Cherokee Advocate, November 1886

Last Updated on March 16, 2013 by

November 3, 1886

Local News

The Advocate is delayed a day this week in order to include Chief Bushyhead’s message in full. The Message is replete with matter of importance to the Cherokee people and should be read by all.

Whoever is nominated Supreme Judge, that man only should be elected who will and can discharge the responsible duties of the position with honor to himself and credit to the intelligence of the Cherokee people.

Mr. Mont Adair, of Flint District, sent to this office a Mammoth Radish, 35 inches in circumference and 22 inches long. Mr. Adair is one of the leading farmers in the country, and takes great pride in raising the best of everything.

Judge R W Walker, has our thanks for several fine specimens of seedling apples, grown upon the Judge’s farm in Flint District. The apples resemble the Kentucky Red variety, and are fully equal, if not superior to that well known popular apple.

Dr. Bland, Editor of the Council Fire, of Washington City, is in the city. Dr. Bland delivered a lecture upon the Indian Question at the school house last Wednesday night to a small but select audience. The doctor is an earnest and active friend of the Indians.

Z V Welch, Sheriff of Swain County, North Carolina, came in last Saturday with a requisition for Aaron B Ingram, the man who shot Dick Gagan and others sometime since about ten miles west of here. The requisition was honored by our Chief and Sheriff Welch proceeded to take the man into custody. Ingram killed a man in North Carolina last spring by the name of Welch and eluding arrest there fled to this country.

National House

J W Jordan, George Mays, J W Rowe, R J Alexander, J B Bissell, J W Wallace, P Tovey, Gideon Morgan, Wm McCracken, Connell Rogers, Elred Cowers, J H Baugh, A N Chamberlain, John F Lyons, M F Wilson, F A White, Ed Crutchfield, Samuel Rice, Wm Henderson, J B Balmus.

Hotel Glenn

Osie Dick, R B Choate, J E Gunter, W F Hampton, R M Wolfe, R M Dannenberg, C C Lipe, J J Morrison, E H Witmire, G B Foreman, D H Sayers, S H Mays, J T Cavalier.

Major John F Lyons is a guest at the National.

Judge R F Wyly of Beatie’s Prairie is in the city.

Richard Vann of Canadian District is stopping at Hotel Glenn.

John Springston who has been seriously ill for some weeks past is again on his feet.

Chief Justice J M Keys has been detained at home on account of sickness in his family.

We had a pleasant call today from two young ladies of the Female Seminary, – Misses Nannie Mills and Delilah Cox.

Cale Starr returned last Monday from a two weeks hunt in Illinois District, and started immediately for a week’s fishing.

Mr. Wm Eubanks, of Tahlequah District, was elected this morning Interpreter of the Council, in place of Rev. A N Chamberlain.

The Chief delivered his Message yesterday, on the public square in the presence of the National Council, and about five hundred people.

Shelly Keys, City Marshal of Muskogee, is in the City. Rumor has it that Shelly has more than a passing interest in our town- at least one fair damsel wears a sweet smile when he is around.


Cherokee Advocate Various issues. Elias C. Boudinot Jr. Editor. 1885-1886.

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