Holmes, Henry – Obituary

In Forest Cove, Oregon, December 16th of softening of the brain

Deceased was a resident of Union county and a worthy and esteemed citizen, who occupied a very high position in the minds of all who knew him. Mr. Holmes was a miller by profession, and had spent some time in the milling business in Union in the employ of George Wright and Sons, during which time he had gathered together large bands of young cattle in the Wallowa Valley, which he put into due immense herd numbering about four hundred head, and last spring took them to the Chicago market.

While putting his cattle upon the cars at Kelton, preparatory for shipment to Chicago, he became very much fatigued both physically and mentally, causing him to give way to his thirst and take a drink of ice water, which caused a momentary relaxation of his irratated physical condition, and from which time he has ever anticipated his close proximity to the bank of the mortal sea, the dashing waves of which deposits tens of thousands daily upon the other side. Mr. Holmes seemed to truly realize the fact that he must die, and privately contracted with Mr. Chapman of Union, some months ago for the construction of a vault, which he had erected during the week with the assistance of Mr. Armonstrong, and the remains of death without lamented call was lain in its final resting place on the 21st., inst.

Mountain Sentinel, Saturday
December 22d., 1877



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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