Biography of Henry Howell Isham

Henry Howell Isham was one of the prominent pioneer merchants of Coffeyville, founded and successfully conducted several business enterprises that were material factors in the growth and prosperity of the city, and on account of his business prominence and his personal character was held in the highest esteem. His death at Coffeyville November 19, 1906, meant the loss of one of the sterling old time citizens of Montgomery County. He was at that time seventy years of age, lacking three days. His birth had occurred at Colchester, Connecticut, November 22, 1836. He was of New England ancestry, four brothers of … Read more

Biography of Henry Herman Kiehl

Henry Herman Kiehl, who had lived in Kansas since the spring of 1870, is one of the foremost citizens of Lyndon. While the days of border ruffianism were past when he came to Kansas, his individual experience covers most of the period of growth and development. As a farmer he had a full share of the hardships and difficulties which the early agriculturists had to encounter and he fully deserves all the prosperity that had come his way. His grandfather was a native of Germany. His father Eli Kiehl was born in Pennsylvania, became owner of a brick yard and … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Quantic

Henry H. Quantic. One of the well known and highly respected citizens of Riley, Kansas, is Henry H. Quantic, a substantial retired farmer. For thirty-two years he has been a resident of Kansas and during this time has witnessed many wonderful changes, and he has done his part in bringing about many that have been beneficial. He was born in the old Town of Kingsbury, in Somersetshire, England, June 10, 1841. His parents, who lived and died in England, were Job and Hannah (Bonning) Quantic, who had a family of thirteen children, five of whom reached mature years. Henry H. … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Miller, M. D.

Henry H. Miller, M. D. Although the well directed labor of Dr. Henry H. Miller belongs to the past rather than present of Rossville, innumerable evidences abound of his sojourn in the community, and particularly of his diligence in proteeting and preserving the health and sanitation of his adopted place. For forty-four years he was a prominent resident of Rossville, and during that time won his way into the confidence and respect of the people not alone as a medical adviser and kind friend, but as a contributor to all that made for their welfare and a supporter of the … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Daniels

Henry H. Daniels has been a resident of Kansas City, Kansas, for over twenty years, and had risen from some of the minor responsibilities of business life to the presidency of the Armourdale State Bank at 514 Kansas Avenue. He is a Kansan by birth, and had always been loyal to the state where he grew up and where his carser had had its training and its successes. He was born on a farm six miles west of Olathe in Johnson County, December 19, 1874. He was the seventh in a family of eight children born to Richard and Bridget … Read more

Biography of Henry Ford Harbaugh

Henry Ford Harbaugh. Even today the great State of Kansas is looked upon as a land of opportunities and a good place for the young man to settle and provide for the future. This is even more true thirty or forty years ago, though it required perhaps a stronger element of individual initiative, courage and ability to endure hardships with patience and fortitude. It was as a young man looking for a permanent home and a country where his energies and talents would be given the freest exercise that Henry Ford Harbaugh arrived in Kansas in 1878. An uncle was … Read more

Biography of Henry Ettenson

Henry Ettenson, who died at Leavenworth October 19, 1909, though of foreign birth deserved and exemplified every characteristic associated with the title of a true American citizen. His was a career remarkable for obstacles overcome, for successes attained and for influences that helped make a community better and greater. He was born at Wilkowishken, Russia, June 30, 1850, one of a family of five children. He received the foundation of a practical education in his native country, and like most Jewish boys was well grounded in those two essential cardinal virtues of success–thrift and industry. To avoid the compulsory military … Read more

Biography of Henry Edward Reece, M. D.

Dr. Henry Edward Reece, born December 27, 1877, in Jefferson, Iowa, was a prominent physician in Thayer, Kansas. After graduating from the University Medical College of Kansas City in 1900, he practiced medicine across Oklahoma and Kansas before settling in Thayer in 1911. Renowned for his dedication to medical ethics, Dr. Reece maintained a flourishing practice, contributing significantly to the community’s health. He was active in several medical societies and fraternal organizations. Dr. Reece married Elizabeth Quinton in 1901, and they had two children, Halley and Ethel.

Biography of Henry E. Haskins, M. D.

Henry E. Haskins, M. D. Identified with the work of his profession at Kingman over fifteen years, Doctor Haskins had attained the substantial position of the physician and surgeon whose reputation is secure and whose service is looked upon as a valuable part of community life. Doctor Haskins is a native of Kansas, and is descended from English ancestors who settled in New York in colonial days. His grandfather, Benjamin Franklin Haskins, was born in 1824 and was a minister. He served as a chaplain with a Union regiment during the Civil war. He carried on his work as a … Read more

Biography of Henry E. Dean

Henry E. Dean came to Kansas in 1885 at the age of eighteen. Then and for a number of years afterwards he was a humble worker in the ranks of the industrial army. Success did not come to him like a lightning flash, but as a result of long, steady and painstaking effort. For the first two years he was employed on farms in Leavenworth and Franklin counties. On removing to Kansas City, Kansas, in 1887, he found a job as teamster for one of the packing plants. Making himself known as one who could be trusted, and diligent in … Read more

Biography of Henry D. Strong

Henry D. Strong is one of the youngest bankers of the State of Kansas, being president of the Troy State Bank, having been elected to that office soon after passing his twenty-ninth birthday. His family have been prominent in Northeastern Kansas since territorial days, and the first banking institution in Troy was established by his maternal grandfather. Henry Boder, Jr., the maternal grandfather of Henry D. Strong, was one of the strong and resourceful men of Northeastern Kansas in the early days and for half a century was identified with its business history, particularly as a banker. He was born … Read more

Biography of Henry Clinton Kibbee

Henry Clinton Kibbee. Among the representative business men of Topeka, Henry Clinton Kibbee occupies a foremost place and is well known in financial circles not only in Kansas but over a wide territory. He came to this great state in 1887 and, with the whole world as his field of choice, has never found a more desirable section in which to live. His business concerns for thirty consecutive years have caused him to travel the country over, hence this is a proof of some value that Kansas can offer many attractions in the way of comfortable living and preservation of … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Dale, Prof.

Prof. Henry Clay Dale. No person in a community wields a greater influence in the molding and shaping of character than does the school teacher. The capable, conscientious instructor stands nearer to the hearts of his charges than does any other persons. On entering the schoolroom the child’s mind is as plastic clay and is as readily made to take shape in the hands of the skilled educator. Therefore his great responsibility, and therefore the honored position which he holds in the community when his duties are faithfully discharged. Of the educators of Columbus, Kansas, Prof. Henry Clay Dale is … Read more

Biography of Henry Chase Bradbury

Henry Chase Bradbury. It is truly a fortunate man who can come to his seventy-third year with a record of so much good accomplished, with many responsibilities discharged and burdens bravely sustained as have been part and parcel of the life and experience of Henry Chase Bradbury, now living at Lincoln. Rev. Mr. Bradbury is the oldest active missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Kansas. For all the more than forty years of work he had done in Kansas Mr. Bradbury enjoys a vigorous old age and only his more intimate friends know that he had passed the three score … Read more

Biography of Henry Carl Alwes

Henry Carl Alwes is manager of the Western Typesetting Company and president of the Gate City Directory Company of Kansas City, Missouri. He organized the latter company in 1911 and from the beginning had been its manager. Mr. Alwes had conquered obstacles in the path to success as he had met them. He is a man of versatile talents. He is a practical printer, is a pharmacist by profession, had filled offices of responsibility as editor and newspaper manager, linotype operator, and in other ways in connection with some of the best known newspapers of Kansas, Chicago and the Middle … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Lindsey, Col.

One of the most interesting citizens of Kansas is Henry C. Lindsey of Topeka. He is one of the men who know by ectual experience and recollection the pioneer times of this state. He was a soldier in the Civil war, afterwards took nart in one of the important Indian campaigns in Western Kansas, and added to his military prestige and honor by service during the Spanish-American war. He is also one of Topeka’s oldest business men. He comes of a family that have apparently lived on the frontier and taken a leading part in its activities for several generations. … Read more

Biography of Henry Brandley

Henry Brandley was born in Switzerland October 12, 1839, and died at his beautiful home at Matfield Green in Chase County June 1, 1910. When he was about twelve years of age his parents came to America, being fifty-two days in crossing the ocean. In 1852 the family settled in Cincinnati, where he finished his education and worked at the painter’s trade. In 1856 the Brandleys moved to Randolph. County, Indiana, and there the young man had further experience as a farm hand, in a shingle mill, as rail maker and digger of ditches. In the spring of 1859 he … Read more

Biography of Henry Bennett

Henry Bennett, of Topeka, has been a resident of Kansas over forty years. Before coming to Kansas he made an enviable record as a gallant soldier in the Union army, having served with the famous Chicago Board of Trade Battery. He has lived three-quarters of a century, but still retains his youth and the optimism of virile and aggressive manhood. No individual record could be more worthy of a place in Kansas history than that of Henry Bennett. He was one of the two sons of William and Rachel (Ludby) Bennett, and was born at Chicago, Illinois, June 15, 1841. … Read more

Biography of Henry Baden

Henry Baden. A successful business career like that of Henry Baden of Independence indicates that persistence together with good judgment and enterprise is practically sure to win its goal. Mr. Baden is the pioneer merchant of Independence, had been in business in that city forty-six years, ever since the town was placed on the map in that part of Southern Kansas, and he is now distinguished as being the largest retail and wholesale merchant in that section of the country and one of the largest in the entire state. A history of the life of Henry Baden is not only … Read more

Biography of Henry B. Lautz

Henry B. Lautz has hardly attained that period in life when he might be described as a middle aged man. Nevertheless he is a veteran in railroad circles, and beginning as a boy of fourteen in the capacity of messenger he had been steadily with the Santa Fe Railway Company, enjoying successive promotions based on merit and efficiency until he is now superintendent of the Middle Division of the Santa Fe lines at Newton. Mr. Lautz was born in Pekin, Illinois, August 2, 1876. His grandfather, Wendell Lautz, was born in Germany in 1801 and became a German machinist. Coming … Read more