The Cox family in America

The Cox family in America

Two volumes of Cox family genealogy combined as one. The first volume contains information about the various early Cox families across America. The second volume deals specifically with the descendants of James and Sarah Cock of Killingworth upon Matinecock, in the township of Oysterbay, Long Island, New York.

Cassell, April Easter, Mrs. – Obituary

April, 55, passed away peacefully on the morning of May 19 due to complication associated with ovarian cancer. She was born in Aberdeen, Wash. and was the third of five close-knit children. She graduated from Montesano High School in 1972 as class valedictorian and from Washington State University, cum laude, in 1976 with a B.A. in Business Administration and specialty in Accounting. While at WSU she participated in a variety of collegiate activities including membership in Alpha Delta Pi sorority, rowing crew, and working as a teaching assistant. Upon graduation, April became a respected accountant and worked as a CPA … Read more

1918 Warren County Farmers’ Directory – C Surnames

Abbreviations Used in this Directory a–Acres; Ch — Children; O–Owner; T–Tenant or Renter; R –Rural Route; Sec-Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses (); figures at end of information–year became resident of county. Star (*) indicates children not at home. Name of farm follows names of children in quotations marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner’s name follows the figures giving size of farm. Example: ABBEY, William L. (Lena Riggs) Martha and Cora Abbey, Mother and Sister; Kirkwood R1 Tompking Sec8-5 T80a H.M. Abbey Est. (1886) Tel. Farmers’ Line Kirkwood MEANS ABBEY, William L. – … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. D. Cassell

J. D. Cassell, proprietor Cassell’s Restaurant, Mattoon; was born in Montgomery Co., Penn., A. D. 1827; until he was 17 or 18 years of age, he passed his life upon the farm, deriving his education mostly from the common schools; in 1854, he came West to Jennings Co., Ind., where he remained one year; he then went to Crawfordsville, Ind., and was a student in Wabash College a short time; he next engaged in the merchant tailoring business there for two or three years; leaving Crawfordsville, he next located in South Bend, remaining one year; in the fall of 1859, … Read more