South Dakota Indian Agencies and Schools

Last Updated on August 1, 2013 by Dennis

Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state.  Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.

Canton Insane Asylum, South Dakota
Post-office: Canton, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Canton, South Dakota; Postal and Western Union, 2 miles from asylum; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Canton, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; distance, 2 miles.

Cheyenne River Agency and School, South Dakota
Post-office: Cheyenne Agency, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Gettysburg, South Dakota; Western Union, 20 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Gettysburg, South Dakota, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; hence stage daily, except Sunday, 20 miles.

Cherry Creek sub-agency.
Post-office; Cherry Creek, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 80 miles.

Day schools, Nos. 1, 5, and 7.
Post-office: White Horse, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 65, 55, and 40 miles, respectively.

Day school, No. 8.
Post-office: Cherry Creek, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 80 miles.

Thunder Butte day school.
Post-office: Thunder Butte, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 90 miles.

Thunder Butte sub-agency.
Post-office: Thunder Butte, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 90 miles.

White Horse sub-agency.
Post-office: White Horse, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: By team from agency, 40 miles.

Crow Creek Agency and School, South Dakota.
Post-office: Crow Creek, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Chamberlain, South Dakota; Western Union, 25 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station; Chamberlain, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence stage daily, except Sunday; 25 miles. Or Highmore, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 38 miles. River route from Chamberlain in summer for freight only.

Immaculate Conception mission school.
Post-office: Stephan, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Highmore, South Dakota; Western Union.
Railroad station: Highmore, South Dakota, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy. thence stage, tri-weekly, 22 miles; from agency, 16 miles.

Flandreau School, South Dakota
Post-office: Flandreau, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Flandreau, South Dakota; Western Union, ¾ mile from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Flandreau, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; school, 1 mile from station. Or Eagan, South Dakota, via Sioux City; thence hired team, 5 miles.

Lower Brule School, South Dakota
Post-office: Lower Brule, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Chamberlain, South Dakota; Western Union, 30 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Reliance, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence stage daily, except Sunday, 16 miles.

Pierre School, South Dakota
Post-office: Pierre, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Pierre, South Dakota; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone. Railroad station: Pierre, South Dakota, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 2 miles.

Pine Ridge Agency and School, South Dakota
Post-office: Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Rushville, Nebraska; Western Union, 25 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Rushville, Nebraska, on Northwestern Rwy.; thence daily stage, 25 miles. Or Chadron, Nebraska, on same road; thence hired team, 32 miles.

Day schools Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 28.
Post-office: Pine Ridge, South Dakota Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 5 to 30 miles.

Day schools Nos. 7, 8.
Post-office: Manderson, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 15 and 16 miles, respectively.

Day schools Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12.
Post-office: Manderson, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, to Manderson, 18 miles; thence hired team, ½ to 15 miles. Or Gordon; thence hired team, 45 to 55 miles.

Day school No. 14.
Post-office: Lacreek, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Merriman, Nebraska, on Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 14 miles.

Day schools Nos. 13, 15, 16.
Post-office: Porcupine, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage to Porcupine, 28 miles; thence hired team, 5, 13, ½ miles, respectively. Or Gordon; thence hired team, 52, 45, and 40 miles, respectively.

Day school No. 17.
Post-office: Kyle, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage to Porcupine, 28 miles; thence hired team, 12 miles. Or Merriman; thence stage to Kyle, 45 miles; thence hired team, 5 miles.

Day schools Nos. 18, 19, 29.
Post-office: Kyle, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage to Porcupine, 28 miles; thence hired team, 17 miles, to Kyle; thence hired team, 34, 5, and 3 miles, respectively. Or Merriman; thence stage to Kyle, 45 miles; thence hired team, as above.

Day schools Nos. 20, 21, 22.
Post-office: Allen, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Merriman; thence stage to Allen, 30 miles; thence hired team, 7, 3, 13 miles, respectively. Or agency; thence stage and team via Allen, 57, 53, 65 miles, respectively.

Day school No. 23.
Post-office: Kyle, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Merriman; thence stage to Kyle, 45 miles; thence hired team, 15 miles. Or agency to Kyle by stage; thence hired team; or Interior, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 15 miles.

Day school No. 24.
Post-office: Allen, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Kadoka, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 22 miles. Or Merriman to Allen by stage; thence hired team, 25 miles; or agency to Allen.

Day school No. 31.
Post-office: Gamble, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Merriman; thence tri-weekly stage to Gamble, 22 miles.

Holy Rosary Mission School.
Post-office: Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 4 miles.

Medicine Root sub-agency.
Post-office: Kyle, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Merriman, Nebraska, on Northwestern Rwy; thence stage, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 45 miles. Or Gordon, Nebraska, same road; thence hired team, 50 miles; or agency; thence stage to Porcupine, 28 miles; thence hired team, 17 miles.

Pass Creek sub-agency.
Post-office: Allen, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency
Railroad station: Merriman, Nebraska; thence stage, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 30 miles. Or agency; thence hired team, 50 miles.

Porcupine sub-agency.
Post-office: Porcupine, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Agency; thence stage, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 28 miles. Or Gordon, Nebraska; thence hired team, 40 miles.

Wakpamni sub-agency.
Post-office: Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency.

White Clay sub-agency.
Post-office: Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence hired team, 18 miles.

Wounded Knee sub-agency.
Post-office: Manderson, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Via agency.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence stage, Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, 18 miles. Or Gordon, Nebraska; thence hired team, 40 miles.

Rapid City School, South Dakota
Post-office: Rapid City, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Rapid City, South Dakota; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Rapid City, South Dakota, on Chicago and Northwestern lines from east, north, and south; on Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Rwy. from east; from west by R. C. B. H. & W. Rwy., which connects with Burlington lines at Mystic, South Dakota School team daily from Rapid City to school, 2 miles.

Rosebud Agency, South Dakota
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Valentine, Nebraska; Western Union, 35 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Valentine, Nebraska, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence stage daily, except Sunday, 35 miles. Or Crookston, Nebraska, on same railroad; thence hired team, 25 miles.

Agency boarding school.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Valentine, Nebraska; thence telephone via agency.
Railroad station: Valentine, Nebraska; thence hired team, 30 miles. Or same as agency; thence 15 miles.

Thirteen day schools.
Post-office.: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: All reached by agency.
Railroad station: All via agency.

Big White River day school.
Post-office: Houston, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Kennebec, South Dakota, 17 miles from school; thence messenger, 4 hours.
Railroad station: Reliance, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 20 miles.

Big White River issue station.
Post-office: Oacoma, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reliance, South Dakota, 9 miles from issue station; thence messenger, 3 hours.
Railroad station: Same as above, 15 miles.

Black Pipe issue station.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Valentine, Nebraska; thence telephone to agency; thence messenger, 4 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 28 miles. Or Cody, Nebraska, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 35 miles.

Bull Creek day school.
Post-office: Dixon, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Dixon, South Dakota, 8 miles from school; thence messenger, 3 hours.
Railroad station: New Dallas, on the Bonesteel extension of the Chicago and Northwestern Rwy., 18 miles from the school.

Butte Creek day school.
Post-office: Wood, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 6 hours.
Railroad station: Via agency.

Butte Creek issue station.
Post-office: Wood, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 5 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 32 miles.

Cut Meat Creek issue station.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 2 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 12 miles.

Little Crow’s day school.
Post-office: Wood, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 7 hours.
Railroad station: Via agency.

Little White River issue station.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 4 hours.
Railroad station: Same as agency; thence 28 miles.

Milk s Camp day school.
Post-office: St. Charles, South Dakota
Telegraph address: St. Charles or Herrick, South Dakota; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Herrick, South Dakota, on the Bonesteel extension of the Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 7 miles.

Ponca Creek issue station.
Post-office: St. Charles, South Dakota
Telegraph address: St. Charles or Herrick, South Dakota; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Herrick, South Dakota, on the Bonesteel extension of the Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 7 miles.

St. Francis mission school.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 1½ hours.
Railroad station: Crookston, Nebraska, on Chicago and Northwestern Rwy.; thence hired team, 18 miles. Or same as agency; thence 8 miles.

St. Mary s mission school.
Post-office: Rosebud, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by telephone from agency.
Railroad station: Valentine, Nebraska; thence hired team, 30 miles. Or same as agency; thence 12 miles.

Spring Creek day school.
Post-office: Kilgore, Nebraska
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 3 hours.
Railroad station: Georgia, Nebraska; thence hired team, 10 miles. Or same as agency; thence 18 miles.

Whirlwind Soldier day school.
Post-office: Cavite, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 10 hours.
Railroad station: Murdo, South Dakota; thence hired team, 15 miles. Or same as agency; thence 50 miles.

White Thunder day school.
Post-office: Wood, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Reached by agency messenger, 4 hours.
Railroad station: Via agency.

Sisseton Agency, South Dakota
Post-office: Sisseton, South Dakota (R. F. D. No. 4.)
Telegraph address: Sisseton, South Dakota; Western Union, 10 miles from agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Peever, South Dakota; on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team, 5 miles. Or Sisseton, South Dakota; thence hired team, 10 miles.

Agency boarding school.
Post-office: Sisseton, South Dakota (R. F. D. No. 4.)
Telegraph address: Same as agency; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Peever, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence hired team 6½ miles. Or Sisseton, South Dakota; thence hired team, 8½ miles.

Springfield School, South Dakota
Post-office: Springfield, South Dakota Telegraph address: Springfield, South Dakota; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Springfield, South Dakota, on Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.

Yankton Agency and School, South Dakota
Post-office: Greenwood, South Dakota
Telegraph address: Wagner, South Dakota; Western Union, 16 miles from agency and school; thence telephone.
Railroad station: Wagner, South Dakota, on Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; thence daily stage (except Sunday), 16 miles.

History, Schools,

Department Of The Interior. Routes To Indian Agencies And Schools, Office Of Indian Affairs, Corrected To April 1, 1910. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1910.

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