Gold Rush

The North Pole Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Among the many mines In this county none take higher rank than the North Pole, which lies in the Cracker Creek district. It embraces two fall claims of 1500 feet each, and a fraction of 400 feet, making 3400 feet on the lode bar. The mine is opened

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Columbine Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Located in the ruining district known as Cracker Creek, lies the Columbia mine, one of the oldest properties in Baker county. Prospected first by the Cable Brothers, in the early eighties, it has passed through a succession of development stages until today it stands among the first properties

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Palmer & Denham

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by A list of Baker City’s enterprising and successful business men would not he complete without mentioning Palmer & Denham, the hustling, up-to-date harness men of Main street. The partners, R. R. Palmer and H. E. Denham, are both practical mechanics and personally supervise the construction of every piece

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Bonanza Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by About four miles southeasterly of Robinsonville is situated the famous Bonanza mine, the largest and probably most valuable free gold mine of the northwest. Discovered and located in the seventies. It was worked by the original locators for ten years, they reducing the ores by the arrastra process.

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Mining in Baker County

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Along in the 60’s there was some placer mining within the Baker gold district. In the year 1897 the yield of gold from 313 gold mines and claims, in all stages of development, was $3,000,000. It is estimated that not one-tenth of the mineral bearing districts has been

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