Treaty of March 29, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded on Tippecanoe river in the State of Indiana between Abel C. Pepper commissioner on the part of the United States and Wau-ke-wa Che-cose’s only son a Pottawatamy chief and his band, on his twenty-ninth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above named chief and his band hereby cede to the United States the four sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Pottawatamy Indians. Article 2. The above named chief and his band agree to yield peaceable possession … Read more

Treaty of October 16, 1826

Articles of a treaty made and concluded near the mouth of the Mississinewa, upon the Wabash, in the State of Indiana, this sixteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, between Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians. Article 1. The Potawatamie tribe of Indians cede to the United States their right to all the land within the following limits: Beginning on the Tippecanoe river, where the Northern boundary of the tract … Read more

Treaty of October 20, 1832 – Potawatomie

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Camp Tippecanoe, in the State of Indiana, this twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and Marks Crume, Commissioners on the part of the United States of the one part, and the Chiefs and Headmen of the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians of the Prairie and Kankakee, of the other part. Article 1. The said Potawatamie Tribe of Indians cede to the United States the tract of land included within the following boundary, viz: Beginning at a point … Read more

Treaty of April 22, 1836 – 2

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Indian Agency, in the State of Indiana, between Abel C. Pepper, commissioner on the part of the United States and O-kah-mause, Kee-waw-nay, Nee-boash, and Mat-chis-jaw, chiefs and head men of the Patawattimie tribe of Indians and their bands, on the twenty-second day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above named chiefs and head men and their bands, hereby cede to the United States, ten sections of land, reserved for them by the second article of the treaty, between the United States and the Patawattimie tribe … Read more

Treaty of March 26, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at camp in Turkey Creek Prairie, in the State of Indiana, between Abel C. Pepper commissioner of the United States and Mes-quaw-buck, a chief of the Pottawatamy tribe of Indians and his band, on twenty-sixth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above named chief and his band hereby cede to the United States the four sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Pottawatamy Indians, on Tippecanoe river on the twenty-seventh day of October 1832. … Read more

Treaty of December 17, 1834

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Indian Agency, Logansport, Indiana, between William Marshall, Commissioner on the part of the United States and Mota, a chief of the Potawattimie tribe of Indians, and his band on the 17th day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four. Article 1. The above-named Chief and his band hereby cede to the United States the four sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Potawattimie Indians on the twenty-seventh day of October in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two. … Read more

Treaty of September 23, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Chippe-way-naung in the State of Indiana, on the twenty-third day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, between Abel C. Pepper commissioner on the part of the United States, and the chiefs, warriors and headmen of the Potawattamie Indians of the Wabash. Article 1. The chiefs, warriors and headmen of the Potawattamies of the Wabash hereby cede to the United States, all the land belonging to the said tribe, in the State of Indiana, and designated in the treaty of 1832, (between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and … Read more

Treaty of September 22, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Chippewanaung—in the State of Indiana between A. C. Pepper, commissioner on the part of the United States and Mo-sack, chief of the Potawattimie tribe of Indians and his band, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above-named chief and his band hereby cede to the United States four sections of land reserved for him and his band by the 2nd article of the treaty between the United States, and the Potawattimie tribe of Indians, on Tippecanoe river, on the 27th day of October, … Read more

Treaty of September 20, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Chippewanaung in the State of Indiana, between Abel C. Pepper, commissioner on the part of the United States, and To-i-sa’s brother Me-mat-way and Che-quaw-ka-ko, chiefs and headmen of the Patawattimie tribe of Indians and their band on the twentieth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above-named chiefs and headmen and their band hereby cede to the United States, ten sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States, and the Patawattimie tribe of Indians, on Tippecanoe river, … Read more

Treaty of August 5, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at a camp near Yellow river, in the State of Indiana, between Abel C. Pepper, commissioner on the part of the United States and Pe-pin-a-waw, No-taw-kah & Mac-kah-tah-mo-ah, chiefs and headmen of the Potawattimie tribe of Indians, and their bands on the fifth day of August in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Article 1. The above named chiefs and headmen and their bands hereby cede to the United States twenty two sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Potawattimie tribe … Read more

Treaty of April 22, 1836

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the Indian agency, in the State of Indiana between Abel C. Pepper commissioner on the part of the United States, and Nas-waw-kee and Quash-quaw chiefs and head men of the Patawattimie tribe of Indians and their bands on the 22d day of April, 1836. Article 1. The above named chiefs and head men and their bands hereby cede to the United States three sections of land reserved for them by the second article of the treaty between the United States and the Patawattimie tribe of Indians on Tippecanoe river on the 26th … Read more

Treaty of October 27, 1832 – Potawatomi

Articles of a Treaty, made and concluded on the Tippecanoe River, in the State of Indiana, on the twenty-seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-two, between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and Marks Crume, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs and Warriors of the Potowatomies, of the State of Indiana and Michigan Territory. Article 1. The Chiefs and Warriors aforesaid cede to the United States, their title and interest to lands in the States of Indiana and Illinois, and in the Territory of Michigan, south of Grand river. … Read more

Treaty of October 26, 1832 – Potawatomi

Articles of a treaty made and concluded on Tippecanoe River, in the State of Indiana, between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and Marks Crume, Commissioners on the part of the United States, and the Chiefs, Headmen and Warriors, of the Pottawatimie Indians, this twenty-sixth day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two. Article 1. The Chiefs, Headmen and Warriors, aforesaid, agree to cede to the United States their title and interest to lands in the State of Indiana, (to wit:) beginning at a point on Lake Michigan, where the line dividing the States of Indiana and Illinois intersects … Read more

Potawatomi Reservation

Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha Agency Report, of Special Agent Reuben Sears on the Indians of the Pottawatomie, Kickapoo, Iowa, and Chippewa and Munsee reservations, Kansas, August and September 1890. Names of Indian tribes or parts of tribes occupying said reservations :(a) Prairie band of Pottawatomi, Kickapoo, [Iowa], Chippewa, and Munsee. The unallotted areas of these reservations are: Pottawatomi, 77,358 acres, or 120.75 square miles; treaties of June 5, 1846, 9 U. S. Stats, p. 853; of November 15, 1861 (12 U. S. Stats, p. 1191); treaty of relinquishment, February 27, 1867 (15 U. S. Stats, p. 531). Kickapoo, 20,273 acres, … Read more

Sac and Fox Reservation

Report of Special Agent Reuben Sears on the Indians of the Sac and Fox tract or reservation, Sac and Fox agency, Tama County, Iowa. 2.5 miles from the town of Tama, September 1890. Names of Indian tribes or parts of tribes occupying said reservation: (a) Pottawatomie, Sac (Sauk) and Fox of the Mississippi, and Winnebago. The unallotted area of this tract is 1,258 acres, or 2 square miles. The tract has been surveyed and subdivided. It was established by purchase. (See act of Congress approved. March 2, 1867, 14 U. S. Stats, p. 507.) Deeds November 1870, and 1882 and … Read more

Pottawatomie Indians


Pottawatomie Indians are “people of the place of the fire,” and hence sometimes known as the Fire Nation. In the course of their later history, the Pottawatomie became separated into several distinct bands but these do not seem to have corresponded to any old, well-determined classification. Shortly before the Pottawatomie were encountered by the French they seem to have been living on the lower peninsula of Michigan.

Treaty of June 5 and 17, 1846

Whereas the various bands of the Pottowautomie Indians, known as the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottowautomies, the Pottowautomies of the Prairie the Pottowautomies of the Wabash, and the Pottowautomies of Indiana, have, subsequent to the year 1828, entered into separate and distinct treaties with the United States, by which they have been separated and located in different countries, and difficulties have arisen as to the proper distribution of the stipulations under various treaties, and being the same people by kindred, by feeling, and by language, and having, in former periods, lived on and owned their lands in common; and being desirous … Read more

Treaty of August 19, 1825

Treaty with the Sioux and Chippewa, Sacs and Fox, Menominie, Ioway, Winnebago, and a portion of the Ottawa, and Potawattomie Tribes. The United States of America have seen with much regret, that wars have for many years been carried on between the Sioux and the Chippewas, and more recently between the confederated tribes of Sacs and Foxes, and the Sioux; and also between the Ioways and Sioux; which, if not terminated, may extend to the other tribes, and involve the Indians upon the Missouri, the Mississippi, and the Lakes, in general hostilities. In order, therefore, to promote peace among these … Read more

Treaty of August 25, 1828

Articles of agreement with the Winnebago Tribe and the United Tribes of Potawatamie, Chippewa and Ottawa Indians. The Government of the United States having appointed Commissioners to treat with the Sac, Fox, Winebago, Potawatamie, Ottawa, and Chippewa, tribes of Indians, for the purpose of extinguishing their title to land within the State of Illinois, and the Territory of Michigan, situated between the Illinois river and the Lead Mines on Fever River, and in the vicinity of said Lead Mines, and for other purposes; and it having been found impracticable, in consequence of the lateness of the period when the instructions … Read more

Treaty of August 29, 1821

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at Chicago, in the State of Illinois, between Lewis Cass and Solomon Sibley, Commissioners of the United States, and the Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pottawatamie Nations of Indians. Article I. The Ottawa, Chippewa, and Pottawatamie, Nations of Indians cede to the United States all the Land comprehended within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point on the south bank of the river St. Joseph of Lake Michigan, near the Parc aux Vaches, due north from Rum’s Village, and running thence south to a line drawn due east from the southern extreme of Lake Michigan, … Read more