Biography of Hiram H. Heberling

Hiram H. Heberling, who came to Kansas in April, 1855, and settled in a locality which he later named Georgetown in Shawnee County, was thenceforward prominently identified with the early history of the state. His object in coming to Kansas was twofold: first to help make Kansas a free state; and second, to get land for his boys and himself. After some investigation he selected the location at the place above named, built a log cabin with shake roof and puncheon flooring, put up some fence and broke out some of the prairie sod. The winter of 1855 he returned … Read more

Biography of Hiram C. Whitley

Hiram C. Whitley. The State of Kansas is filled with interesting men, many of them known to the world at large. The city of Emporia had several. One is a prominent business man, who for upwards of forty years had given his time and energies to the upbuilding of that locality. This is Hiram C. Whitley who was at one time chief of the secret service division of the United States Treasury. The story of his life, particularly the early years, reads like a book, and in fact his experiences have been described in a book which was published about … Read more

Biography of Hiram B. Miller

Hiram B. Miller. Kansas wheat and corn and other farm products have been so much emphasized as partly to obscure the fact that the great basic industry of the state up to twenty-five or thirty years ago was live stock. Older residents of the state, now a little past their prime, will recall that the leading industry of their youth, except perhaps in the few counties along the eastern border, was the raising of live stock on the great ranges. Of the men who stood pre-eminent in that industry special mention should be made of the late Hiram B. Miller, … Read more

Biography of Hiram Arthur Gilmore

Hiram Arthur Gilmore has during the greater part of his residence in Elk County been identified with the educational forces of the community, and on the basis of his individual record as a teacher and his thorough familiarity with school conditions he was elected on November 7, 1916, county superintendent of schools. Mr. Gilmore was born at Pomeroy, Ohio, November 19, 1867. His ancestors came from Ireland, and the family was established in Ohio either by his grandfather or his great-grandfather. His grandfather Samuel Gilmore was a farmer, and died at Rutland, Ohio. John H. Gilmore, father of Hiram A., … Read more

Biography of Hiland Southworth

Hiland Southworth. Abilene was far out on the western frontier when a young lawyer named Hiland Southworth joined himself to the community in 1878. In the growth and development of the city and surrounding connty Mr. Southworth afterward had a most infinential and active part. His own success and prosperity rose with the community and he made his business, that of investment banking, a tried and sure resource and a bulwark of financial integrity. The judgment and abilities required for the handling of investments both large and small Mr. Southworth possessed to a rare degree approximating genius. Mr. Southworth was … Read more

Biography of Herschel V. Bolinger

Herschel V. Bolinger. The assistant cashier of the Home National Bank, Herschel V. Bolinger, of Caney, is by inheritance and training well equipped for his responsible position. He comes of a family given to valuable and practical accomplishment, particularly in the line of agricultural effort, which has resided in this country for many generations. Since leaving the schoolroom Mr. Bolinger has been connected with financial institutions, and at Caney has also been identified with railroad affairs and with civic duties. Herschel V. Bolinger was born at Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana, March 19, 1884, and is a son of W. T. … Read more

Biography of Herschel C. Porterfield

Herschel C. Porterfield. Thirty-five years in the oil fields and thirty years as a contractor and producer constitute the record of this veteran of an industry which has brought Kansas untold wealth. Like hundreds of men of this class, he has found Independence as the most satisfactory city for residence and business headquarters. In another respect he is typical of perhaps a majority of the oil men of the country–his native state is Pennsylvania. Born in Butler County, August 10, 1856, he was one of several brothers to become identified with the oil industry in one way or another. Up … Read more

Biography of Hermon John Tholen, Jr.

Hermon John Tholen, Jr. Prominent among the business men of the younger generation who have won success and prominence in commercial affairs of Iola, Kansas, is Hermon John Tholen, Jr., treasurer of the Iola Wholesale Grocer Company. Mr. Tholen had been connected throughout his business career with this concern, which was founded by his father, and which occupies a place of leadership among the enterprises of its kind in this thriving Kansas City. Mr. Tholen was born June 26, 1885, at Humboldt, Kansas, and is a son of Hermon John and Ella (Koppers) Tholen. His father was born in 1854, … Read more

Biography of Herman Zabel

Herman Zabel has spent all his life in Pottawatomie County and is a son of one of the early pioneers there. His own career had been one of varied interests and activities. He still owned a big farm near the county seat and is also vice president of the Farmers State Bank of Westmoreland in that city. His father, the late Charles Zabel, was born near the city of Berlin, Germany, in 1851, and deserves a permanent record among the pioneers of Pottawatomie County. At the age of nineteen he came to the United States, worked in the pineries and … Read more

Biography of Herman H. Sudendorf

Herman H. Sudendorf was born in Hanover, Germany, October 10, 1832, and came to the United States in 1848, locating at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he learned and followed the carpenter trade. In 1859 he removed with his family to Kansas and continued to work at his trade for ten more years. In 1868 he embarked in the lumber business at Salina with Mr. C. Eberhardt, they having opened one of the first lumber yards in the town. The partnership was dissolved in 1891, Mr. Sudendorf afterward continuing the enterprise alone, and the business is yet carried on in his name. … Read more

Biography of Herman Genthe

Herman Genthe. The oldest bakery establishment of Topeka under one continuous ownership and management is that conducted by Mr. Herman Genthe, who now had associated with him his oldest son. Mr. Genthe is a master of his trade. He learned it as a boy in Germany, where his ancestors so far as known were millers and had a great deal to do with those grains that furnish the staple food stuffs, wheat and rye. Mr. Genthe’s talent as a maker of fine bread is therefore partly an inheritance from his ancestors, though it had been developed by his individual experience … Read more

Biography of Herman Bartels

Herman Bartels, the pioneer lumber merchant and president of the Bank of Inman, had been identified with McPherson County for over forty years. He is a veteran German soldier and fought with the armies of the empire in the Franco-Prussian war. He had a thorough technical and professional training in German schools, and was educated as an architect, but after coming to Kansas he applied his energies first to farming and later to constructive business affairs in Inman, and had been the chief business man of that town for many years. Mr. Bartels was born October 24, 1846, in the … Read more

Biography of Herbert O. Caster

Herbert O. Caster, who, on February 2, 1914, qualified as attorney for the State Public Utilities Commission, and is now a resident of Topeka, had lived in Kansas for thirty-eight years, and is well known over the state, but particularly in his home County of Decatur, where before his admission to the bar he made a fine record for himself as an educator and an energetic factor in other affairs of public importance. When the Caster family came to Kansas in 1878 they took up a homestead in Decatur County. At that time the county was a sparsely settled regiMeigon, … Read more

Biography of Herbert Miller

Herbert Miller, president of the State Bank of Admire, and one of the very successful and influential farmers, bankers and business men of Lyon County, is one of the comparatively few men who have passed their sixtieth birthday and who can claim nativity in the commonwealth of Kansas. Of good English stock, of people who settled in America before the American Revolution, he was born in Osage County, Kansas, February 26, 1856. His ancestors located in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, and it was there that his father Richard Miller was born in 1829. Shortly after his marriage he … Read more

Biography of Herbert M. Howison, Prof.

Prof. Herbert M. Howison. As one of the flourishing cities of Kansas, Parsons has representatives in nearly all the industries and professions. As a developer of its musical interest the city has recently received an important addition in the person of Herbert M. Howison, a prominent professional musician and a man of wide experience as a teacher and devotee of the art. Professor Howison is a young man of much talent and has been thoroughly trained in many of the best schools and under some of the best instructors of the country. The family have lived in this country for … Read more

Biography of Herbert K. Lindsley

Herbert K. Lindsley. Recognized as one of the leading commercial centers of the West, the City of Wichita has advanced rapidly in recent years along particular lines. Its geographical location and railroad facilities have made it the largest market in the world for broom corn. In the handling of broom corn, an important figure is Herbert K. Lindsley, president of the American Warehouse Company, whose career is typical of modern progress and advancement. It is not necessary to seek far for the reason for his success, or his indefatigable energy, close application and progressive methods have not only laid the … Read more

Biography of Herbert J. Corwine

Herbert J. Corwine has long been one of Topeka’s most popular citizens, was formerly pastor of the Third Christian Church of that city, and in 1916 he became widely known all over the First Congressional District as democratic candidate for Congress, running in opposition to Congressman Anthony of Leavenworth. To elect a democrat from this district would be to perform a miracle in politics, but Mr. Corwine made a very strong bid for popular support and secured a handsome aggregate of votes, thought impartial observers would have conceded the election of his republican opponent before the ballots were counted. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Herbert Franklin Sheldon

Herbert Franklin Sheldon. The original settlers of a new state, county or city, irrespective of any intrinsic qualities which they possess, are subjects of peculiar interest to succeeding generations. Men are interested in recalling their accomplishments and delight to treasure in memory the slightest incident connected with their persons and their settlement. As the years go by the pilgrims of New England are gradually elevated from the level of ordinary humanity and placed before our contemplation on pedestals challenging the admiration and respect of posterity. Each successive step in the settlement of the country as adventurous pioneers have pushed out … Read more

Biography of Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D.

Herbert Andrew Browne, M. D. Since 1899 Doctor Browne had been in steady demand for his exceptional professional ability as a physician and surgeon in Galena. His offices are at 305½ Main Street. Doctor Browne is an active member of the Cherokee County, Southeastern Kansas and State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association, and by these associations and by all other standards of judgment that can be applied to members of this profession he ranks as one of the leaders in his section of the state. Doctor Browne came to Galena after one year of practice in Kansas City, … Read more

Biography of Henry William Wulfekuhler

Henry William Wulfekuhler. The late Henry William Wulfekuhler, who helped to build the City of Leavenworth and for nearly a half century was identified with its commercial and financial history, was of German nativity, his birth having occurred at Osnabruck, in the Province of Hanover, August 9, 1834. His father and grandfather before him, both named Christopher, together with their immediate ancestors, lived and died there at the old place which gave them birth. The mother of Henry W. Wulfekuhler was Charlotta, daughter of William Wissman, and was from Versmold, Prussia. The early years of Henry W. Wulfekuhler were passed … Read more