Biography of Dr. Wesley B. Wasson

DR. WESLEY B. WASSON. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. When a physician combines these characteristics it is with great pleasure that we record his life-work, and such a man do we find in Dr. Wesley B. Wasson. Although but just starting on his career in the medical profession, this young physician and surgeon has already become prominent … Read more

Biography of Zach T. Wasson

ZACH T. WASSON, Point Peter, Arkansas Of that sturdy and independent class, the farmers and stockmen of Arkansas, none are possessed of more genuine merit and a stronger character than he whose name stands at the head of this sketch. He has risen to a more than ordinary degree of success in his calling, and wherever known is conceded to be an energetic and progressive tiller of the soil, imbued with all those qualities of go aheadativeness which have characterized his ancestors. He was born at the old homestead, a son of Eli Jackson and Angeline (Vorhies) Wasson, natives of … Read more

Wasson, Thomas H. – Obituary

Thomas H. Wasson was born near St. Louis, Missouri, June 8, 1854, and died at his home in Union September 17, 1923, age 69 years, 3 months and 9 days. Coming west in 1885, he settled in Warner, Idaho, where he worked in the mine for ten years. He was twice married. To the first union five children were born On January 4, 1904, he was again married to Miss Ermina B. Coffinberry, of Union. He is survived by his widow and the five children already mentioned. The family moved to Union County in 1914, which has been his home … Read more

Wasson, Elva McClintic Nading – Obituary

Mrs. Elva Wasson, wife of Otis Wasson of Flat Rock, died at the W. S. Major hospital at 10:40 o’clock this morning [January 5, 1950]. She had been in a serious condition since becoming ill three weeks ago. A native of Newbern, Mrs. Wasson had resided in Shelby county since childhood. She was born in 1880 and was the daughter of Elisha and Nellie (Parks) McClintic. Her marriage to Mr. Wasson took place in September 1946. Surviving with the husband are four children, Mrs. Grace Emerick, Ralph Nading and Lloyd Harrell of Flat Rock and Mrs. Iva Mae Harris of … Read more

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, NY

Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties New York

In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, … Read more

Biography of Owen C. Wasson

Owen C. Wasson. Because of the success which had attended his efforts, his commercial soundness and acumen, his spirit of public helpfulness and his good citizenship, the career of Owen C. Wasson, of Peru, offers an encouraging example of prosperity and position gained through a proper utilization of ordinary opportunities. Since entering upon his independent life, numerous vocations have attracted the activities of Mr. Wasson, but he had made steady advancement in each, and is now the proprietor of a well-established hardware and implement business at Peru and one of the city’s substantial business citizens. Mr. Wasson was born on … Read more

Biography of John Wasson

John Wasson, of Chino, is most widely known as an editor, but this accomplishment has been rather an incident than a design in his career. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, August 20, 1833, on a farm. He received such education as the very common country schools afforded. Attendance on school was secondary to farm work in summer, and to some extent in winter. He was dissatisfied with farm life, but was notably a good worker with all farming implements. At the age of nineteen he went to California; spent 1852-’53 in the mines of El Dorado County. Sickness … Read more

Early Settlers of Ralls County, Missouri

1930 Map of Ralls County, Missouri

The manuscript “Early Settlers of Ralls County, Missouri” compiled by Eunice Moore Anderson in 1951 serves as a valuable resource for those tracing their family genealogy in Ralls County. Divided into three parts, the compilation focuses on documenting early settlers prior to 1878, drawing from sources such as county atlases and historical records spanning Marion, Ralls, Pike Counties, and beyond. While not aiming to provide a comprehensive history, Anderson’s work catalogues pioneer families, offering insights into their origins, migration dates to Ralls County, and family connections. This structured approach, supplemented by an alphabetical index, aids researchers in navigating through ancestral records and locating further detailed information within related historical volumes.