Biography of George Gibert Tait

Vice-president of Tait Brothers, the large Springfield concern dealing in milk, cream, condensed milk and ice cream, is the third son of James and Mary Laurentine (Decatur) Tait. He was born in Chicopee, Massachusetts, November 5, 1872, and received his education in the schools of his native city. He was graduated from the grammar school and attended the high school for three years. Upon the completion of his studies he entered the employ of his uncle, George C. Tait, a milk dealer, with whom his brother, Harry J., was employed already, and has risen through successive posts to the vice-presidency … Read more

Biography of Frank Decatur Tait

As treasurer of Tait Brothers, of Springfield, Massachusetts, one of the largest and best known milk businesses in the country, is a prominent citizen of a town where his family has long played an important part in economic development The American progenitor was George Tait, born in Paisley, Scotland, about 1795, who settled for a time in Montreal, where he pursued his trade of tailoring, then in Terrebonne County, Canada, where he farmed until his death in 1878. His son, James Tait, born in St. Sophia, Terrebonne County, Canada, in 1839, died in Chicopee, Massachusetts, January 22, 1880. He established … Read more

Biography of Roderick H. Tait

Roderick H. Tait, president of the Tait & Nordmeyer Engineering Company of St. Louis, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 31, 1866, and is a son of George and Cynthia A. (Tupper) Tait. The father, now deceased, was a native of Scotland and a cabinet-maker by trade. During the last twenty years of his life he was a resident of Halifax. His wife, a native of Canada, was born in Nova Scotia, and is still living. Their family numbered nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whom Roderick H. was the third In order of birth. In the … Read more

Biography of Harry Joshua Tait

President of Tait Brothers, ice cream manufacturers of Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Chicopee, Massachusetts, August 27, 1867. His father was James and his mother Mary Laurentine (Decatur) Tait. Mr. Tait attended the schools of Chicopee and afterwards continued his studies at Westford Academy for a year. His school days over he engaged in farming for a time and also in market gardening; but did not find either to his liking. His father sold his milk business to another son, George C. Tait, and Harry Joshua Tait entered the employ of his brother, selling milk to private families. Many other … Read more

Rough Riders

Rough Riders

Compiled military service records for 1,235 Rough Riders, including Teddy Roosevelt have been digitized. The records include individual jackets which give the name, organization, and rank of each soldier. They contain cards on which information from original records relating to the military service of the individual has been copied. Included in the main jacket are carded medical records, other documents which give personal information, and the description of the record from which the information was obtained.