Baptisms in the Village of Bergen in New Jersey 1683 -1685

  1683 No Date Child Parents Witness & Sponsors 120 bo. Feb. 21 Feytje Hertman Magielse Merritje Dirckse Braack 121 bp. Apr. 2 Frans Johannis Spier  Mareytje Franse Jan Aertsen van de Bilt, Annetje Ariaense Sips 122   Jan Gerrit van Reenen  Achtje Everts Hessel Wiggertse  Ariaentje Magielse, Y.W. 123   Rutje Mr. Samuel Edsall  Rutje Edsall1 Mr. Hans Kiersteede, Hertman Magielse, Catreyna Crigers, Hendrickje Wessels, wife of Mr. Aldert Anton 124   Ridsert Mr. Samuel Edsall  Rutje Edsall Same witnesses as above 125 bp. Aug. 25 Roelof Hendrick Epkese  Mareya Lubberse Lubbert Lubberse, the younger with his wife 126 … Read more

1738-9 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Hannah, dau. of Samll Lowell, Jan. 14. Ruth, dau. of Nathan Plumer, Feb. 4. Jacob, son of Joseph Gerrish, Feb. 11. Sarah, dau. of Eben Tenny, Feb. 18. Thomas, son of Benj. Stickney, jr., Feb. 25 Oliver, son of Stephen Stickney, Feb. 25

1739 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Joshua, son of Joshua Noyes, Apr. 22. Jedidiah, son of Samll Stickney, May 6. Eunice, dau. of Moses Hale, June 3. Benjamin, son of Samll Wallingford, June 10 John, son of Elkanah Lunt, June 10. Mary, dau. of Nathan Wheeler, jr., June 17, 1739. Joseph, son of Joseph Sweatt, June 24, 1739 John, son of Samll Searl, June 24, 1739. Ezekiel, son of Samll Northend, June 8. Silas, son of Caleb Burbank, July 29. Samuell, son of Moses Gerrish, Aug. 19. Sarah, dau. of Samll Lowell, Sept. 9. John, son of Jonathan Thurlo, Sept. 23. Dorothy, dau. of Dea. Samll … Read more

1740 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mehitabel, dau. of Samll Hovey, Apr. 6 Sarah, dau. of David Boynton, Apr. 6. Daniel Boynton and wife ownd ye Coyt ye Same Day. Mary, dau. of William Tenney, May 18. Mary, dau. of Lt. Samll Northend, July 27, 1740. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan Pearson, Sept. 7, 1740. Parker, son of Enoch Dole, Sept. 14. Ruth, dau. of Samll Searl, Oct. 5. Ann, dau. of Jonathan Pearson, jr., Oct. 19, 1740. Eunice, dau. of Jonathan Stickney, Oct. 26 Mary, dau. of John Danford, Oct. 26. Rufus, son of Moses Wheeler, Nov. 23. Mary, dau. of Joseph Mooers, Dec. 28.

1735 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Enos, son of Joshua Noyes, Mar. 30. Henry, son of Moses Gerrish, Apr.6. Benjamin, son of William Tenny, Apr. 20. Stevens, son of Roger Chase, May 4. Abigail, dau. of Dea. Samuel Moodey, May 7, 1735. David, son of John Boynton, June 8, 1735 Jonathan, son of John Bayley, June 8, 1735. Bartholomew, son of Bartholomew Pearson, June 29, 1735. Moses, son of Andrew Duty, Aug. 31, 1735 Elizabeth, dau. of Moses Hale, Aug. 31, 1735 Elizabeth, dau. of James Calf, Aug. 31, 1735. Samuel, son of Stephen Hidden, Sept. 20, James, son of Andrew Stickney, Sept. 28 William, son … Read more

1735-6 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mary, dau. of Joseph Gerrish, Jan. 4, 1735-6 Mercoy, dau. of Samll Lull, Jan. 4, 1735-6. Hepzibah, dau. of Samll Killburn, Jan. 11. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Burpe, Feb. 15. Joseph, son of David Woodman, Feb. 29. Sarah, dau. of Edmund Cheney, Feb. 7 John, son of Elkanah Lunt, Feb. 7. Judith, dau. of Richard Stuartt, Mar. 14

1736 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mary, dau. of John Plumer, Apr. 18. Samuell, son of the Widow Sarah Adams, May 16 Abigail, dau. of Joseph Noyes, May 16. Samuell, son of Jonathan Stickney, May 30, 1736. Mehitabel, dau. of Ens. Benj. Pearson, June 13, 1736. Sarah, dau. of Samll Jewett July 18 Elizabeth, dau. of Aaron Dresser, July 18. Samuel, son of Nathn Dumer, July 25. Samuell, son of Dea. Samll Moody, Sept. 5, 1736. Jedidiah, son of Joseph Russell, Sept. 12. Richard, son of William Tenney, Oct. 3. Samuel, son of James Calf, Dec. 12 Bethya, dau. of Jno. Danford, jr., Dec. 12. Sarah, … Read more

1736-7 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, son of Joshua Noyes, Jan. 16. Sarah, dau. of James Lacount, Jan. 23. Rebecca, dau. of Nathan Wheeler, Feb. 13 Mary, dau. of Timo. Jackman, Feb. 13. Benjamin, son of Benj. Stickney, jr., Mar. 6, 1736-7. Samuel, son of Samll Wallingford, Apr. 16. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Pearson, Feb. 27, 1736-7

1737 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

A child of Samuell Stickney, June 5. Elizabeth, dau. of Moses Hale, jr., July 17 Sarah, dau. of John Stewart, July 17. Joseph, son of Samuell Poor, July 24 Samuell, son of Jonathan Thurlo, July 24. Samuell, son of David Woodman, Aug. 21, 1737. Pheebe, dau. of Samll Dickinson, jr., Sept. 11 Sarah, dau. of Samll Hovey, Sept. 11. Oliver, son of Aaron Dresser, Sept. 18. Elizabeth, dau. of Andrew Duty, Oct. 2. Moses, son of Humphry Pierce, Oct. 9 Luke, son of Caleb Burbank, Oct. 9. Jane, dau. of Moses Wheeler, Oct. 30. Sarah, dau. of Benj. Plumer, Nov. … Read more

1733 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, son of Andrew Stickney, Apr. 8. Betty, dau. of Samll Jewett, Apr. 29, 1733 Jane, dau. of Moses Wheeler, Apr. 29, 1733 Judith, dau. of Eben Tenney, July 1 Johnson, son of Jno. Stewart, July 1. Hephsibah, dau. of Samuell Poor, July 22, 1733 John, son of John Dumer, esq., Aug. 12. A child of Jno. Lull, July 29, 1733 Martha, dau. of Nathan Plumer, Aug. 26. Judith, dau. of Benjamin Pearson, Sept. 23, 1733 John, son of Edmund Cheney, Sept. 23, 1733 Benj., son of Stephen Hidden, Sept. 23, 1733 Judith, dau. of Dea. Samll Moodey, Sept. 30, … Read more

1734 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Hannah, dau. of Samll Stickney, Mar. 31. Nathan, son of Nathan Wheeler, jr., Apr. 14 Eliza, dau. of Richard Stewart, Apr. 14. Lemuel, son of Joseph Noyes, Apr. 21. Mehitabel, dau. of Benj. Thurston, Aug.15, 1734. Esther, dau. of Tim°. Jackman, Sept. 15. Jonathan, son of Jonathan Stickney, Nov. 17, 1734. A child of Jonathan Thurlo, Nov. 10. Samuell, son of Samuell Wallingford, Nov. 24, 1734. Oliver, son of Samell Dickinson, jr., Dec. 29, 1734

1734-5 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Samuell, son of John Hopkinson, Jan. 5. William, son of Nathaniel Dumer, Jan. 12. Nathan, son of Lt. Stephen Longfellow, Jan. 19, 1734-5. Benj., son of Benj. Stickney, jr., Jan. 26. Mary, dau. of Abraham Brown, Feb. 16 Enoch, son of John Stewartt, Feb. 16. Sarah, dau. of Richard Lowell, jr., Mar. 9, 1734-5

1732 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Mary, dau. of Samuell Wallingford, Apr. 16, 1732. Sarah, dau. of Dea. Samuell Moodey, June 11, 1732. Hannah, dau. of William Tenney, June 18, 1732. John, son of John Bailey, Aug. 13. Eliz., dau. of Lieut. Longfellow, Aug. 20 Oliver, son of Samuell Dole, Aug. 20. Susanna, dau. of Samll Lull, Sept. 3 Samuell, son of Jonathan Thurlo, Sept. 3. Phebe, dau. of Jonathan Pearson, Oct. 8. Mary, dau. of Bartholomew Pearson, Nov. 12, 1732. Jacob, son of Jedidiah Pearson, Nov .26. Enoch, son of Moses Gerrish, Dec. 3. Abigail, dau. of Abraham Brown, Dec. 7

1730 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Sarah, dau. of Bartholomew Pearson, Apr. 5, 1730 Lydia, dau. of Jonathan Thirston, Apr. 5, 1730. William, son of William Searl, Apr. 12. Ann, dau. of Benj. Plumer, May 10 Samuell, son of Samll Emmerson, May 10. Aaron, son of Aaron Plumer, May 24 Eunice, dau. of Wm. Tenney, May 24. Moses, son of Thomas Lull, June 7 Hannah, dau. of Joseph Russell, June 7. Nathan, son of Thomas Burpe, July 26. Bethya, dau. of Joseph Goodridge, jr., Aug. 23, 1730. Abel, son of Nathan Plumer, Sept. 6. William, son of Lt. Jno. Spafford, Oct. 18. Miriam, dau. of John … Read more

1730-1 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Lydia, dau. of John Lull, Jan. 3, 1730-1 Moses, son of Moses Wheeler, Jan. 3, 1730-1 Martha, dau. of Abner Todd, Jan. 17 Joseph, son of Moses Gerrish, Jan. 17. Moses, son of Jonathan Spafford, Jan. 24. Benjamin, son of David Woodman, Feb. 21, 1730-1 Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Dumer, Feb. 21, 1730-1 Mary, dau. of Samll Moodey, Feb. 21, 1730-1 A child each of Jonathan Pearson, Joshua Noyes and Samll Herreman, Mar. __, 1731. Sarah, dau. of Samuell Hazen, Apr. 11. Eliza, dau. of William Adams, Apr. 25 Eunice, dau. of Elkanah Lunt, Apr. 25. Katharine, dau, of John … Read more

1731-2 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Beamsly, son of John Plumer, Jan. 2. Mehitabel, dau. of Joshua Boynton, jr., Jan. 9, 1731-2. William, son of Jonathan Stickney, Jan. 22, 1731-2. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Thurston, Mar. 5 Moses, son of Moses Hale, Mar. 5.

1714-5 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, son of Jonathan Spafford, Jan. 2. Samuell, son of Jno. Brocklebank, Jan. 9. Moses, son of Pror Joseph Hale, Jan. 23. John, son of Samll Kenney, Jan. 30. Hephsibah, dau. of Benjamin Plumer, jr., Mar. 6, 714-5 Moses, son of John Noyes, Mar. 13, 1714-5 Sarah, dau. of Thomas Colman, Mar. 13, 1714-5 Ann, dau. of Sam’ Goodridge, Mar. 13, 1714-5 A child of Judah Colman, Mar. 20