Biography of John J. Pluemer

John J. Pluemer, for many years a resident of Freeport, is now passed eighty-two years, and has given up all active business enterprises. He has been an active and pushing man of affairs, and has borne his part in life manfully. He was born in Ost Friesland, now a part of Prussia, Jan. 3, 1817, where he attended school until he was about 16. To secure for him a better education his father put him into a lawyer’s office where he remained until he was nineteen. His father was a farmer and dealer in peat for fuel purposes, the latter … Read more

Biography of John Piper

John Piper, now living a retired life in Freeport, was born Feb. 7, 1832, in Washington county, Maryland, at the place where, thirty years later, the great battle of Antietam was fought. His parents were Jacob and Anna (Kitzmiller) Piper, both of Washington county, and his grandfather, Daniel Piper, was born February 4, 1780, and died March 3, 1857. He was a farmer and spent all of his life in the above county. His wife, whose maiden name was Brown, was born September 2, 1774, and died July 8, 1851. Grandmother Kitzmiller was born January 23, 1777, and died July … Read more

Biography of Willard P. Naramore

Hon. Willard P. Naramore, the veteran physician and surgeon of Lena, is probably the most prominent of the older pioneers who have witnessed the development of the county from the open prairies to the present highly cultivated agricultural and manufacturing community. He combines two qualifications seldom found in the medical profession-a high proficiency in the art of healing and exceptional financial ability. Too often the practitioner devotes his time and strength to his clientage for many years neglecting the financial side of the profession and finds himself late in life with little to sustain his declining years and the old … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Mynard

Henry H. Mynard, retired farmer, who has been a resident of Stephenson county since 1863, was born in Greene county, New York, November 3rd, 1822. After marriage his parents, Elisha B. and Persis (VanHorn) Mynard, both of Columbia county, New York, moved to Greene county where they resided until 1841 when they removed to Cook county, Illinois, and there engaged in farming until the death of the former in 1845. He served in the war of 1812. Mrs. Mynard died in Lee county, Illinois, in 1865. They had six children, two of whom are now living- Henry H., our subject, … Read more

Biography of Adam Miller

Adam Miller, retired blacksmith, and one of the pioneer settlers of Stephenson county, is a native of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, where he was born March 13, 1826. His parents, Ludwig and Barbara (Klein) Miller, both of the same country in Germany, came to America in 1851 with his entire family and located in Freeport, where he worked at the blacksmith’s trade until his death about 1885. His wife died at the age of 66 years. They had six children, as follows: Adam, Catherine, widow of Joseph Nix, resides in Ridott Township, Stephenson county; Charlie, who died in 1896, was a … Read more

Biography of Jacob Krohn

Jacob Krohn, Freeport, is the president of the Second National bank of that city, and his careful and conservative management has made it one of the solid institutions of the North-west, for its name and reputation extend far beyond the limits of city or county. Mr. Krohn was born in Pyritz, Pomerania, Prussia, February 22, 1832, exactly one hundred years after the birth of Washington, and received his early education in the schools of his native city. When he was twenty years old he left his Prussian home to found another under more kindly auspices on the soil of the … Read more

Biography of Bernhard Huenkemeier

Bernhard Huenkemeier, an old and honored resident of Freeport for more than half a century, is deserving of a prominent place in these pages, not only for the energy and ambition he has displayed in the development of the commercial and social interests of this part of the state and the upright and manly character that he has fashioned in the sunshine and shadow of life, but also for his friendly and sympathetic nature.. He is a man of broad sympathies and generous impulses, and during the long years in which he has been connected with very important interests in … Read more

Biography of William A. Horan

Rev. William A. Horan, late pastor of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, at Freeport, Ill., was born in Pierce township, DeKalb Co., Ill., on Feb. 2nd, 1851, and is the son of the late Patrick M. and Mary (Hanaghan) Horan. Patrick M. Horan was a native of Ireland,, and was born in the year 1800. When a young man he removed to England, where he served in the British army. In 1839 he married Mary, a daughter of Malachy Hanaghan, of county Mayo, Ireland, their union resulting in the birth of twelve children, five of whom are still living. In … Read more

Biography of John Fosha

JOHN FOSHA, of Silver Creek township, Stephenson county, is widely known as one of the most successful farmers of northern Illinois, and he has achieved his present enviable position solely through his own efforts. He has extensive real estate holdings in Kansas as well as this state, as substantial results of his wise use of brain and brawn, and can congratulate himself that while he is still erect and vigorous he has accumulated such a property and stands so well in the business world. Frank and Anna Maria Fosha, the grandparents of the Silver Creek farmer, were born in Lippe-Detmold, … Read more

Biography of Tobias Engle

Tobias Engle, one of the early settlers of Freeport, is a native of Lancaster, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, where he was born May 9, 1829. He is the son of Jacob and Nancy (Myers) Engle. Jacob Jingle was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. In early days he ran a clover huller, later. a grist mill, and afterward took charge of his father’s farm in Lancaster county, residing there until 1851 when he removed to Stephenson county, Illinois, locating in Freeport where he remained two years. Deciding to return to Pennsylvania they started eastward but stopped in Montgomery county, Ohio, where Mr. … Read more

Biography of C.N. Bentley

C.N. Bentley, whose home is on section 21, Harlem township, is one of the venerable figures of the pioneer gatherings of Stephenson county. It indeed has few if any residents whose settlement antedates his own. He knows what it means to open up a new country to civilization, and he is now living in the peace and comfort that follows a long and useful career. Eldred Bentley, the grandfather of the subject of this article, was born in Rhode Island, but spent the greater part of his life in Rensselaer county, New York, and died in Chautauqua county of that … Read more

Biography of Charles Betts

Honorable Charles Betts, Freeport, is one of the most prominent figures of the Stephenson county bar, and his long association with legal affairs gives him the colloquial title of “Judge” Betts. He is called the Nestor of the bar, and is now living in an honorable retirement from professional life. He was born in Batavia, Genesee county, New York, June 13th, 1825, and up to the time of his admission to the bar his life was passed in the Empire state. His educational privileges eminently fitted him for the profession of his choice. At all times he has made the … Read more

Biography of Gen. Smith D. Atkins

Smith D. Atkins, who is a lawyer, soldier, journalist and politician, was born on the 9th of June, 1836, near Elmira, Chemung Co., N. Y.; he came with his father’s family to Illinois in 1848, and lived on a farm until 1850. He then became an apprentice in the office of the Prairie Democrat, which was the first paper published in Freeport. He was educated at Rock River Seminary, Mt. Morris, Ill., working in the printing-office and studying during his spare hours, and in 1852 obtained the foremanship of the Mt. Morris Gazette, while he was yet a student in … Read more

Biography of Thomas Carroll

Thomas Carroll  is an engineer who has seen many years service with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Road. Beginning on the engine when only eighteen years old, he has come to understand its very life, and almost make it a part of himself. He knows every whim and fancy of the iron horse and can coax it to its utmost exertion. Thomas Carroll, Sr., the father of the Freeport engineer, was born in county Monaghan, Ireland, and came to America when a young man. He lived in New York for a time and came to Freeport in 1854, the … Read more

First Confederate Flag

Would you know why I am a “Veteran” “Daughter of the Confederacy,” and of the making of our first flag? Then must I tell you something of my story. My father, an eminent lawyer, active in public work, and a member of the Legislature, died at the age of thirty-three, leaving my mother and three little children. His State honored his memory by the monument which marks his grave, and his name is held in loving – memory by his associates. My mother belonged to quite an old family that can count its ten quarterings. My great-grandfather owned the first … Read more

South Carolina Women in the Confederacy

Carlo Botta, the Italian historian, in his History of the War for Independence, says: “In that fierce struggle, the War of the American Revolution, the women of Carolina presented an example of fortitude more than manly. I know not the history, ancient or modern, which has recorded a story of devotion exceeding or equaling that exhibited by these heroic beings to their American country. Far from considering the epithet a reproach, they gloried and exulted in the name of Rebel women. Their example was inspiring, and it is owing principally to the firmness of these patriotic Carolinians that the name, … Read more

Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century

Jennie Chamberlain

Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century provides 19 biographies of some of the leading ladies in the 18th and 19th century who resided in the US. These 19 biographies portray ladies who were considered by the author to be women of preeminent beauty, dazzling wit, and powerful magnetism.