Old Sumpter Cemetery, Sumpter, Oregon (2)

Last Updated on October 29, 2012 by

There are no known original records or maps for the cemetery. It is proper to suppose that any such was lost in the Sumpter fire of 1917. The City of Sumpter now assumes cotrol. It was originally called Blue Mountain Cemetery and was owned by E.A. Case the Sumpter undertaker. There was an earlier cemetery in Sumpter near the NE corner of Auburn and Ibex Streets. Those graves were all moved here in 1900 and likely this cemetery was not started much before then. The earliest dates here, 1895, could have been moved. This outline defines only the old fenced portion of around 2 1/2 acres, not the whole 10 acre tract. Corner No. 2 on the new fence is near this SW corner but to be nearer right is 3 or 4 feet away. The gates for both the old and new arrangements open on the west to privately owned ground, now belonging to David Simonsen of Portland.

In 1963 a community effort put the old fence again in shape. By this year, 1975, the fence had been down in a place or two for a few years until the all new fence was built. Until Brooks Hawley limbed the dead branches within the old cemetery the trees had no attention. Since 1971 John Mitchell has lead out in tree thinning on the remainder of the 10 acres. Two trees were killed by lightning in recent years. At present pine beetles are killing trees on the north side in the unthinned area.

Even in boom times most funerals were at Baker Cemetery instead of here. With one exception, no one now living in the valley has ancestors in this cemetery. I know some about a third of the plots, but i know nothing about the most of them. Hardly a dozen plots are remembered on Memorial Day. Bill Rowe take fine care of his parents graves and there is now a new steel fence there. The Joseph Young plot is the mosy history Joe Young, Charles Rimbol, John James, the Downies, Eli Watkins were earlier comers. Hatley, Gardner, Calhoun, Worley, Hinton, Taliafero, Rowe, Baird, Griswold, Lockhart, Lavin, Weatherford, West, Maiwaldt, McVicker, Gallagher, Beardsley, Butcher, McGuire, Jellison, Green, Estes, Walsh, some I knew so well but some I only heard of. Rimbol Young, All, Young, Effie Hatley and grandson Ralph, how many years they lived here!

I consider this cemetery to be a pleasant, pretty place where all are at peace from the cares of this world. May deer and even elk continue to feed here, coyotes come by, squirrels be busy, and birds to nest. Brooks Hawley December 1, 1975.

Buried in Sumpter Blue Mountain Cemetery without Grave Markers.

This is made from Mrs. Gerry Guthrie’s notes from Blue Mountain Americans from July 1903 to the end of the newspaper in the fire of 1917. Mrs. Guthrie’s notes were made in 1982. Brooks Hawley made this in May 1986. The dates are the issue of the newspaper.

July 18, 1903, Infant girl, 5 years old, of Warren family camped here for short time, shot playing with 44 rifle in tent alone, lived 6 hours.

August 1, 1903, John Zwanck killed in cave in at his mine at Greenhorn. No relatives.

August 22, 1903, W.E. Felix, Justice of Peace, died of typhoid. Funeral from chapel of Case Undertaking Parlors.

September 19, 1903, Walter R. Allen, mining man at Cracker-Oregon Mine, not feeling well, died at Baker hospital. Buried by Knights of Pythias.

October 24, 1903, Mrs. Sarah Gilespie, had attack of apoplexy, paralysis of heart. Catholic funeral.

February 27, 1904, Joseph B. Schmidt, Sumpter business man, died in Arizona. Buried here by Red Men and Eagles.

June 11, 1904, Tom Lavin shot himself, suicide. Grave is identified by wood marker.

August 13, 1904, John anderson died from drunken brawl with Charles Matterson at Bourne. Not known here. Buried by Case Undertaking.

June 21, 1905, Pat Kearns, miner, died of pneumonia.

July 15, 1905, Samuel E. Morrow died at E. & E. Mine from blast when delayed at cage to be raised. Had only been at E. & E. a few days. Age 35.

July 15, 1905, Timothy J. Ryan died from same accident as Samuel Morrow, Age 40, Catholic funeral by Father Olivett.

July 22, 1905, George Steadman, age 87, died while praying beside his bed. Born in London. Came here 3 years ago to be with his son George, Jr. Services by Rev. Paul Everett of the Methodist church. Note pall bearers Barney Flynn and J. W. Cowden.

October 14, 1905, Robert Atwell, of reticent nature, age 72, dock at mines and Capital Hotel. Would never tell Mr. Denny his past history but had a wife and two children in the east.

January 27, 1906, Agnes O’Donnell, age 8, her father Dan O’Donnell worked at Columbia mine. Services by Rev. S. C. Elder in Case Chapel.

April 21, 1906, Thomas Tisdale, placer miner near Bonanza Mine. Died of heart attack.

May 26, 1906, C. G. Vest, age 70, logger for Oregon Lumber Company, died from falling limb hitting him.

July 28, 1906, W.E.Cronk, age 40, miner, died of peritonitis. Buried by Bourne Miners Union.

August 25, 1906, One of twin infants of Mrs. Gertrude Young died at North Pole boarding house. (Alberta’s twin).

September 1, 1906, Gender Kettleson, age 54 and Allen Dillon age 17, died in cave in at Bonanza mine. Dillon buried at Walla Walla. Kettleson buried at Sumpter, no relatives.

September 29, 1906, William N. Greenly on wood contract hit by limb. age 33, Not positive buried here.

December 8, 1906, Amy Disteli, age 8 died after illness of several weeks.

March 9, 1907, Infant, age 14 months, at Bourne, suspected poisoned with carbolic acid. Its mother was Mary Burns, age 17, the daughter of William Proffit.

May 4, 1907, william Mallard, had been only 3 or 4 days at logging camp, died at Sumpter hospital of typhoid fever, buried same day, no relatives.

July 27, 1907 Mrs. Lanretta M. Jones died at logging camp near McEwen, age 58. They recently came here. Funeral by Rev. Osterman at Case Undertaking Parlors.

August 24, 1907, gus Johnson killed while loading logs, a hook gave way. Services by Rev. Martin at Case Undertaking Parlors.

August 31, 1907, Kit Rowe, age 42, died of lingerling illness. Had last worked at Columbia Mine.

October 5, 1907, Vernie Jenkins, age almost 5 years, funeral at presbyterian Church conducted by Rev. D.N. Good. Parents C.M. Linville and wife.

April 25, 1908, Violet Kerns, age 6 years, died at St. Francis Academy. Buried by Eagles beside mother in Blue Mountain Cemetery. Father in Nevada.

September 5, 1908, Melvin Clark, age 70, died of catarrahal dysentry. Funeral by Odd Fellows. Assume buried at Sumpter.

August 15, 1908, Mrs. A.E. Lant, age 52, from Granite, died of acute peritonitis.
Services by Rev. J. H. Ketcham, escorted by Knights of Pythias.

October 10, 1908, Peter Dudley, age 70, came to Sumpter 36 years ago. Road supervisor last 8 years. Buried by Red Men.

October 24, 1908, David Ringlin, age 48, died at Bourne of consumption. No known relatives.

February 13, 1909, Catherine A. Flynn, age 20 ill one week. Daughter of M.M. and Sarah Flynn. (Evidently not the Barney Flynns)

August 28, 1909, C. H. Peterman, age 30, died of typhoid.

October 9, 1909, James Kenedy, aged woodchopper at McEwen commited suicide, shot himself, had cancer of mouth. Buried by Masons.

November 6, 1909, F. T. Glison, age 70, died at Hanover.

February 5, 1910, Elmer Lockhart, age 34, took sick at logging camp, died of pnuemonia. Father W. D. Lockhart, rothers Frank, John, sister Mrs. Lilly Linville of Portland.

May 14, 1910, Fred Downey, age 42, Died at Highland Mine from powder fumes from shot that did not go off. Buried by Eagles and Bourne Miners Union.

July 16, 1910, Mrs. Kennon, age 48, in poor health for years, had only been here for several months. Buried by Masons and Eastern Stars.

July 23, 1910, Wilbur W. Austin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Austin at Granite.

August 6, 1910, Oscar Gutteral, age 60, drowned in barrel, suicide, had been despondent. No known relatives.

September 17, 1910, Mike Yuniski, miner age 57, later a cook, leg amputated, native of Poland, severe hemorrhage, evidently buried here.

October 8, 1910, Algernon Donald Ware, age 7 years, brief illness. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ware at Columbia Mine.

June 29, 1911, Ned Greenless electrocuted at pumping plant at Coyote Rapids on Columbia River, in employ of Pacific Power and Light, Kennewick, on a 2300 vold line at a transformer, died in 2 days. Services in Presbyterian Church by Rev. Moore.

September 7, 1911, Mrs. B. G. Austin, age 29, died at Granite from appendicitis. Mother buried at Sumpter 3 years ago. Not positive where buried but suppose here.

February 8, 1912, William Bristol, age 49, died after lingering illness, Lived here 10 years, buried by Eagles.

June 27, 1912, Fayette M. Bryant, age 55, prospector at Granite, sick 2 years from consumption.

March 14, 1912, E.A.Case died at Salem March 9, age 64. Came to Sumpter in 1895, constructed buildings during the boon, furniture store, survived by widow, 3 sons and a daughter. Services by Odd Fellows Lodge. (An item March 13, 1909 said E. A. Case was committed to the state hospital at Salem. How pitiful! Buried in his own cemetery without a grave marker, and being the local undertaker.)

March 13, 1913, Mrs. Lizzie Deland found dead at home, in needy circumstances, not considered suicide.

July 17, 1913, Nick Allen, bachelor age 55 or 60 found dead in his yard. Buried by Odd Fellows, No relatives here.

October 2, 1913, Charles Lees berg, age 42, died from cave in at Imperial Mine.

January 22, 1914, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson.

August 26, 1915, Mrs. J. L. Wyant, age 75, almost blind, died from clothing catching fire brom kitchen stove. Funeral by Rev. r. C. Lee.

November 4, 1915, Charles Lomanson died of heart attack in his cabin. Funeral by Rev. R. C. Lee.

December 16, 1915, Mrs. Evaline Haskins, age 79, bed ridden many years, died at Whitney or Baker. Related to Whiteds and Rouses. Services by Rev. Winter at Presbyterian church. Buried beside husband who died 3 years ago.

January 13, 1916, Albert Weis killed by avalanche on Bull Run Mountain near Unity. Buried by the Masons.

September 10, 1910, Charles Morse, barber here only a few weeks. Evidently buried here.

July 2, 1910 Sid Knapp, had been ill at Hot Lake, died at Baker, buried by Eagles here.

March 30, 1911, William C. Blackwell, age 40 suffered from diabetes, buried by Eagles.

April 30, 1914, William Carrell, age 42, killed by Scotty John Cosgrove in a drunken brawl at Cosgrove’s cabin near Hanover.

July 30, 1914, Elmer ajer, miner, burned to death in his cabin afire at Hanover.

July 29, 1915, William H. (Scoots) Jellison, ae 50, died in runaway driving buggy to Whitney, Burial services by Rev. R. C. Lee.

AccessGenealogy.com. Cemetery Collection.

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