Casey Co., Ky

CASEY CO. (R.L. Nesbitt) While slavery existed in Casey Co., as in other counties of the State, before the Civil War, there are no negroes living the the county today who were born into slavery; and very few white people who can remember customs, incidents, or stories of the old slavery days. It is known that the first slaves in the county were those brought here from Virginia by the early white settlers of the county; and that until they were given their freedom, the slaves were well cared for and kindly treated. They lived in comfortable cabins on the … Read more

Biography of Charles Rudolph Nesbitt

Although one of the younger representatives of the legal fraternity of Miami, his years seem no bar to the progress of Charles Rudolph Nesbitt, who has already attained a clientele and a reputation that many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born at Colony, Kansas, May 24, 1892, his parents being Frank W. and Mary (Halley) Nesbitt, both natives of Ohio. They removed from that state to Kansas, in which the father followed the occupation of farming. In religious faith he was a Methodist and his demise occurred in 1892. The youngest in a family of five children, … Read more