Genealogy of the Cherokee Raper Family
Instructions on how to interpret this information 11 Edward Butler. Elizabeth Jane Nivens, Elizabeth Keys nee 1112 Jennie Elizabeth Butler. McCoy Smith ______ 2 Mannie Garrett Butler. Anna Carter OK 3 Sarah Butler. Benjamin Porter and John W. Sanders 4 Tooka Butler. Clarence William Turner 5 Robert Lee Butler. Caroline Lindsey 111213 Edward Butler Smith. Etta Word 2 Walter Duncan Smith OK 3 Juliette Taylor Smith 4 Wilson Nevins Smith 5 Mannie Garrett Smith Jessie Watson 6 May Smith 7 Junie Smith 8 Jennie Elizabeth Smith 112213 Elizabeth Butler 2 Fountain Crabtree Butler OK 3 Sammie Butler 113213 Nina Porter* … Read more