Biography of Henry W. Weber

Henry W. Weber, cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Wilson, had worked and had lived in close touch with business and banking affairs since he was a young boy. Part of his early experience was as a farmer, and he is individually owner of a farm and had that invaluable asset of the country banker, a close knowledge and sympathy and understanding with farming interests and farmers. Mr. Weber was born near Dubuque in Russell County, Kansas, March 31, 1883. His father, Nicholas Weber, who still lives in that community, had long been a prominent man of affairs in … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Schroeder

Henry W. Schroeder has been in active business as a merchant at Chase for a quarter of a century, and now had the largest general store in that part of Rice County. His distinction rests not solely upon his business success, but also upon an active and public spirited performance of many public duties. Mr. Schroeder was born in Germany, February 1, 1872, but had lived in Kansas since he was seven years of age. His father, Fred Schroeder, born in Germany in 1848, brought his family to the United States in 1879, and first located at Great Bend, Kansas, … Read more

Biography of Henry W. McAfee

Henry W. McAfee. Of the men who have been contributing factors in the development and progress of Shawnee County, none have given in greater degree of their time, talents and energies to the general advancement than had Henry W. McAfee, proprietor of Prospect Farm, lying two miles west of the City of Topeka, on the Sixth Street road just west of Gage Park. A resident of this property for more than thirty-eight years, Mr. McAfee had been identified with numerous enterprises for general betterment, but it is, perhaps, as a promoter of good roads movements that he is best known … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Klemp

Henry W. Klemp. When, in the spring of 1863, Henry W. Klemp arrived in the United States, he was a poor German youth, without knowledge of the manners, customs of language of the people among whom he had decided to make his home. Notwithstanding his limited resources, however, he had a large fund of practical common sense, an overflowing store of ambition and energy, and a determination to make the most of his opportunities in whatever field he found himself. Today he is one of the successful business men of Leavenworth, the directing head of an enterprise the product of … Read more

Biography of Henry Van Deman Faris

Henry Van Deman Faris, of Kanopolis, is a Kansas around whom center many associations of territorial and pioneer times. He is by five years the oldest living pioneer in Kansas west of Salina. He had been continuously identfied with Ellsworth County more than half a century. Mr. Faris comes of that adventuresome pioneer stock that in successive waves had peopled and developed American soil. His grandfather, John Faris, was born in Ireland of Scotch descent. On coming to this country he partieipated as a soldier in the struggle for independence, and afterwards became a farmer in Virginia. He located on … Read more

Biography of Henry Tulley Ashford

Henry T. Ashford has had much to do with Kansas newspaper life during the last quarter of a century. He is now editor and proprietor of the Elsmore Leader, which he founded. His name is also familiar in republican party circles in this section of the state, and whatever he undertakes he does with the fullness of enthusiasm which gets results and begets confidence in his ability. He represents a family of Kentuckians, though his people have lived in Kansas since pioneer times. His grandfather, of Irish-English stock, went at an early day into Kentucky and died near Bowling Green … Read more

Biography of Henry Shellenbaum

Henry Shellenbaum was one of the most prominent pioneers of Riley County. He and others of his relationship were among the first to occupy and develop that beautiful tract of Kansas known as the Fancy Creek Valley. His energy helped transform a portion of the virgin landscape into fertile fields, but even more important than his material success was the sterling character of his manhood, and he passed on many of his virtues to his children and other descendants who are now active in the present generation of Kansas. Henry Shellenbaum was born at Zurich, Canton Winterthur, Switzerland, October 1, … Read more

Biography of Henry Seymour Sewell

Henry Seymour Sewell. For a man of forty years Henry S. Sewell has had more than an ordinary record of success in business affairs. He is one of the well known merchants of Independence, owns extensive properties in that city and in other sections of Southern Kansas, and all his prosperity is a result of continued concentrated effort through the years since he left home and started out to carve his own career. Born in Montgomery County, Kansas, October 4, 1876, Henry Scymour Sewell is a son of J. B. and Mary M. (James) Sewell, and a grandson of J. … Read more

Biography of Henry S. Thompson

Henry S. Thompson, president of the Kansas State Fair Association at Hutchinson, had owned and directed many large interests in Reno County for over twenty years. With all his active relations with the community and state at large and with varied business holdings, Mr. Thompson is essentially a farmer, and as a matter of preference he keeps his home at his large ranch situated a mile west of Sylvia. Mr. Thompson was born at Louisville, Kentucky, January 13, 1851. His father, Alfred Thompson, was born on the Isle of Wight, England, in 1807, grew up in that country, and when … Read more

Biography of Henry R. Ransom

The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company. One of the very considerable industries of the City of Pittsburg is The Pittsburg Sash & Door Company, which like many successful concerns had a very modest heginning but is now contributing a great deal of wealth to the city and is furnishing support to many families whose members find employment there. This business was originally started as a bay press by L. N. Mosteller, now a retired business man of Pittsburg. In October, 1902, Henry R. Ransom arrived in Pittsburg and bought what was then known as the Pittsburg Planing Mill, situated at … Read more

Biography of Henry R. Honey

Henry R. Honey. A pioneer of North Central Kansas, where be had resided for more than fifty-three years, Henry R. Honey had watched and participated in its growth and development from Indian days and had been variously identified with the movements and institutions which have brought about advanced civilization and the establishment of conditions that make this one of the most prosperous and enlightened sectione of the country. He had been connected prominently with business and finansial affairs, but more partienlarly with journalistic work, and for over two decades had been publisher and proprietor of the Western Advocate, the leading … Read more

Biography of Henry McMillan

Henry McMillan. A truly useful and justly honored citizen of Kansas, widely known in business, politics and public affairs generally is Henry McMillan, formerly and for years a member of the Upper House of the State Leglslature and strongly mentioned in recent years for nomination for governor, and for four comsecutive terms mayor of his home city, Minneapolis. He came to Kansas in 1885, and few men under the same circumstances in the interval have accomplished more deflnite results or achieved more for their communities in the way of solid and substantial progress. Henry McMillan was born at New Milford … Read more

Biography of Henry L. F. Roberson

Henry L. F. Roberson came to Kansas as a child in the territorial times, grew up in this virgin state, and the greater part of his active life had been spent here with a varied and interesting experience in business and other affairs. He is now one of the leading real estate and insurance men of Kingman. Mr. Roberson was born at Spring Garden, Jefferson County, Illinois, February 10, 1851. His grandfather, Joshua Roberson, was a pioneer in Illinois, had a farm in Jefferson County, and died there. Edward C. Roberson, father of the Kingman business man, was born in … Read more

Biography of Henry L. Alden

Henry L. Alden arrived in the old village of Wyandotte on Thanksgiving Day morning in November, 1867, and from that time until his death November 21, 1913, he continued a resident of Wyandotte and of Kansas City, Kansas. He was one of the most distinguished lawyers Kansas ever had. The many public honors that came to him, almost entirely within the scope of his profession, were a tribute to his power as a lawyer and his integrity of character. He was not yet twenty-one years of age when he came to Kansas. He was born on a farm near Greenwich … Read more

Biography of Henry Knight Brooks

Henry Knight Brooks of Topeka is a Kansas man by adoption, and is as loyal to the state as any native citizen. The state may properly congratulate itself that Mr. Brooks has found a congenial home here. As an inventor, manufacturer and practical all around mechanic he has a genius which has made his name familiar in industrial circles, not alone in Kansas but in many parts of the United States. For one thing he deserves credit for building up and developing the Capital Iron Works at Topeka, one of the cornerstones of that city’s industrial prosperity. However, that has … Read more

Biography of Henry Justin Allen

Henry Justin Allen of Wichita had achieved a position among Kansas’ leading newspaper editors and publishers. He began as a newspaper reporter, was editor and owner at different times of various papers in the state, and is now proprietor of the Wichita Beacon. Mr. Allen was born at Warren, Pennsylvania, September 12, 1869, and his parents John and Rebecca Elizabeth (Goodin) Allen were natives of the same section. John Allen served four years in the Ninth New York Cavalry, and a few years after the close of the war came west to Kansas, where he went through the pioneer hardships … Read more

Biography of Henry Jackson Waters

Henry Jackson Waters, president of the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan since 1909, is a leader in that group of men who have served to elevate and dignify the science of agriculture. His work and influence are of growing value every passing year. His reputation is by no means confined to Kansas and Missouri, the states in which most of his work had been done. The agricultural journals and writers all over the country are coming to pay special attention and respect to any movement or experiment with which the name Henry Jackson Waters is in any way associated. … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Meierkord

Henry J. Meierkord, vice president and cashier of the Exchange State Bank of Linn, and officially identified with other banking and business enterprises in this part of Kansas, came to this country a comparatively poor boy many years ago, and by hard work and strength of will had won a commendable station in business affairs and is one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Washington County. Mr. Meierkord was born near Bremen, Germany, June 29, 1871, and is the only member of his family in America. His father, Fred Meierkord, was born in the same locality in 1841, spent … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Helmers, Sr.

Henry J. Helmers, Sr. The high rewards attainable through a life of industry, guided by a strong sense of integrity, are strikingly exemplified in the career of Henry J. Helmers, Sr., president of the Helmers Manufacturing Company of Leavenworth, and one of that city’s leading business citizens. Starting life handicapped by a lack of education, without financial assistance or influential friends, he had made his own way, fought his own battles and established for himself a place of honor and eminence in a community in which the mere occupancy of position is an indication of the possession of more than … Read more

Biography of Henry J. Calnan

Henry J. Calnan, publisher and editor of the Weekly Kansas Chief at Troy, had had an unusually varied experience even for a newspaper man. Since acquiring the Kansas Chief he had improved its influence and strengthened its organization and equipment in keeping with the dignity of the paper as the oldest journal under one continuous name in the State of Kansas. The files of the Kansas Chief contain sixty complete volumes. The paper was founded in 1857 by Sol Miller at White Cloud, Kansas, and was first known as the White Cloud Chief. The paper was moved to Troy July … Read more