Biography of Van B. Delashmutt

Delashmutt, Van B., the present Mayor of Portland, was born in Burlington, Iowa, July 27, 1842. Ten years later the family came to the infant territory of Oregon, and settled on a farm in Polk county, in the Willamette Valley. The monotonous life of a farmer’s boy illy suited the naturally adventuresome disposition of young DeLashmutt, and at the age of fifteen he went to Salem, where he secured employment in the office of the Salem Statesman, as an apprentice to learn the printers’ trade. With characteristic earnestness and energy the apprentice served three years, and at the end of … Read more

Levi Goodsil Todd of Union NE

Levi Goodsil Todd7, (Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 22, 1830, in Stockton, N. Y., died Feb. 24, 1906, in Union, Neb., married Feb. 22, 1855, in Burlington, Iowa, Lydia Jones, who died Aug. 17, 1908. Mr. Todd too, went to Nebraska at the same time that his brothers did. He lived the rest of his life on or near the place where he first settled. He was once a candidate for Governor of Nebraska on the Greenback ticket. Children: *1703. Albina Philinda, b. Feb. 27, 1856. 1704. Elizabeth Matilda, b. March 28, 1858, d. Feb. 21, 1886, … Read more

Biography of William Hunter McKenzie

William Hunter McKenzie has found his work in the business administration of gas companies, and since 1905 had held the responsibilities of general manager of the Wyandotte County Company of Kansas City, Kansas. It was a boyhood experience while in a state institution in Ohio that gave him the permanent bent of a vocational experience. Mr. McKenzie was born in Harrisonville, Ohio, November 15, 1862, one of the four children of James T. and Mary C. (Hoover) McKenzie, both also natives of Ohio and of Scotch and Dutch extraction. James T. McKenzie was a cabinet maker by trade. At the … Read more

Biography of Francis McGuire

FRANCIS McGUIRE. – Under the wheeling shadows of Lone Fir, where green vines clamber over the gently swelling mounds, where beautiful funeral flowers, at each glorious resurrection of the year, breathe sweet memorial incense, and gleaming marble guards the last bivouac of the loved and lost, lie the remains of Francis McGuire. Standing by his grave we have no need to invoke the tender Latin maxim, – De mortuis nil nisi bonum; for when his weary head drooped at last it was by the chosen path of duty. He left no stain on the bright escutcheon of his manhood, – … Read more

Biography of John Shackford Kimball

John Shackford Kimball was an enterprising lawyer of Boston and a business man of Burlington, Ia. A son of David and Abigail (Perkins) Kimball, Pembroke, N.H., April 28, 1812. His descent from Michael Kimball, who married Bettie Runnells, came through David Kimball of the second generation and David Kimball of the third, who married Abigail Perkins. The fifth generation is now represented by John Stevens Kimball. Mr. Kimball’s parents died at Pembroke when he was thirteen years old, leaving nine children-Betsey, Asa, Perkins, John Shackford, Abigail, Sarah Towle (widow of Timothy Colby, of Concord ), Joseph, Mary Lewis (widow of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Ralph Owens

Owens, John Ralph; dentist; born, Burlington, Ia., May 15, 1853; son of John James and Martha Ann Yocum Owens; educated, public schools, Burlington, Ia.; graduated from High School in 1870, salutatorian of class; received degree of D. D. S. from Philadelphia Dental College, 1875; vice pres. of the class; married, Cleveland, May 15, 1889, Louise Benton; issue, three daughters, Beatrice, Theodora, and Louise; enlisted in the Cleveland first troop of Cavalry, 1880; served twelve years, having risen to 3rd sergt.; member Municipal Ass’n; trustee Y. M. C. A., 1884; charter member Cleveland Dental Society, its third pres. and fourth treas., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin T. Dick

FRANKLIN T. DICK, – The present postmaster of La Grande was born in Westport, Kentucky, May 7, 1840, where he remained until 1861, receiving a common-school education. In 1863 he removed to Burlington, Iowa, and in the latter part of the year went to Nevada. In 1864 we find him at the Silver City mines, Idaho; and from this point in 1866 he found his way to La Grande, where he has remained ever since. In 1870 he began domestic life, marrying Miss Marquise Lewis; and they now have a family of three boys and one girl. After coming to … Read more

Biography of Sherman Mertz

Sherman Mertz. A little more than a quarter of a century ago Sherman Mertz was working as a farm hand in Kansas. He had that quality in him which would not permit him to remain long dependent on an employer’s service, and with a very modest capital and perhaps on borrowed money he began farming for himself. Today Mr. Mertz is rated as one of the most successful and substantial citizens of Wabaunsee, where he is both a farmer and a large property owner. Mr. Mertz was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, near the City of Burlington, October 9, … Read more

Biography of Hon. George W. Vinton

It is a pleasure for the writer to take up the career of men who, through long years of residence in Rock Island County, have by their upright lives and splendid deeds won for themselves the enduring respect and regard of their fellow citizens. In this class the Honorable George W. Vinton stands prominent. He was born at Middlebury, Vermont, December 5, 1834. His father was John A. Vinton, who served as a drummer boy during the War of 1812. After the close of that war the father received from the United States Government a tract of land for his … Read more

Biography of Julius Junge

There are few business men in Rock Island or Moline who do not enjoy a personal acquaintance with the genial Julius Junge, vice-president of the Rock Island Brewing Company, a man who, though deeply engrossed in the concerns of a large and growing industry, has found time to cultivate his social nature and to enjoy the pleasures of companionship with his fellow men. He was born in Prussia, March 23, 1848, being a son of Joseph and Johanna (Herschel) Junge. His father served for some years as a soldier in the Prussian Army, but being a man desirous of seeking … Read more

Biography of Robert Couch Kinney

ROBERT COUCH KINNEY. – Oregon will always treasure with respect and admiration the memory of the men and women who came in the days when the Pacific Northwest was the home of savage tribes, mountain men and a few traders, to plant homes and lay the foundation of an empire on the waters of the Columbia. They dared much when they accepted the roll of pioneers to the Pacific. Some became notable for success, and developed character that gave standing to the new state; for the constitution and early legislation of Oregon showed statesmanship seldom equaled in the erection of … Read more

Biography of Col. Homer F. Fellows

In these days of money-making, when life is a constant struggle between right and wrong, it is a pleasure to lay before an intelligent reader the unsullied record of an honorable man. To the youthful it will be a useful lesson, an incentive to honest industry. Col. Homer F. Fellows is acknowledged by all to be one of Springfield’s most public-spirited and honorable citizens. He has been largely identified with the public enterprises of that city, is a promoter of its improvements and the real founder of one of the largest mechanical industries in this part of the State. He … Read more

Biography of A. H. McCarty

A. H. McCarty. When the Valeda State Bank was organized at Valeda, June 1, 1915, under a state charter, the institution was given a good start not only by reason of its capital of $10,000, and by the subsequent accumulation of a surplus of $2,500, but also because of the excellent men who were its stockholders and original officers and directors. The president of the bank is A. E. Townsend, the vice president W. H. Bollman, and the cashier A. H. McCarty, all well known residents of Valeda and vicinity. The bank erected its home on Main Street in 1915. … Read more

Loosely, Charles A. – Obituary

Death Claims Well Known Fraternalist Following days of critical Illness, Chas. A. Loosely passed away at his home Sunday. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the I.O.O.F. Hall with Rev. Cullison in charge. The body will be taken later to Iowa for burial. Charles A. Loosely was born in Keithsburg, Mercer County, Illinois, November 2, 1877, and passed at his home in Enterprise, Oregon, at 3:30 Sunday afternoon, August 29th, 1920. His early life was spent in Illinois. He married to Miss Nina Baner in Burlington, Iowa, on September 28, 1898, and they made their home for several years … Read more

Peace Attempts with Western Prairie Indians, 1833

General Henry Leavenworth

What was known as the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek was entered into in Mississippi with the Choctaw Indians September 27, 1830; pursuant to the terms of the treaty, in 1832 the movement of the Choctaw to their new home between the Canadian and Red rivers was under way but they were in danger from incursions of the Comanche and Pani Picts or Wichita, and the Kiowa tribe, who came east as far as the Washita and Blue rivers; these Indians had also evinced a hostile attitude toward white citizens and had attacked and plundered Santa Fe traders, trappers, and … Read more

Welch, Mabel Leona Morrow – Obituary

Mrs. Amos Welch, 1018 N. 10th St. Burlington, 52, passed away Monday [June 20], at 3:30 p.m. at Mercy Hospital, Burlington where she had been a patient 48 hours. Mabel Leona Welch, daughter of Millie Gholson and Fred Morrow, was born at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1902. She was married July 3, 1917 at Chariton to Amos Lloyd Welch. Before moving to Burlington about two years ago, the family resided at Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Welch was a member of the former Methodist Protestant Church. Besides her husband, she leaves two children; Rex D. and Lila Jean, both of whom … Read more

Biography of Justin E. Joy

Justin E. Joy, a prominent lumberman of Missouri, who always deserves mention in a history of the state as the one who was practically the builder of Webster Groves, was born at Oquaqua Junction, Iowa, June 17, 1844, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joy, who removed to Burlington, Iowa, during the infancy of their son. There the father operated a sash and door factory for many years, or until 1874, when he removed with his family to St. Louis and in subsequent years was employed as superintendent of building by his son Justin. The latter was educated in … Read more

Biography of F. C. Amsbary

F. C. Amsbary, superintendent and manager of the Champaign Waterworks, has been superintending waterworks plants in different parts of the country for upwards of thirty years. It has in fact been his regular profession, though some of his younger years were devoted to railroading. Mr. Amsbary has numerous connections that identify him with the substantial interests of his home city. A native of Illinois, he was born at Pekin, January 24, 1863, a son of William Wallace and Harriet E. (Harlow) Amsbary, both of whom are natives of New York State. William W. Amsbary moved to Champaign in 1907, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene F. Ware

Eugene F. Ware, a soldier of Iowa, a lawyer and public man of Kansas, and an author both of that state and Missouri, was born at Hartford, Connecticut, May 29, 1841. His parents moved to Burlington, Iowa, in his childhood and he was educated in the public schools of that place. During the Civil war he reached the rank of captain in the Fourth Iowa Cavalry. He took a section of land in Cherokee County, Kansas, in 1867, studied law and was admitted to the bar at Fort Scott and to the United States Supreme Court; entered the law firm … Read more

Biography of Gen. James Clark Tolman

GEN. JAMES CLARK TOLMAN. – One of the leading citizens of Jackson county, and foremost among the representative men of Oregon, is General James Clark Tolman, ex-surveyor general of this state. A man of great decision of character and executive ability, he has always occupied the position of a leader, and, after fifty years of active participation in the affairs of his country, retains the confidence and respect of not only his political associates, but of adherents of the opposite party. From youth he was an enthusiastic Whig, during the lifetime of that party, and since has been a consistent … Read more