Carlisle Massachusetts Marriages – B Surnames
Marriages BACON, Elvira, of West Cambridge, and Amos Leighton, int. Oct. 13, 1839. BAILEY, Olive, of Billerica, and Jonas Parker, Jan. 1, 1809.* BALDWIN (see also Bauldoin), John F[rye. int.], of Billerica, a. 23 y., farmer, s. Joel and Mary B., of Billerica, and Fanny A[licia. int.] Parker, a. 20 y., d. Jonas and Anna, Dec. 24, 1846.* Lucy, Mrs., and Oliver Spaulding, Aug. 30, 1835.* Susanna, and Jacob Blaisdell, int. July 7, 1838. BALL, Isaac, of Corinth, and Lucy Hodgman, Feb. 2, 1817.* BARKER, Asa, of Chelmsford, and Sally Foster of Westford, Sept. 18, 1794. Daniel, of Littleton, and … Read more