Wyoming Genealogy at Ancestry

Ancestry is the largest provider of genealogy data online. The billions of records they provide have advanced genealogy online beyond imagination just a decade ago. The following is but a small sample of what they provide for Wyoming genealogy at Ancestry. While some of these databases are free, many require a subscription. You can try a 14 day free trial and see if you can find any of your Wyoming genealogy at Ancestry! Wyoming Genealogy Databases at Ancestry Subscription May be Required Ancestry Free Trial Wyoming Statewide Genealogy at Ancestry Web: Wyoming, Find A Grave Index, 1868-2011 Wyoming Census, 1860-1910 Wyoming City … Read more

New Hampshire Genealogy at Ancestry

Ancestry is the largest provider of genealogy data online. The billions of records they provide have advanced genealogy online beyond imagination just a decade ago. The following is but a small sample of what they provide for New Hampshire genealogy at Ancestry. While some of these databases are free, many require a subscription. You can try a 14 day free trial and see if you can find any of your New Hampshire genealogy at Ancestry! New Hampshire Genealogy Databases – Subscription May be Required Ancestry Free Trial Statewide Genealogy Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken … Read more

Biography of Abiathar Richards

Abiathar Richards, a retired merchant of Newport, was born here, October 8, 1825, son of Seth and Fanny Richards, of Dedham, Mass. He is descended from Edward Richards, one of the twelve immigrants bearing that surname, who, England to this country at different times in the period between 1630 and 1728, and whose descendants are to-day represented in the learned professions, the arts, commerce, and the general business of the country. Edward Richards, who arrived in 1632, was the sixth of the twelve referred to. With him, a fellow-passenger on the ship “Lion,” was his brother Nathaniel, who afterward joined … Read more

Biography of Timothy B. Rossiter

Timothy B. Rossiter, one of the wealthiest men in Claremont, was born there, September 18, 1807, son of Sherman and Olive (Baldwin) Rossiter. Sir Edward Rossiter, the founder of the family, with his son and son’s wife, Dr. and Mrs. Bray Rossiter, embarked from Plymouth, England, on the ship “Mary and John,” March 20, 1630, and arrived at Nantasket, Mass., May 30, 1630. They began a settlement at Mattapan, and in the spring of 1636 removed to Windsor, Conn. Sir Edward Rossiter, who was chosen in London in 1629 to serve as an assistant to Governor Winthrop, died soon after … Read more

Biography of Walter Sargent

Walter Sargent, of Elm Farm, in the town of Warner, N.H., is well known as one of the most skilful, progressive, and successful agriculturists of Merrimack County. He was born December 25, 1837, in Warner Lower Village, a son of Abner and Martha J. (Morrill) Sargent. He is of English antecedents, tracing his lineage back to Richard Sargent, an English naval officer, whose son William, born in England in 1602, was the emigrant ancestor. He came to New England at an early period, taking with him a family of daughters, who had been left motherless by the death of his … Read more

Biography of Charles Eastman Staniels

Charles Eastman Staniels, a prominent life insurance agent of Concord, N.H., was born in Lowell, Mass., December 27, 1844, son of Edward L. and Ruth Bradley (Eastman) Staniels. The father, born in Chichester, N.H., for many years was interested in the drug business, successively in Lowell and Boston, Mass. Toward the latter part of his life he removed to Roxbury, Mass., then a suburb of Boston, and died there at the age of sixty-five years. He was twice married. By his first wife there were three children, all of whom are now dead. His second marriage was made with Ruth … Read more

Biography of George A. Sumner

George A. Sumner, a popular storekeeper and real estate owner of Hill, was born on the place where he now resides, June 27, 1839, son of George W. and Hannah (Abrams) Sumner. [For the full genealogy of the Sumner family the reader is referred to the account of Governor Increase Sumner, to be found in the General Register.] George Sumner is a direct descendant of Edward Sumner, a Revolutionary patriot, who for a long time would not allow tea to be served on his table, and who was one of the Boston Tea Party. Edward’s son, Nathaniel, by his wife … Read more

Biography of Stephen Alden Tracy

Stephen Alden Tracy, a well-known resident of Cornish, was born here, October 31, 1833, son of Stephen and Sarah (Alden) Tracy. The family is one of the oldest in this country, and traces its descent to Lieutenant Thomas Tracy, who came from England in 1636 and settled in Connecticut. Lieutenant Tracy was son of Nathaniel and grandson of Richard Tracy, of Stanway, England. Nathaniel’s eldest brother was made a baronet by King James I. on June 29, 1611, being the thirteenth of the order created by James. The Tracy coat of arms, in the possession of the family, shows the … Read more

Biography of Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks

Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks, who resides in the village of Suncook, and is a well-known dentist in the town of Pembroke, was born in Gilford, N.H., December 15, 1854, son of William and Lizzie (Hutchinson) Weeks. Benjamin Weeks, the grandfather of Dr. Weeks, in his younger days was a farmer. He later learned Gilford. He became prominent in business circles and in public affairs, holding various town offices; and he was connected with the old State militia. In politics he was a Whig. He married, and reared a family of seven children. Of the latter the only survivor is Mrs. … Read more

Biography of John B. Moore

John B. Moore, a prosperous dairy farmer of Plainfield, Sullivan County, N.H., son of Hiram and Ruby (Silloway) Moore, was born in this town, April 9, 1849. His great – grandfather, William Moore, who was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to America early in the eighteenth century, and became one of the first settlers in Pembroke, N.H. He was a Deacon of the Congregational church. James Moore, son of William, was a native of New Hampshire, but passed the greater part of his life in Vermont as a hard-working farmer. He was a noted tenor singer in his … Read more

Biography of Robert W. Mantz

Robert W. Mantz is now entering on his fifth year as the first supervising principal of the Redwood City public schools. Beginning with about 300 pupils under his supervision the schools have now nearly 600 enrolled. On the initiative of Mr. Mint is the first public school playground in San Mateo County was equipped at Redwood City and a play ground carnival held to celebrate the event. Also on his recommendation sewing, cooking and manual training in all the grades were introduced, this being the first elementary school in the county to adopt these courses. The Redwood City Grammar School … Read more

Biography of Ralston H. Penniman

Ralston H. Penniman, one of Plainfield’s most able farmers and prominent residents, was born in this town, which is in the north-western part of Sullivan County, January 9, 1819, son of Thomas and Dorinda W. (Wood) Penniman. He comes of substantial Colonial stock of English extraction, being a lineal descendant of one of the very early settlers on the shores of Massachusetts Bay; namely, James Penniman, who, with his wife, Lydia Eliot, and her brother, John Eliot, of honored memory as the apostle to the Indians, arrived on the ship “Lion” in 1631. The family name, it is said, was … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Putney

Charles E. Putney, a farmer of high standing in Webster, N.H., is a native of that place. He was born June 10, 1827, the son of Stephen and Sallie (Eastman) Putney. His father, who was born February 12, 1765, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serving in 1780 and 1781. He afterward purchased the farm where Charles E. now lives, and settled down there. He was married three times, first to Sallie E. Eastman, of Hopkinton, who died in 1809; second to Susan Eastman, who died in September, 1820; and then to Sallie Eastman, who died April 6, 1867, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clarence M. Doxsee

The abstract of title business is one of the most important lines of activity in Redwood City, county seat of San Mateo County, and many of Redwood’s most reputable residents are engaged in this work. Standing out among them is Clarence M. Doxsee, manager of the George H. Rice Abstract Company, who has directed this pioneer firm for the last ten years. Mr. Doxsee came to California from Iowa where he had considerable experience in abstract work and since then he has been associated with the George H. Rice Abstract Company. Under his competent management this firm which was started … Read more

Biography of John J. Jenness

John J. Jenness, a well-to-do farmer of Pittsfield, was born in this town, April 13, 1829, son of John and Ann P. (Tilton) Jenness. The family, which is of English origin, was first represented in America by three brothers who were early settlers of Rye Beach, N.H. John Jenness (first), grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born at Rye Beach, and reared to agricultural pursuits. When a young man, he settled in Pittsfield, and was afterward engaged in tilling the soil in this town until his death, which occurred when he was forty-four years old. He rendered substantial … Read more

Biography of James Madison Jones

James Madison Jones, the popular and efficient station agent of the Concord & Montreal Railroad at Concord, was born at Deerfield, N.H., April 26, 1833, son of James and Hannah L. (Marston) Jones. Jacob Jones, his grandfather, a native of Pittsfield, N.H., kept a successful clock and gunsmith shop in his native town for many years. He had a high local reputation as a mechanic, and he lived to a good old age. James Jones, who was born in Pittsfield, N.H., inherited his father’s mechanical talent. He took up and continued the paternal business of making and repairing clocks and … Read more

Biography of Anthony K. Lane

Anthony K. Lane, one of the best known residents of Chichester, was born in this town, December 15, 1812, son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Tuck) Lane. His great-grandfather, Deacon Joshua Lane, who was born in Hampton Falls, N.H., followed agriculture in his native town, and died December 29, 1806. Jeremiah Lane (first), grandfather of Anthony K., was born in Hampton Falls, March 10, 1732. The active portion of his life was spent in farming; and he died June 21, 1806. He was a zealous church member and a Deacon. He wedded Mary Sanborn, daughter of Lieutenant Joseph Sanborn, and became … Read more

Biography of Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D.

Harvey Graves McIntire, M.D., formerly one of the leading physicians of Concord, was born in Lyndeboro, N.H., July 2, 1824, son of Elias and Elizabeth (Buxton) McIntire. Elias McIntire, son of Elias, Sr., and Bethiah (Hayward) McIntire, was a native of Reading, Mass., and belonged to one of the oldest families of that town. Removing to New Hampshire after marriage, he lived for a time in Amherst, and then settled in Lyndeboro. He followed the occupation of farmer throughout his active period, and was ninety-six years old when he died in Lyndeboro. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Phebe … Read more

Biography of Elbridge G. Little

Elbridge G. Little was born August 5, 1807. He obtained his preliminary education at Exeter, N.H., and graduated from the Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio. He attained eminence in his profession, and in New Lisbon, Wis., where his last years were passed, he was one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens. His wife, who was born November 4, 1809, was a daughter of Thomas and Judith (Dodge) Peabody, of the part of old Danvers, Mass., now known as Peabody. She was a sister of George Peabody, the wealthy and benevolent banker, who died in London, and who bequeathed to … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Peabody Little

Hon. George Peabody Little is an influential citizen of Pembroke, N.H. In his veins flows the blood of two old and reputable New England families, the Littles of Newbury, Mass., and the Peabodys of Danvers, the famous banker and philanthropist, George Peabody, having been his kinsman. Mr. Little was born in Pembroke, N.Y., June 20, 1834, a son of Dr. Elbridge G. and Sophronia Phelps (Peabody) Little. He is of the eighth generation of Littles in this country, tracing his descent from George Little, who settled in old Newbury, Mass., in 1640 or soon after. George Little was a tailor … Read more