 1755 John Mitchell produced a large map of what was known at that time of the Map of the British and French Dominions. Produced in 8 sheets, this map when laid out covered a space roughly equal to 6.5ft by 4.5 ft. John Mitchell created this map by researching and looking at previously published maps and manuscripts. While fraught with obvious bias towards English imperial claims to America, by minimizing the claims of the French and Spanish, this map has still reached notoriety in it’s authenticity and accuracy… The maps greatest reference was when it was used to set … Read more

The Authenticity and Accuracy of Champlain’s 1632 Map

1612 Map of New France

In order to account for the many manifest discrepancies between Champlain’s text of 1619 and the map annexed to the edition of 1632, I suggested that the map and the latter edition were not the work of Champlain and never passed under his personal supervision. I gave my reasons for this opinion on pages 5 and 6, vol. I, of this magazine. Dr. Shea replies to this, ” the map is evidently Champlain’s, and he was too good a hydrographer for us to reject his map as a guide for parts he actually visited.” This, however, is assuming the authenticity … Read more