Anthony K. Lane, one of the best known residents of Chichester, was born in this town, December 15, 1812, son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Tuck) Lane. His great-grandfather, Deacon Joshua Lane, who was born in Hampton Falls, N.H., followed agriculture in his native town, and died December 29, 1806. Jeremiah Lane (first), grandfather of Anthony K., was born in Hampton Falls, March 10, 1732. The active portion of his life was spent in farming; and he died June 21, 1806. He was a zealous church member and a Deacon. He wedded Mary Sanborn, daughter of Lieutenant Joseph Sanborn, and became the father of seven children.
Jeremiah Lane (second), Anthony K. Lane’s father, was born in Hampton Falls. In early life he settled in Chichester, where he cleared and improved a large farm. One of the most industrious residents of this town in his day, he became the owner of considerable property. In politics he was a Whig, and he served as a member of the Board of Selectmen. For his first wife he married Eunice Tilton, who bore him eight children, none of whom are living. His second wife, Hannah Tuck Lane, had three children, of whom Anthony K. is the sole survivor. She died at the age of seventy-one, while Jeremiah lived to be eighty years old. They were members of the Congregational Church of Chichester.
Anthony K. Lane attended school in Chichester. Since he reached his majority, he has carried on general farming. He owns one hundred acres of well-located land, forty acres of which is under cultivation. On it is an excellent orchard. He married Sally Yeaton, daughter of John Yeaton, of Epsom, N.H., and has reared four children; namely, John Y., Ann M., Albert C., and Frank T. John Y. married Clara Perkins, of Pittsfield, N.H., and has one daughter living-Evaline Z. Ann M. is now the widow of Charles H. Ordway, late of Concord, N.H., and has two children-Charles A. and Mabel A. Albert C. graduated from Long Island College Hospital at Brooklyn, N.Y., June 24, 1879. He practised his profession thirteen years in Billerica, Mass., and in 1892 settled in West Medford, where he now resides. He married Estella J. Davis, of Pittsfield; and his children are: Clarence G. and Sadie. Frank T. married Louise Batchelder, of Raymond, N.H., and has one daughter, Blanche. Mrs. Anthony K. Lane died at the age of seventy years.
In politics Mr. Lane is a Republican, and in religious belief he is a liberal. He has long occupied a leading position among the well-to-do farmers of Chichester, and is much respected by his fellow-townsmen.