Biography of Alexander M. Campbell Jr.

Alexander M. Campbell, Jr. Those who scan the pages of American history with a view of selecting the personages most deserving of attention in their day and generation because of lives which have been useful and inspiring to others, could not fail to mark the name of Campbell in the annals of Saline County, Kansas. It had been continuously identified with the county since 1858, when Alexander M. Campbell, father of the present bearer of that name, came herE and immediately became a vital factor in the development of this section. At the present time the family includes 400 individuals … Read more

Biography of Alexander Lewis

Alexander Lewis was identified with business and civic affairs at Lawrence from territorial times until his death on January 30, 1905. He was one of the fine characters of the university city and a man whose capable business judgment was marked by a benevolence and a kindly interest in the welfare of his community and his fellow man. He was born in Tompkins County, New York, November 13, 1830, and lived to be nearly seventy-five years of age. His parents were Luther and Mary (Sheldon) Lewis. His grandfather Luther Lewis was a native of Suffield, Connecticut, and moved from there … Read more

Biography of Alexander Jacob Waldraven

Alexander Jacob Waldraven. Among the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Riley County, Kansas, is Alexander Jacob Waldraven, who has spent more than half his life in this state. His remote ancestry was Pennsylvania Dutch, and no more solid and substantial people can be found, but for many years the Waldravens had lived in North Carolina. He was born in Stokes County, which was later divided forming Stokes and Forsythe counties in that state, April 15, 1839, and was reared on the farm of his father, John Henry Waldraven. Alexander Jacob Waldraven has led an agricultural life. After the … Read more

Biography of Alexander Carraway Spilman

Alexander Carraway Spilman, living at McPherson at the age of eighty, is one of the few survivors of the true pioneer epoch of Kansas. The range of his experience seems remarkable even for a man of his age. He was in Kansas as a witness and newspaper correspondent of the factional turbulence of territorial days. He is a civil engineer by profession and was a member of the United States surveying party which surveyed Kansas west of the sixth principal meridian in 1858. It is probable that he is the only living pioneer or the oldest settler west of that … Read more

Biography of Alexander Caldwell

Alexander Caldwell. Among the notable men in the history of Kansas, few are more deserving of perpetuation in its annals than is Alexander Caldwell. From the time when he came to Leavenworth, in the spring of 1861, until his recent retirement from the cares of active life, he was identified with events and movements that made Kansas history in numerous and diversified directions. A pioneer in the work of transporting military supplies to the army posts west of the Missouri River, with the coming of the railroads he turned his attention to railroad construction and management; as a manufacturer he … Read more

Biography of Alexander C. Flack, M. D.

Alexander C. Flack, M. D. Thirty-one years of practice at Fredonia entitles Dr. Alexander C. Flack to recognition as the second oldest physician and surgeon of the city, whence he came in 1885 shortly after receiving his diploma. He had since been one of the reliable members of the medical fraternity here and a citizen who had done his share in aiding in the city’s progress and prosperity. Doctor Flack is a native of the Buckeye state, born at East Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, May 2, 1858, a son of Thomas H. and Agnes (Bell) Flack. Hugh Flack, the grandfather … Read more

Biography Of Alden C. Hillman, A. M.

Alden C. Hillman, A. M. One of the venerable educators of Kansas was Alden C. Hillman, of Salina, whose death occurred on the 24th of January, 1917. Mr. Hillman was the first man selected for a position in the faculty of the Kansas Wesleyan University. He began his work as an educator before the war, was very prominent in the State of Illinois in school work for many years, and for more than thirty years was a resident of Kansas. He was born May 23, 1832, at Charleston, New York, a son of Ezra and Permelia (Horton) Hillman. Both parents … Read more

Biography of Aldamar P. Elder

Aldamar P. Elder. One of the names that will always have significance in Kansas history is that of Elder. Over the state at large it is most closely associated with the career of the late Peter Percival Elder, who came to Kansas when it was a territory, was prominent in many ways during the early and formative period of the state, and at one time filled with distinction the office of lieutenant governor. Governor Elder had a long and active career, and died in 1914. His only son is Aldamar P. Elder, who for over forty years had been one … Read more

Biography of Albert W. Knowles

Albert W. Knowles. Topeka recently had cause to mourn the death of two pioneer citizens and able and successful business men, Albert W. Knowles and his brother Charles O. Knowles, both of whom passed away within a few days of each other. At the time of his death on October, 1916, Albert W. Knowles was vice president of the Bank of Topeka, with which he had been identified twenty-eight years, and he had been a resident of Topeka since the age of twenty. His father was Joshua Knowles, whose name also deserves the distinction of mention in any history of … Read more

Biography of Albert Smith, M. D.

Albert Smith, M. D. It is practically beyond the possible for the conscientious physician and surgeon to arrive at a condition of mind where he is satisfied with his accomplishments, no matter what their degree, for, with an understanding of what great things are coming to the man of science, the numerous avenues yet unopened which will lead to new realms in the cure of the ills of humanity, and a constant yearning to add to his store of personal knowledge, he, of necessity, keeps on striving for perfection as long as life remains. One of the men of the … Read more

Biography of Albert P. McBride

Albert P. McBride. In the oil and gas districts of the Southwest no name had a greater significance as an operator, developer, and as a vitalizer of the resources and industries covering several states, than that of Albert P. McBride of Independence. Mr. McBride began his operations as an oil well contractor and producer more than thirty-five years ago. He had supplied enthusiasm, faith and much of the material means necessary to develop the oil and gas resources of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Associated throughout practically all his career with C. L. Bloom, he bore the brunt of responsibilities in … Read more

Biography of Albert P. Crandall

Albert P. Crandall came to Western Kansas at the age of fourteen, spent many years of his active life in the railway service, had also been a farmer, and is now cashier of the Little River State Bank and had recently completed a term as mayor of that municipality. These and other interests identify him very closely and make his name well known throughout Rice County. Mr. Crandall is of pioneer New York State stock, but the family in successive generations have moved their residence westward from the eastern side of the Alleghenies to the west of the Mississippi. E. … Read more

Biography of Albert N. Shaver, Hon.

Hon. Albert N. Shaver. Among the public officials of Chautauqua County who are combining business activity with executive ability and thus forming qualities that make for a high order of public service, one of the men well known is Albert N. Shaver, mayor of Cedar Vale and cashier of the Dosbaugh National Bank. During Mayor Shaver’s administration much work in the nature of civic improvement had been done, and he had proved one of the best chief executives the city had known. Albert N. Shaver was born January 22, 1877, in Chautauqua County, Kansas, and is a son of Neal … Read more

Biography of Albert N. Curtis

Albert N. Curtis. One of the most active among the operators in the Mid-Continent oil fields is Albert N. Curtis, an oil man with twenty-two years of experience behind him. Mr. Curtis, who now makes his headquarters at Chanute, came here from Ohio in 1903 and had since occupied a foremost position among producers, having drilled hundreds of wells and being interested at this time in oil and gas wells in four directions from the city. He was born at Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, January 2, 1864, and is a son of Norman and Minerva (Choate) Curtis, and a member … Read more

Biography of Albert Mebus

Albert Mebus. It demands a large measure of business discernment to enter an old field, already well occupied, and to be able within a few years to harvest success and not only that but to stand second foremost with all competitors. It was in 1909 that Albert Mebus, who is now the second largest insurance handler in Kansas City, Kansas, went into business for himself and his rapid progress in the insurance line, proves great business capacity and keen foresight. Not only, however, in his private affairs has Mr. Mebus manfully responded to business opportunities, but publicly as a progressive … Read more

Biography of Albert L. Egy

Albert L. Egy. A retired cattleman and a bank director at Newton, A. L. Egy had had many interests to identify him with Harvey County, in which part of Kansas he had spent all the years of his life since early boyhood. Albert Lorenzo Egy was born at Wenona, Illinois, September 9, 1863. Going back several generations to his great-grandfather, the family came from Germany. His father, the late Solomon Egy, was a prominent pioneer of Harvey County. Born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, December 31, 1827, he grew up in that rugged and historic section of the Keystone State, afterwards … Read more

Biography of Albert Julius Holzmark

Albert Julius Holzmark. The career of the late Albert Julius Holzmark in Kansas City, Kansas, left its impress upon many forms of business activity, upon institutions of a civic, social and religious nature, and upon the lives of a great many individuals. He was a man of the highest character, of unexampled business integrity, was successful and made his success count toward the forwarding of the good of a large community. His life was one of achievement from small beginnings. He was born in Koenigsburg, Germany, April 22, 1867, the oldest of the three children of Isidor and Theresa Holzmark. … Read more

Biography of Albert James Herrod

Albert James Herrod in 1916 was elected judge of the District Court of Wyandotte County for the short term of forty days in Division 3. He had the distinction of being the youngest judge in the state at the present time, and his attainments and ability give promise of a large career of usefulness for the future. Judge Herrod was born at Newark, England, April 14, 1885. He was the fourth in a family of five children, three boys and two girls, born to Walter and Catherine (Taylor) Herrod. His grandfather John Herrod was a successful English maltster and also … Read more

Biography of Albert Irven Decker

Albert Irven Decker. In the demands which it makes upon its devotees, educational work is exceedingly exacting. The duty of the educator, ostensibly, is to instill a practical, working knowledge into each of his pupils, but his correlative, although less direct, function of instilling character and worthy precepts through his personal influence is equally important. The duty first named calls for an individual of knowledge and specialized training, while the second demands a conscientious and capable person whose life and mode of living provide a fit criterion and example for the minds of youth. When a man is found in … Read more

Biography of Albert Henley

Albert Henley has been a resident of Lawrence for thirty-nine years. In all that time he had been actively and conspicuously identified with the material growth and commercial development of the state. Mr. Henley was a pioneer manufacturer of barbed wire in Kansas. Barbed wire is now accepted as a commonplace product of American industry. Only the old timers recall with what prejudice this wire was introduced into general use and also the crude forms in which it was at first manufactured. Mr. Henley’s early attempts at the manufacture were on a very small scale. He began at Lawrence under … Read more