Wilkinson, Grace E. – Obituary

Last Updated on November 23, 2011 by

Miss Grace E. Wilkinson died at the home of Dr. Myers, in Union, last Sunday afternoon, June 10, 1906, at about 5:30 o’clock. As noticed in last week’s Republican, Miss Wilkinson was brought from High Valley to Union Friday of last week, and was operated on for appendicitis, but she declined slowly until the time named, when she passed away.

The case is a particularly sad one, owing to the popularity and youth of Miss Wilkinson and her long residence in the county, where her friends were many.

The funeral took place from the M.E. church Tuesday at 2 p.m., and was largely attended.

Grace E. Wilkinson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, of High Valley, and for the past year has been a teacher in the public schools of Union. She was 22 years, 10 months and 8 days of age, and numbered her friends by the score all over this section. Miss Wilkinson was the successful candidate from District 21 for the Oregonian’s Yellowstone Park trip, and received notice of her success just prior to her death.

The immense crowd attending the funeral and the many beautiful to the esteem in which Miss Wilkinson was held. Her death was a very sad one and has brought sorrow to many hearts.

Aside from banks of flowers from friends in this immediate vicinity, there were numerous designs from Portland and from outside points. A more beautiful collection is rarely seen in any country.

Among those who attended the funeral were delegations of Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and Artisans, and people from nearly every valley point. The Methodist church was crowded to the doors, and the procession from there to the cemetery was a most imposing spectacle.

As a mark of respect to the deceased, the business houses of the city closed from 2 to 4:30 o’clock

The ceremonies at the M.E. church were conducted by Rev. Walker, of that church, and Rev. Seeman, of the Presbyterian church.

The Rebekahs conducted the services at the grave.

Following statement relative to the life of Miss Wilkinson was read by Rev. Walker at the M.E. church preceding the funeral sermon:

Grace E. Wilkinson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, was born near Cove, Oregon, August 2, 1883, and passed away in Union, Oregon, June 10, 1906. The greater part of her life has been spent in the county and community in which she was born. She graduated from the Union High School and then went to Monmouth, Oregon, where she spent two years in normal training. While in school at Monmouth, she confessed her Savior and became a member of the Disciples’ Church.

After completing the normal work at Monmouth, she spent some time as a student, and later as one of the instructors in stenography and typewriting in a business college at Wichita, Kansas. During the past winter, she was one of the efficient teachers in the public schools of this city.

As the cherished youngest daughter of the family, her bright young life and happy disposition made her a constant delight and joy to her loved ones; and thus was she esteemed by all who knew her. Her life has been one of energy and activity. Gradually but surely was she pushing here way upward, winning the admiration and respect of all who came in contact with her.

As a friend, she was faultless—true to every trust and constant to the last. In suffering and sorrow, hers was the face which brought joy and comfort to the aged: she it was who carried the sunshine.

She had a clear sense of right and justice and was unswerving in her determination to pursue the course that conscience dictated.

Little did acquaintances and friends realize that so short a time might we have among us this bright, beautiful life; but ah, dear friends, eye hath not seen nor ear heard the glories of that other world to which the dear Father in tenderness and mercy hath called her.

She leaves a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters, whose hearts are sore and bleeding over their great loss, but who have the assurance that He who doeth all things well “will lead me on, o’er moor and fen, o’er crag and torrent, till the night is gone; and with the morn those angel faces smile which I have loved long since and lost awhile.”

Tombstone Inscription
Union Cemetery
Union, Union Co., Oregon

Grace Estella
Dau of John and Sarah Wilkinson
Born Aug 2, 1883
Died June 10, 1906
God has marked each sorrowing day
And numbered every secret tear
And heaven’s long age of bliss
Shall pay for all his children suffer her
Peace perfect peace

Contributed by: Robin Church

“Grace E. Wilkinson.”
The Union Republican.
Obituaries and Other Vital Records of Union County, Oregon. 1890 – 1930.
Compiled by Clara Cline Lee.
Reproduced by Walter M. Pierce Library, Eastern Oregon Library, 1972.



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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