Biography of Albert Hamilton Denton

Albert Hamilton Denton is the leading banker of Arkansas City. While he was born and reared on a farm in this section of Kansas, banking had been his life work. He is president of the Home National Bank of Arkansas City, but his range of interests includes official connections with a number of other banking houses and as owner of valuable properties both sides of the state line, in Kansas and Oklahoma. Mr. Denton was born on a farm three miles south of Arkansas City, June 18, 1872. Back of him he had several generations of sturdy and thrifty ancestors. … Read more

Biography of Albert Erskine Wilson

Albert Erskine Wilson, who is a son of that splendid Montgomery County pioneer, the late Ebenezer Erskine Wilson, has had an active business career at Coffeyville covering a period of twenty years, during which time he has progressed from the position of stenographer and clerk to head of one of the leading elevator companies of Southern Kansas, and has also acquired other business interests. His birth occurred in Independence, Kansas, February 24, 1876. Mr. Wilson is descended from a family that originally lived in Scotland, and among his direct ancestors were the noted Erskines of Seotland. The Wilsons came from … Read more

Biography of Albert E. Mayhew

Albert E. Mayhew, who had lived in Kansas since early boyhood, had built up the leading hardware business at Effingham in Atchison County, is also a banker there, and is now serving his second term as a representative in the State Legislature. Mr. Mayhew was born at St. Mary’s, Canada, March 17, 1866, and was brought to Kansas by his parents when he was four years of age. He grew up at Centralia, was educated there in the public schools, graduating from high school in 1883, and for one year was a student in the State Normal School at Emporia. … Read more

Biography of Albert Dickens

Albert Dickens. For seventeen years Albert Dickens has been connected with the Department of Instruction in the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan, and as professor of horticulture is a recognized authority in that field, not only in Kansas but throughout the Middle West. Though not born in Kansas, Mr. Dickens has lived in the state for the past forty years and is thoroughly familiar with its general agricultural conditions and its people. He was born at Anoka, Anoka County, Minnesota, October 24, 1867. When he was nine years of age his parents came to Kansas and in 1876 settled … Read more

Biography of Albert D. Bauer

Albert D. Bauer. One of the veterans of the printing trade and an old time publisher in Kansas, Albert D. Bauer acquired his first experience in “the art preservative of all arts” in a Topeka print shop. That was nearly forty years ago, and for the past twenty-three years he has lived continuously in Topeka. Mr. Bauer was born in the historic old seat of the Mormons in the Middle West, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, March 6, 1863. His grandfather John Bauer Sr. was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, coming to America in 1820 and locating as a pioneer in … Read more

Biography of Albert C. Ramsey

Albert C. Ramsey, now living retired at De Graff, is one of the pioneers of Butler County and had a retrospect over past years and conditions in that section of the state covering fully thirty-five years. He was one of the big men in the cattle industry of Southern Kansas and the associations of the name with livestock and ranching are still continued by his sons. Mr. Ramsey had the intelligence, the thrift and the enterprise which are typical virtues of the Scotch-Irish people. His parents were born in the North of Ireland, coming to this country in early days, … Read more

Biography of Albert C. Berger

Albert C. Berger is the founder and president of the Atchison Leather Products Company, one of the newer industries of the city, but one which adds to the distinction of Atchison as a manufacturing and disprosperity of the community, since its goods go over a large territory and the business furnishes employment to many hands. Mr. Berger is one of the forceful and enterprising tributing point, and it is a factor in the commercial younger men of Kansas. He came here in his twenties and was born in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1885. His father, Albert Berger, Sr., was born … Read more

Biography of Albert B. Willard

Albert B. Willard. Historically one of the most interesting communities in Southeastern Kansas is Baxter Springs. The history of that town might possibly be written without reference to the name Willard, but could not be adequately told without reference to the enterprise and activities established and carried on by members of that family. One of the real founders of the town and for many years one of its most prominent merchants was the late Albert Willard. The Willard family is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and had been identified with America since Colonial days, when the first of the name established a … Read more

Biography of Albert Arthur Hurd

Albert Arthur Hurd. The professional intimates of the late Albert Arthur Hurd unhesitatingly place him among the most able corporation lawyers who ever graced the Topeka bar. The reputation of men who gain eminence in this branch of the law is not made in a day. Such a reputation requires not only natural talent, but the most thorough preparation and strenuous, continuous and intense application and industry. That he became recognized as one of the best railroad lawyers in the United States was due to the possession of exceptional ability and character, and also to the fact that he was … Read more

Biography of Albert A. Robinson

There are any number of sufficient reasons why a sketch of Albert A. Robinson should have an important place in the history of Kansas. His home had been in the state for the greater part of half a century. The parent lines of the great Santa Fe system originated in Kansas, and arnong the builders of the Santa Fe Mr. Robinson had been pronounced “the greatest builder of them all.” In this case biography and history go hand in hand and the significant story of the upbuilding of a great railroad system and the development of a large part of … Read more

Biography of Albert A. Newman

Albert A. Newman has been a resident of Kansas since 1868. It is almost a half century of purposeful and earnest citizenship and business activity. Though his first home in the state was at Emporia, Mr. Newman had been principally identified with Arkansas City since 1870. Among all his contemporaries it is conceded that his had been the chief constructive enterprise and influence for the upbuilding and development of that fine city of Southern Kansas. The town was not in existence until the spring of 1870, and it was his foresight and keen judgment, backed up by untiring energy, that … Read more

Biography of Albert A. Hilliard

Albert A. Hilliard is a native of Harper County, son of the oldest living pioneer around Attica, and had made his mature years count chiefly in the field of banking, in which he had a broad experience. He is now cashier of the First National Bank of Attica. Mr. Hilliard was born in Harper County at the old homestead three miles cast of Attica April 10, 1884. His first American ancestor was his grandfather, John Hilliard, who was born in Ireland and when a young man came to New York State and about sixty years ago settled at Wilmington, Illinois, … Read more

Biography of Albe B. Whiting

Albe B. Whiting, a resident of Topeka for the past forty years, is distinguished as being one of the few survivors of the great free-soil struggle in Kansas during the decade of the ’50m. His home had been in Kansas since 1856, and few men now living have more interesting-experiences to connect them with Kansas history. Of New England birth and ancestry, he was born in Lamoille County, Vermont, November 10, 1835, and had already Imssed the fourscoro milestone on life’s joursey. His parents were Harris and Mary (Dodge) Whiting. His father was of old English celonial ancestry, and died … Read more

Biography of Al F. Williams

Al F. Williams. Whether as a lawyer, as a business man or in the circles of the republican party, Al F. Williams is a recognized leader in civic affairs in Cherokee County. His interests have been so many that while some may know him best as a lawyer, others would think of him as one of the most virile personalities in republican politics in the state, and still others would recognize his prominent relations with the business growth and development of his home city. Born in Appleton City, St. Clair County, Missouri, July 10, 1876, Mr. Williams is of Welsh … Read more

Biography of Adoniram Judson Whitford

Adoniram Judson Whitford. A special place in ranks of the pioneer business men of Kansas should be accorded the late Adoniram Judson Whitford of Manhattan. For over forty years he sold hardware in that city. When he opened his first stock of goods the Civil war was raging over the country. He began on a modest scale, in proportion to his individual resources, and also to the needs and demands of the town and surrounding country. He prospered and expanded his enterprise even as Manhattan expanded as a city and the surrounding country took upon itself advanced features of progress. … Read more

Biography of Adolph Carl Stich

Adolph Carl Stich, who died at his home in Independence October 8, 1915, was identified with Independence more than forty years, and for many years was one of the foremost citizens of Kansas. Only one estimate could be placed on his career–it was constructive, efficient, positive, and redounded not so much to his own advantage as to the community in which he lived. He was a true type of the business and city builder. No other individual contributed so much to the material and civic advancement of Independence. The record of his life is one that can he read to … Read more

Biography of Addison W. Swayze

Addison W. Swayze. During the working out of an honorable and worthy career Addison W. Swayze had been the master of his own destinies. When he started life independent of family connections or influences he had only the capital with which nature had endowed him, but his self reliance was of such a sturdy nature that it enabled him to develop to the utmost his native talents, which included the characteristics of determination, enterprise and practical ambition. His inherent judgment pointed out the way for him to succeed, his keen insight discerned opportunities, his native powers developed new fields, and … Read more

Biography of Adam Loch

Adam Loch. The rewards attainable through a life of industry are forcibly illustrated in the career of Adam Loch, one of the leading and successful business men of Chanute and vice president of the Fidelity State Bank. Since early youth he had depended wholly and solely upon his own resources, working out his own success and steadily advancing to success and position along the commercial and financial path. His career should be an incentive for renewed effort by the youth of today who are starting life without friends or fortune to aid them. Mr. Loch was born at Springfield, Illinois, … Read more

Biography of Abram A. Raub, M. D.

Abram A. Raub, M. D. One of the oldest and best known physicians and citizens of Kansas is Dr. Abram A. Raub of Topeka, who came to this state in 1879. Doctor Raub is a veteran of the Civil war. During part of his service he was assistant surgeon in the army, and has been practicing medicine for fully half a century. Doctor Raub was forty years of age when he came to Kansas, having been born in 1839 at Blairstown, New Jersey. His father was Philip Raub, also a native of Blairstown. The grandfather emigrated from the Rhine provinces … Read more

Biography of Abraham Lincoln Barner

Some of the most substantial people of Kansas today, well able to ride about over the improved highways in their automobiles, came into the state in the early days with the slow and tedious method of the prairie schooner or the mover’s wagon. Such an emigrant party arrived in Sumner County in 1873. They had come overland from Central Illinois, being twenty-six days on route. Three wagons comprised the train, and the driver of one of those wagons, then thirteen years of age, was Abrabam Lincoln Barner, who is now living retired at Belle Plaine in Sumner County, and for … Read more