Cherokee Advocate, May 7, 1886

Last Updated on April 5, 2013 by Dennis

May 7, 1886
Clerk’s Office,
Sequoyah District, Cherokee Nation

To All Whom It May Concern:

Parties obtaining permits from this office made under the laws of the Cherokee Nation, are hereby warned to renew them within ten days after the expiration of such permits, or they will not be renewed. Also all persons having white or colored laborers on their farms without permits are requested to take out permits for them without delay, r they will be reported to the Solicitor for prosecution, and the non-citizens to the Executive Department of the Cherokee Nation as intruders.

Given from under my hand and Seal this 30th day of March, 1866. E E Adair, Clerk Sequoyah District, Cherokee Nation.

Dots From Delaware

Last Friday, April 23rd, Tome Prather, living on Cowskin Prairie, shot and instantly killed a man by the name of Nale. From information, gathered from various sources, the circumstances are about as follows: Nale was a permitted man, living on Prather’s place. Tuesday, previous to the killing, Nale, while passing Prather’s house, heard an unusual noise in the house and going in to see what it meant, found Prather beating his wife. He, Nale, prevented him from further maltreatment of his wife, and rebuked him for thus treating a woman. Nothing further occurred and Nale left. On Friday morning Nale riding along the road near Prather’s house, was shot and instantly killed, as above stated.

A little girl, some 13 years old, was passing near Prather’s house and saw Tom slipping on his hands and knees to a little house in the yard, and about the same time saw a man riding, passing along the road. In a few moments she heard the report of a fire-arm and saw the rider reel and fall from his horse. The citizens were incensed and for a time it seemed that Judge Lynch would take jurisdiction in the case. Marshal Wilkerson was soon on hand, however, and took charge of Prather.

The male portion of this Prather family have been failures as to being peace-loving, law-abiding citizens. There has scarcely been a time since they landed in this Nation, in questionable shape, that they have been in accord with peace and good order. How pretend to say, nevertheless, trouble and confusion have followed in their wake from the day they landed in this country.

Dark Deed Unearthed

A few days since one of our citizens while plowing up some ground near the house, where he had recently moved, tore the top from a box, buried in the ground, and supposing a treasure had been found, an examination was made. The box was packed full of dirt and when they reached the bottom, to their utter astonishment, the bones and two skulls of infants were found. They evidently were twins or infants of the same age.

It is well known who had previously occupied the house and the circumstances go to show a most revolting deed has been perpetrated by someone, and call for an investigation by a U S Marshal. Pomp.

Local News

Tahlequah has a chess club.

Mrs. Julia Darby is quite ill at the National.

Hon. R Bunch, Acting Principal Chief is in the city.

Mr. John Pyeatt contemplates removing to Virdigris.

Work is rapidly progressing on John Taylor’s new hotel.

Mr. R M Wolfe is the Interpreter for Chief Bunch and is in town.

George Mitchell the reliable merchant of Oaks, Cherokee Nation, was in town this week.

Evans Brothers have found it necessary to build an addition to their drug store.

Cow buyers have been around during the week picking up three and four year old steers.

An informal hop at Dr. Blake’s last Friday evening was a source of much pleasure to the young folks.

Mr. R M French has been quite ill for several days but is recovering under the able treatment of Dr. Thompson.

Darius War has a fine lot of beautiful brackets in display at Stapler’s Furniture Store, corner of Main and Cherokee Streets.

John R Mayfield, one of the leading merchants of Webbers Falls and a fine young business man made our town a visit last week.

Mr. Charly Starr, High Sheriff, has rented Mr. Jerry Springsted’s lovely little cottage in the lower portion of town and will shortly move in.

Jimmie Walker is lying dangerously ill at the residence of his brother in law, Mr. M L Pyeatt. We hope soon to chronicle his complete recovery.

John Wilson our enterprising Liveryman and mail contractor has ordered two fine hacks with tops for his stage line between this place and Fort Gibson.

Henry Clay, a resident of Garfield, Cherokee Nation, had a fine horse, valued at three hundred dollars, stolen from him last Monday night a week ago.

See an interesting communication in this issue from one of the Nation’s brightest young men, Mr. George Hicks, now a student in the Rochester New York Theological Seminary.

Miss Minnie Whitaker, the beautiful and accomplished principal teacher of the Presbyterian School at this place is again at her post having suffered sometime with a severe cold.

We learn that Cal Hanks was shot dangerously by a Deputy Marshal at Webbers Falls last week. We have no particulars. Pickens Benge was captured at the same time.

The beautiful arbor erected over the approach to the dwelling of Mr. J W Stapler on Main Street is a marvel of beauty and very creditable to the artistic taste and excellent workmanship of Mr. George McGregor.

The cemetery meeting last Saturday evening was not very largely attended, but the gentlemen attending, are determined that something must be done. We urge upon our citizens the necessity for action in this matter.

The Tahlequah House is being rebuilt and reconstructed with all the modern improvements and appliances and therefore will be closed for the present. Due notice will be given of its completion and readiness for the reception of guests.

About half way between this place and Fort Smith recently a little white boy was lost. All night his mother and brother hunted him in vain. On the morrow assisted by neighbors the search was continued and ere long the ghastly discovery of a little pile of blood bedabbled bones and shreds of torn clothing told of the horrible death by wolves.

Last Friday evening George Gaught while returning home after dark and when about a mile from home three miles east of here he heard the cry of a child and howling wolves apparently together nearby. He hastened to the spot and found his little five year old daughter and not fifty yards away the hideous howling of many wolves showed how near the little one had been to a horrible death.

Gorham!! A rather pleasant sounding name, and a rather pleasant and intelligent look individual claimed and bears it, but alas for appearances! Gorham was employed by John Wilson as driver of the mail hack from here to Gibson, as such a good deal of express passed through his hands and some money. Not long since he collected twenty odd dollars of express money and applied it to his own use. When found out and called to account he did not deny the taking but was unable to pay. He was arrested and taken before Commissioner Tufts at Muskogee who discharged him, defining the crime as a breach of trust. So the rascal escapes. Pass him round.


Cherokee Advocate Various issues. Elias C. Boudinot Jr. Editor. 1885-1886.

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