Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee

1836 Map of Cocke County, Tennessee

“Over the Misty Blue Hills: The Story of Cocke County, Tennessee,” written by Ruth Webb O’Dell and published in 1951, provides a historical account of Cocke County. The book covers various aspects of Cocke County’s history, including its political, social, religious, and industrial developments. The contents are divided into several detailed sections: the political history of Cocke County, the significance of local names, the natural resources and setting, early settlers, religious history, industrial development, and notable figures from the county. Additionally, it delves into specific family histories, offering insights into the lives of many influential families such as the Allens, Burnetts, Huff, McMahan, and many others.

Abstracts of Wills on File in the City of New York Surrogate’s Office 1660-1680

Sample Last Will and Testament

Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate’s office city of New York 1660-1680. From May 1787 to the present, county surrogate’s courts have recorded probates. However, the court of probates and court of chancery handled estates of deceased persons who died in one county but who owned property in another. An 1823 law mandated that all probates come under the jurisdiction of the county surrogate’s courts. Each surrogate’s court has a comprehensive index to all probate records, including the unrecorded probate packets. Interestingly enough, there are wills existing and on record at the Surrogate’s Office in New York City for the time-span of 1660-1680. Genealogical extracts of these wills have been provided below.

Will of Thomas Morell – 1670

THOMAS MORELL, Staten Island. Leaves to Robert Semson, of Gravesend, Long Island, “a colt, now in ye hands of Christian Woolf of Gravesend.” To Mr. Nicholas Stillwell, of Staten Island, “all other things and goods that belong to me.” Dated May 2, 1670. Witnesses, Obadiah Holmes, John Kingdom. LIBER 1-2, page 65