Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Jones

Last Updated on December 4, 2012 by

It is gratifying to be privileged to put in print an epitome of one of the brave men who fought, as did the subject of this sketch for the honor of the stars and stripes and the safety of our free institutions when the foul hand of treason sought to deface all and destroy the homes of freedom. In addition Mr. Jones has always shown himself in the walks of life to be upright and capable and has done a noble part in the advancement and development of the resources of the country.

Speaking more particularly of his personal history, we note that his birth occurred in Hickman County, Tennessee on August 13, 1836, being the son of Stephen and Jane Jones. He was reared amid the environments of a farm and gained his education from the schools held in the log cabins of the clay. Our subject remained at home until he had reached manhood’s estate, and in October, 1857, he was married to Miss Emily M. Downey in Searcy County, Arkansas, and soon thereafter went to Marion County, in Arkansas. And there, when the war broke out, he offered his services for freedom’s cause. The date of his actual enlistment was August 6, 1862, at which time he was mustered into Company C, First Arkansas Cavalry, in the volunteer army. He was under Colonel Harrison and was soon detailed as musician in the regimental band. He participated in many skirmishes and did his share of hard service until August 23, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He is now a member of the A. P. Hovey Post, G. A. R., at Ontario.

Immediately following his discharge, he returned to his home and family and in 1875 he brought his family, having eight children, across the plains with ox teams, to the vicinity of Prairie City, Grant County. Two years later, he came to Ada County, Idaho, and thence to Washington County. It was in 1892 that he came to the vicinity of Ontario and went to farming and in 1899; he purchased his present place of forty acres, one mile west of Nyssa. He has it well improved and raises abundance of alfalfa hay, cutting as high as eight tons to the acre each year. His is farm has abundance of water from the Owyhee ditch.

To Mr. and Mrs. Jones there have been born the following children: William A. deceased: David J.: Mrs. Emma Langley of Santa Cruz. California: Andrew J., of Washington County, Idaho: John R. traveling agent: Mrs. Laura Stacy, near Vale: George W. deceased: Ada, deceased: Erastus E. Mr. Jones is beginning the golden years of his life and he is well entitled, because of his faithful labors to enjoy in quietness the portion that he has gained, being respected by all.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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