Biographical Sketch of F. J. Abernathy

Last Updated on May 24, 2013 by Dennis

Mr. Abernathy, of Bonham, was born in Giles County Tennessee, in 1834. He came to this state in 1862, and followed the business of school teaching for twelve consecutive years. In 1878, he was appointed as Notary public in this county, in conjunction with which he at once opened a real estate business. Mr. Abernathy is a prompt and reliable businessman, and thoroughly understands his business. , In his real estate transactions, he confines himself to this county, and is well posted on real estate values, land titles, and everything pertaining to the real estate line. His work as Notary is carefully and neatly done.

A natural physical deformity renders it impossible for him to perform any manual labor, but the cheerfulness, with which he bears his deformity, and his promptness and efficiency in business, makes one loose sight of it.

He can be found at any time during the day in his neat little office in the North West Corner of the Court House yard.



Carter, W. A. History of Fannin County, Texas — History, Statistics and Biographies. Business Cards, and a Complete Directory of the County. 1885.

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