
Dighton Rock Inscriptions

An in-depth look at the Dighton Rock inscriptions, including a descriptive analysis of the petroglyphs by the Iroquioan Meda, Chingwauk, in 1839 at the behest of Henry Schoolcraft. Included with the article are Henry’s own deductions based on several decades of research into the early North American petroglyphic arts. Photographs of the rock, as well as drawn replications of both the petroglyph and the inscriptions upon it.

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The Antiquity of Pictorial Writing

Antiquity of the Art of Pictorial Writing; Its general use amongst the Oriental Nations; its connection with Idolatry; the multiplicity of its Symbols, and its peculiarities as a System of communicating Ideas. Its advance, in the progress of Nations, into the Hieroglyphic, the Phonetic, and the Alphabetical Mode. Consideration of the Egyptian Systems of Hieroglyphics.

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Elements of Picture Writing

The Toltec and Aztec system of Picture Writing, compared with the North American; its general agreement its peculiar traits and common figurative system of the United States Tribes. Devices from a Tree on the Mamakagon River, Wisconsin. Drawing from the Upper Mississippi, denoting a Peace-Mission. Signs drawn on Grave-Posts. Sepulchral honors of the Chiefs Wabojeeg, and Babasekundabee.

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Comparative Views of International Pictography

Foreign Pictographic Signs; The Chinese Characters founded on the Picture-writing Devices of the Samoides Siberians Tartars; Inscriptions from the Banks of the Yenisei and the Irtish; Rock Inscriptions from Northern Asia; System of the Laplanders; Copies of the Figures printed on the Drums of the Lapland Magicians, with their Interpretation; The Device on the great Drum of Torna; Iroquois Pictography; Specimen from Oceanica.

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Dighton Rock

Last Updated on June 16, 2014 by Dennis Dighton Rock. A mass of silicious conglomerate lying in the margin of Taunton River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, on which is an ancient, probably prehistoric, inscription. The length of the face measured at the base is 11½ ft. and the height a little more than 5 ft. The

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