Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – B Surnames

Marriages BACON, Elvira, of West Cambridge, and Amos Leighton, int. Oct. 13, 1839. BAILEY, Olive, of Billerica, and Jonas Parker, Jan. 1, 1809.* BALDWIN (see also Bauldoin), John F[rye. int.], of Billerica, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joel and Mary B., of Billerica, and Fanny A[licia. int.] Parker, a. 20 y., d. Jonas and Anna, Dec. 24, 1846.* Lucy, Mrs., and Oliver Spaulding, Aug. 30, 1835.* Susanna, and Jacob Blaisdell, int. July 7, 1838. BALL, Isaac, of Corinth, and Lucy Hodgman, Feb. 2, 1817.* BARKER, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Sally Foster of Westford, Sept. 18, 1794. Daniel, of Littleton, and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – C Surnames

CALDWELL, Lydia [Munroe. int.], of Woburn, and Amos [Aaron. int.] Monroe, at Woburn, Aug. 16, 1792.* CAPRON, Sarah, Mrs., of Braintree, and Rev. Paul Litchfield, int. Sept. 21, 1811. CARKEN, Sibbel, of Tyngsborough, and Daniel Nickles of Billerica, Oct. 12, 1811. CARLTON, David, of Chelmsford, and Susanna Blanchard, Nov. 4, 1819.* John, of Lowell, and Augusta Boynton, int. Dec. 23, 1848. CARTER, Adaline, and John Quincy Adams, int. Oct. 14, 1847. Enoch, widr., a. 51 y., laborer, s. Michael and Rebecah, and Lydia Foster, a. 51 y., d. Benj[amin] and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1846.* Enock, and Rebecca Foster, Feb. 19, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – D Surnames

DAVIES (see also Davis), Anna, of Acton, and John Bobbins, 4th, int. Jan. 27, 1810. Daniel, of Bedford, and Betsey Blood, Apr. 7, 1803.* David, of Acton, and Polly Hildreth of Westford, July 4, 1793. DAVIS (see also Davies, Daviss), Ephraim, of Lowell, and Rebecca Davis, int. Nov. 4, 1848. Hannah, and Phinehas Osgood of Billerica, Apr. 20, 1784.* John, and Rebecca Proctor, Mar. 7, 1824.* Nathan, of Tewksbury, and Mary Lovejoy, May 4, 1826.* Patte, and John Fry of Acton, int. Mar. 8, 1782. Polley, of Acton, and Asa Wheeler, at Acton, Mar. 25, 1784.* Rebecca, and Ephraim Davis … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – E Surnames

EASTE, Ebenezer, of Billerica, and Abigail Nickless, int. Apr. 1, 1804. EASTHERBROOKS (see also Estabrook), Thankful, and Leonard Green, Jan. 28, 1790.* EASTMAN, Caroline L. [of Lowell. int.], and George Bingham, Nov. 25, 1845. P. R. 13.* EATON, Thomas, and Charlotte Stearns, both residents in Carlisle, Feb. 17, 1828.* ELIOT (see also Ellet), John S., of Lowell, and Mrs. Sarah A. Morse, int. Mar. 31, 1834. ELKINS, Elizebeth, of New Durham, N. H., and Warren Heald, int. Sept. 24, 1837. ELLET (see also Eliot), Sally, of Mason, and Thomas Hutchinson, int. Sept. 17, 1803. EMERY, Samuel, and Rebecca Wheler, Apr. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – F Surnames

FARMER, Eliza, of Lowell, and Samuel Stone, int. Nov. 7, 1842. FARRAR, William, a. 43 y., farmer, s. Stephen and Lucy, and Lydia Adams Green, a. 34 y., d. Isaiah and Hannah, Nov. 27, 1845.* FARWELL, Dorcas, of Concord, and Eliab G. B[o]lton of Groton, Nov. 23, 1821. FELSTED, Affable, and Silas Chester, both of Chelmsford, Nov. 5, 1826. FISHER, Lewis, of Salem, and Polly Andrews, Apr. 7, 1808.* Mary, Mrs., and Isaac Blaisdell, Dec. 8, 1814.* FLAGG, John [of Concord. int.], and Mary Wilkins, Feb. 7, 1782.* Joseph, and Mrs. Mary Dudley of Acton, at Acton, May 12, 1756. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – G Surnames

GAMON, Jabes E., and Mary Proctor, both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1829. GEMERSON, Matthew, and Mary Britton, both residents in Carlisle, int. Dec. -, 1780. GILES, James, jr., of Townsend, and Lydia Russel, Nov. 6, 1788.* Susanna, of Townsend, and Jacob Russell, int. July 5, 1800. GILGRIST (see also Gillekrist, Gillgrist), Hannah Fisher, and Elbridge Proctor, Jan. 14, 1844.* GILLEKRIST (see also Gilgrist), Robert, and Mrs. Hannah Dutton, May 26, 1812.* GILLGRIST (see also Gilgrist), Robert, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Blaisdell, June 10, 1827.* GODARD, Charles, of Grafton, and Susan Heald, Dec. 2, 1824.* GOWEN, Daniel, 3d, of Wilmington, and … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – H Surnames

HADLEY, Moses, and Almira Proctor, both of Lowell, Oct. 8, 1829. HAYWOOD (see also Heywood), Nathan, Ens., and Anna Heald, Mar. 20, 1803.* HEALD, Abagail, and Daniel Brooks of Windsor, Vt., int. Oct. 16, 1847. Abi, and Benjamin Adams, May 21, 1820.* Ai, and Mrs. Luranah Green, Jan. 31, 1837.* Almira, and John Jackson of Dorchester, Dec. 31, 1824.* Anna, and Samuel Lovejoy, Dec. 1, 1796.* Anna, and Ens. Nathan Haywood, Mar. 20, 1803.* Benj[amin] Franklin, and Susan P[hilbrook. int.] Kimball of Lowell, Jan. 14, 1838.* Caroline, and Asa Melven of Concord, Jan. 17, 1833.* Charlotte, and Daniel Harrington Page … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – J Surnames

JACKSON, John, of Dorchester, and Almira Heald, Dec. 31, 1824.* JACOBS, Hannah, and Samuel Washburn of Lempster, N. H., Nov. 15, 1810.* John, and Mable Litchfield, Dec. 15, 1783. John, jr., and Maria Blood, Sept. 5, 1824.* Mable, and Ebenezer Hayward of Braintree, Oct. 18, 1812.* Mary, and Silas Hosmer of Acton, June 13, 1833.* Ruth, and [Lt. int.] Collins Whittemore of Hancock, N. H., June 4, 1820.* JEFTS, Simeon, of Boston, and Sarah Nicklass, Feb. 19, 1811.* JENNER (see also Jenners), Sarah, Mrs., and Phinehas Blood, jr., Feb. 19, 1792.* JENNERS (see also Jenner), Mary, and Peter Winn, Sept. … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – K Surnames

KELLEY, James, of Roxbury, and Susanna Procter, int. Oct. 5, 1833. Mehitable, of Lexington, and John Stearns, int. Sept. 20, 1823. KEMP, James, and Molley Crosby, May 24, 1791.* Nabby, and John Russel of Billerica, Nov. 11, 1799.* KENDALL, Daniel, of West Cambridge, and Mary Litchfield, Apr. 18, 1824.* KEYES, Sally, of Chelmsford, and Silas Hartwell, int. Jan. 23, 1802. KIDDER, Ebenezer [of Chelmsford. int.], and Esther Wilson, at Chelmsford, Nov. 23, 1786.* Lucy, of Billerica, and Stephen Barrett, at Billerica, Apr. 8, 1781.* Mary, and Benjamin Bauldoin, int. Jan. 5, 1805. Salley, and Samuel Adams, jr. of Chelmsford, at … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – L Surnames

LAKEN (see also Lakin), John Grag, and Elisabeth Heald, Jan. 31, 1808.* LAKIN (see also Laken), Caroline, and John Dana Robbins, Apr. 22, 1827.* LAMSON, Elisabeth, and Joseph Raimond, both of Lexington, Dec. 30, 1794. LANCEY, Maria Louisa, and John Taylor, Dec. 3, 1837.* William, and Susanna Wheat, Dec. 1, 1808.* LANE, Hannah, of Bedford, and Isaiah Green, int. Nov. 7, 1801. Patty, and Tilly Green, July 14, 1811.* Samuel, of Bedford, and Mrs. Frances Blood, May 21, 1799. LAUGHTON, James, of Dummerston, and Hannah Melven of Concord, May 30, 1793. LEE, Maria, and Jonathan Bradford Heald, int. Dec. 15, … Read more

Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – M Surnames

McBRIDE, John, jr., of Bolton, and Mrs. Rachel Barrett, Sept. 5, 1813.* MANNING, Jacob, jr., of Billerica, and Lucy Andrews, Apr. 26, 1796.* MANSFIELD, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Rachel Crosby, int. Nov. 10, 1800. Gardner Stilman, and Eliza Robbins, int. Apr. 2, 1831. MARCH, Sibbel, and Samuel Heald, jr., int. Mar. 7, 1814. MARSH, Austin, and Mary W. Skelton of Lowell, int. Apr. 21, 1839. MASON, John, and Meriam Hodgman, Nov. 28, 1816.* Molley, and John Temple of Bowdoinham, Apr. 25, 1786.* Tilly, and Hannah Wetherbee, Feb. 28, 1788.* MEEK, Timothy, and Betsey Munroe, July 21, 1822.* Timothy, a. 51 … Read more

Unidentified Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. UNIDENTIFIED. Fillis and Newport [? Green], int. July 1, 1784. [? Negroes.] G[torn], Lydia and Timothy Sparowhauk, Feb. 20, 1745.* Richer d [torn], WaitstUl of Dedham, and Sam[ue]l Smith, int. Apr. 17, 1815. [? Green] Newport and Fillis, int. July i, 1784. [? Negroes.]

A Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. ABBOTT Bushrod W., 27, of Lawrence, s. Enoch and Nancy, and Laura A. Bullard, Jan. 1, 1849.* ADAMS Abigail, wid. [int. Agigail, omits wid.], and Amos Smith, Sept. 29, 1796. Abigail and Nathan Wight, Apr. 18, 1799. Abigail and Gershom Wheelock, May 6, 1802. Amy B. and Samul Kingsbury, int. Sept. 19, 1830. Charlotte of Medway, and Orion Wight, int. May 14, 1826. Daniel of Medway, and Mrs. Silence Wight, May 26, 1777. Darius and Julia [int. Sula] Ellis, Apr. 14, 1796. Edward, Ens., and Sarah Taylor, Jan. 6, 1709-10.* Eliakim Esq. of Medway, and Hanah … Read more

R Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. RANDALL Hanna and John Warfield, Dec. 26, 1671.* John and Marie Aldridg, Aug. 27, 1667.* RAWSON Edmund [int Edmond] of Uxbridge, and Rebeckah [int. Rebecca] Turner, Mar. 21, 1782. Grindall and Mrs. Susanna Wilson, Aug. 30, 1682.* REED Elisebeth of Dedham, and John Wight, Mar. 24, 1762.* RHOADES (see Rhodes) Joseph Jr. of Houghtonham, and Mrs. Mary Thebault, Dec. 30, 1773.* RHODES (see Rhoades) Mille [int. Milletiah Roads] of Walpole, and Benjmin [int. Benjamin] Plimpton, Sept. 5, 1784. RICE Elizabeth of Worcester, and John Swasey, int. Nov. 23, 1805. Thankfull of Brookheld, and Timothy Smith, int. … Read more

S Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. SABIN (see Sabine) Abigaill and Joseph Bullin, Mar. 15, 1673-4* Experience and David Morse, Aug. 22, 1705.* Nehemiah and Elisabeth Boydon, May 8, 1702.* Patience and Simon Harding, Nov. 5, 1741.* Sarah and Samuel Adams, Nov. 11, 1703.* Stephen and Susanna Plimpton, May 31, 1731.* SABINE (see Sabin) William of ” Seaconcke alias Rehoboth,” and Martha Alline, Dec. 22, 1663.* SANDERS Daniel and Sarah Medcalf, Sept. 12, 1715.* Laura Huntington and David S. Brown, Sept 24, 1818.* Miranda W. and Amos A. [int. Andrew] Parker Esq., Oct. 13 [1822]. SANFORD Thomas and Tabitha Clark, June 13, … Read more

H Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. HALL Hannah and Dyah Clark, Apr. 6, 1763.* Josiah of Walpole, and Cally Boyden, Sept 23, 1779.* Lois A. of Wrentham, and Lebbeus Smith, int. Aug. 14, 1807. Ruth of Walpole, and Oliver Linkon, June 24, 1763.* HAMANT (see Hammant, Hammon) Abigail and Jonathan Lawrance, Dec. 1, 1708.* Asa Jr. and Polly Draper, int. Mar. 17, 1804. Atarah [int Hammant] and Titus Smith, Aug. 22, 1782. Charles and Zilpha Turner, int Apr. 12, 1807. Charles and Mary Bosworth [int Bozworth], Apr. 15, 1841. Daniel and Nancy Partridge, int. June 16, 1804. Daniel D. and Cynthia Harding, … Read more

K Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. KENDAL (see Kendall) James A., Rev., and Maria B. Brown, int May 10, 1833. Mary of Lowell, and James H. Boyden, int. Nov. 29, 1834. KENDALL (see Kendal) Dorothy Jane and William B. Sprauge [int. Sprauge], Nov. 10, 1836. KENRICKE Sarah and Samuell Wheelocke, Apr. 3, 1678.* KENT Hannah C. of Ashford, Conn., and Lorenzo Harding, int. Nov. 12, 1838. KING Hosea and Hannah Wight, Feb. 16, 1817.* KINGSBURY Amos of Wolpole, and Mrs. Molly Cole, Apr. 14, 1785 Amos and Mrs. Hannah Tilden, Oct. 26 [1835]. Amos P. and Almira Williamson, int. Aug. n, 1833. … Read more

F Surnames – Medfield, Massachusetts Marriage Records

* Intention not recorded. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks, Fairebank, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Dorothy and Ebenezer Thomson, May 11, 1713.* Margaret and Jonathan Wight, Dec. 14, 1704.* FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank, Fairebank, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Abagail and John Balch, int. June 24, 1827. Jothum and Betsey Lovell, int. Oct. 10, 1803. Lovell of Medway, and Kezia Cole, int. Apr. 4, 1828. Nathaniel and Sarah [int. adds H] Woods, July 25 [1822]. Sally and Asa Clark, June 7, 1818.* Silence and Elisha Barbur, July 10, 1751.* FAIREBANK (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Farbank, Fayrbanke) Marie and Moses Adams, May 14, 1680.* FARBANK (see Fairbank, Fairbanks, Fairebank, Fayrbanke) Susanna … Read more