1729 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

David, son of Nicholas Cheney, Mar. 30. Jonah, son of Jonathan Spafford, Apr. 20. John, son of John Lull, jr., May 4. Sarah, dau. of Moses Gerrish, June 22. Sarah, dau. of Joseph Danford, June 29. Susanna, dau. of Joseph Noyes, July 13. Hannah, dau. of Jonathan Pearson, July 20, 1729. David, son of Nathan Wheeler, jr., Aug. 3, 1729. Samuell, son of Samuell Moody, Sept. 28. Stephen, son of Nathll Danford, Oct. 5. Susanna, dau. of Amos Pilsbury, Dec. 18

1726 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Abigail, dau. of Daniell Plumer, Apr. 3. Shubael, son of Nathanll Dumer, Apr. 10 Elizabeth, dau. of Lyonel Chute, Apr. 10. William, son of John Boynton, May 1. Mary, dau. of Nathan Plumer, May 29. Joseph and Benjamin, sons of Richard Woodberry, June 26, 1726. Nathan, son of Benjamin Woodman, July 3, 1726. Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Brocklebank, July 31, 1726 Joseph, son of Joseph Russell, July 31, 1726 Molly, dau. of David Pearson, July 31, 1726. Oliver, son of David Boynton, Aug. 28, 1726 James, son of Amos Foster, Aug. 28, 1726. Ebenezer, Hannah and Sarah, children of Jno. … Read more

1726-7 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

David, son of James Chute, Jan. 1. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Broadstreet, Jan. 15, 1726-7. Samuell, son of Samll Hazzen, Feb. 5. My son William Hale, Feb. 26. Mehitabell, dau. of Nathanll Herreman, Mar. 12, 1726-7 Samuell, son of Jonathan Thurston, Mar. 12, 1726-7

1727 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Sarah, dau. of Andrew Stickney, Apr. 16. Samuell, son of Samuell Wallingford, Apr. 23, 1727. Abigail, dau. of Stephen Longfellow, , May 28 Enoch, son of John Hereman, May 28. Mary, dau. of Amos Pilsbury, June 4. William, son of Aaron Plumer, July 2. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wicom, Aug. 6. Mary, dau. of Samuell Dole, Sept. 18. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Noyes, Oct. 1. Enoch, son of Joseph Goodridge, jr., Oct. 15, 1727. Jane, dau. of William Searl, Oct. 22 John, son of Bartholomew Pearson, Oct. 22. Abraham, son of Eleazer Burbank, Nov. 19, 1727 Boston, an Indian servant … Read more

1727-8 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

John, Jonathan and Mary, children of John Hopkinson, Jan. 7, 1727-8 Benjamin, son of Benjamin Poor, Jan. 7, 1727-8 Ebenezer, son of Joseph Russell, Jan. 7, 1727-8. James Calf, adult person, Jan. 14. Eunice, dau. of Nathan Plumer, Feb. 4. Sarah, dau. of John Brocklebank, Mar.17. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel Clark, Mar. 24, 1727-8

1728 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Hannah Clough, adult person, Mar. 31 Martha, dau. of Josiah Smith, Mar. 31. William, son of Samuel Moodey, Apr. 14. Samuell, son of Samuell Jewett, Apr. 28, 1728 Mingo, a negro man, Apr. 28, 1728 Betty, an Indian woman servant of Abra. Adams, Apr. 28, 1728. Elizabeth, dau. of Danll Plumer, May 19, 1728 Flora, a negro servant of Govr. Dumer, May 19, 1728 Grace, a negro servant of Richard Dumer, May 19, 1728. Mary, a negro maid living at Benj. Woodman’s, June 9, 1728. John Boynton’s child, Aug. 4, 1728 William Tenney’s child, Aug. 4, 1728 Sarah, dau. of … Read more

1728-9 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Ebenezer, son of Richard Stewart, Jan. 5. Samuel, son of David Woodman, Jan. 12 Gershom, son of Thomas Wicom, Jan. 12. Margarett, dau. of Samll Hazzen, Jan. 26. Stephen, son of Benj. Woodman, and Stephen, son of Jonathan Thurston, Feb. 23. Stephen, son of William Adams, Mar. 16. John, son of Joseph Nelson, Mar. 23

1729-30 Byfield Massachusetts Parish Records Baptisms

Nathan, son of Moses Hale, Jan. 25. Aphia, dau. of Samuell Dole, Feb. 1, 1729-30 Daniell, son of Daniell Plumer, Feb. 1, 1729-30 John, son of Elkana Lunt, Feb. 1, 1729-30 Mark, son of John Plumer, Mar. 1. Nero, a negro servant of John Plumer, Mar. 15, 1729-30. Joseph, son of Samuell Wallingford, Mar. 22, 1729-30

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia

Jerusalem Lutheran Church

Church Records of Old Ebenezer Church Georgia: Built in Effingham County, GA in 1767 – 69 by Lutheran Protestants who came to Georgia in 1734 after being exiled from Catholic Salzburg in Europe, the church is officially named Jerusalem Church. It stands on the site of a wooden building probably erected soon after the congregation moved from Old Ebenezer to New Ebenezer in 1738. During the Revolution the British used the Church as a hospital and stable and the metal swan on the belfry still bears a bullet hole. Though the town of Ebenezer no longer exists the Church has an active congregation of about 450 members. It’s original congregation came from St. Anna’s Lutheran Church in Augsburg, Germany. The Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the oldest surviving intact building in Georgia. This collection contains the baptismal, marriage and death records from Old Ebenezer Church dating from the years 1754-1781.

Old Ebenezer Church, Effingham County GA – 1759 Baptisms

Elizabeth, child of Christopher Rotenberger and his wife Elizabeth, was born Jan. 16, 1759, and baptized the same day. Sponsors were Hans Schmidt and his wife Juliana. Christiana, child of Matthew Wuest and his wife, was born Jan. 26, 1759 in the morning, and baptized on the 31st. Sponsors were John Michael Bormann and Mary Eva his wife, Frederick Treutlen and his wife Margaret. Ann, child of George Heck and his wife Mary, was born Jan. 13, 1759 in Haberkorn, and baptized the 31st. Sponsors were John Goebel and Anna Barbara his wife. John Gottlieb, child of John George Schneider … Read more