Green, Jesse Albert – Obituary

Last Updated on December 5, 2011 by

Near Union, Monday, March 25th, Jesse Albert Green, aged 16 years, 4 months and 12 days.

Jesse was the beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T.B.H. Green and was a young man of bright intellect and a general favorite for his kindness of heart, amiable disposition and many noble qualities. Few indeed, of his age, have been required to suffer more, and none could have stood that suffering with more fortitude and less complaint. On the fourth day of July, 1876 he received a slight bruise on the leg below the knee by a horse falling on him. At that time the matter was not considered serious, altho it pained him considerably and apparently from that time the bone became diseased. Sometime last summer, if we mistake not, about May, Dr. Biggers and Cromwell were called on to examine the diseased limb. They opened the flesh and removed a large amount of diseased bone. The operation was a severe one, but young Green showed unusual nerve and endured the pain like a martyr. Soon after this it was decided by his attending physicians that amputation would be required to save his life. Again he was placed under the surgeon’s knife and the amputation was skilfully performed. Being very weak at the time, havintg always prior to this time been accustomed to active out door life, he gained slowly and soon the ravaging lines of disease that had been sown in his system, bore marked evidence of his coming dissolution. The grief stricken parents, the brothers and sisters, neighbors and friends done all that humanity could do to relieve his sufferings and strew his pathway with flowers, until Monday morning last when his gentle spirit sevred it’s connection with the diseased and mangled form to dwell in a brighter and better state of existance.

The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends and they also desire us to extend their heartfelt thanks to the entire community for many acts of sympathy and kindness during their long and trying ordeal with their suffering boy.

Mountain Sentinel, Saturday
March 30, 1878



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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