Weaver, Henry

Enterprise, Oregon
Henry Weaver Killed In Auto Wreck

Car Driven by Hugh Campbell Turns Over as Driver Tries to Make Turn

Henry Weaver of this city met his death when his auto turned over at Joseph, Sunday. Mr. Weaver and Hugh Campbell, a salesman at the Brick Garage in Joseph, were going to the Wallowa Lake Sunday morning about nine o’clock and witnesses say attempted to turn a corner at a high rate of speed. Those who saw them on the main street of Joseph say they were going at the rate of fifty miles an hour with Campbell driving and when they attempted to make the first turn on the way to the lake the auto turned over twice dragging Mr. Weaver under the car for a distance of about twenty-five feet. He lived only a short time after the accident and died in the Enterprise hospital Campbell was lucky enough to escape with only bruises.

Mrs. Weaver was visiting a sister at Pendleton at the time of the accident and arrived in Enterprise Monday.

Henry Weaver was born in Sullivan County, Missouri, on March 27, 1888, and passed away in Enterprise, August 22nd, 1920. He came to Union county with his parents in 1902. He had lived in Wallowa County most of the time since coming to Oregon.

Mr. Weaver was united in marriage to Miss Versa Davis at Asotin, Washington, twelve years ago.

The wife and two daughters survive him. He also leaves his father, Joseph J. Weaver to mourn the loss of a son. The mother passed away last fall.

The funeral was held Tuesday at the residence of the deceased in Enterprise and the remains were laid away in the Enterprise cemetery. The Elks had charge of the funeral services at the grave. The deceased was also a member of the I.O.O.F. and Loyal Moose.

Wallowa County Reporter August 26, 1920



White, Judy Wallis. Wallowa County Oregon Obituaries. AccessGenealogy. © 1999-2016, all rights reserved.

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