Biographical Sketch of Franklin T. Dick

FRANKLIN T. DICK, – The present postmaster of La Grande was born in Westport, Kentucky, May 7, 1840, where he remained until 1861, receiving a common-school education. In 1863 he removed to Burlington, Iowa, and in the latter part of the year went to Nevada. In 1864 we find him at the Silver City mines, Idaho; and from this point in 1866 he found his way to La Grande, where he has remained ever since. In 1870 he began domestic life, marrying Miss Marquise Lewis; and they now have a family of three boys and one girl. After coming to La Grande, Mr. Dick was engaged seven years in agriculture, and then occupied the position of host of the best hotel in the place for another seven years. He has been serving as postmaster more than two years.

His political record is of an honorable character, he having been elected to the Oregon legislature, where he served his constituents with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the public. He has recently become heir to fifteen thousand dollars left him by J.B. Stevens, the founder of East Portland. The public may well congratulate Mr. Dick upon this good fortune, feeling certain that it could have fallen into no more worthy hands.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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