Biography of James J. Stanley

A pioneer of this country before Wallowa County had a separate political existence, entrusted frequently with the duties and responsibilities of public office by his fellows, a prominent figure in the county today, and one who has assisted materially in up building the same and in its substantial advancement, the subject of this sketch is deserving of especial mention, since also he is one of those brave and self-sacrificing men who left home and loved ones for the field of bloodshed and carnage of war, when the flag of freedom was attacked by the minions of treason, and there he … Read more

Stanley, Mary E. – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Born in Newton Falls, OH, April 20, 1841 five years before the beginning of the Mexican war, she still retained faint recollections of those long ago times. Her girlhood was spent in front of the fire place, before the stove, the lamp or sewing machine were heard of. In the year 1868 at the age of 27 years, Mary E. Strock was united in marriage to James J. Stanley, a veteran of the Civil war. A year later they became residents of Gold Hill, Boulder County, Colorado. Here her two children were born. In 1883 the family came … Read more

Massacre at Howard’s Well and Other Depredations – Indian Wars

Closely following the outbreak of the Cherokees and half -breed renegades at Whitemore‘s, Barren Fork, came on attack by a similar party of Indians, half breeds, and Mexicans combined, on a train of supplies, en route to Fort Stockton, at Howard’s Well, near old Fort Lancaster. The facts of this one of the most inhuman massacres in history were reported to the “War Department, by Col. Merritt, through General Angua, under date of April 29th, 1872. We give the report as written: On the 20th inst, I arrived with the cavalry of my command at Howard’s Well, a few hours too … Read more