Biography of Guy Perry McNaughton, M. D.

Last Updated on December 13, 2011 by

Dr. Guy Peery McNaughton, a native son of Oklahoma and a representative of one of the most prominent pioneer families of the state, has been identified with the medical fraternity of Miami since 1912 and has established an enviable reputation as a diagnostician and bacteriologist, being widely known throughout north-eastern Oklahoma as a specialist in those lines of medical science. He was born in Ottawa County, December 18, 1887, his parents being J. P. and Clara E. (Peery) McNaughton. A complete family sketch appears elsewhere in this volume.

On the home farm near Miami, Guy Peery McNaughton spent the period of his boyhood, attending the district school in the neighborhood and the Miami High School. In 1908 he entered the Memphis (Tenn.) Hospital Medical School, from which he won his M. D. degree in 1912; and began his professional career at Miami, where he has since successfully engaged in practice, save during the period of his service in the World War. For one year he devoted his attention to the general practice of medicine and surgery but is now largely concentrating his efforts upon laboratory and X-ray work and as a bacteriologist and diagnostician is consulted by leading physicians throughout northeastern Oklahoma, having developed expert ability along those lines. He has built up a very large practice and is also bacteriologist and diagnostician at the Miami Baptist Hospital in which he maintains his office, which is supplied with the most modern equipment, and his laboratory ranks with the best in the state. In the field of professional service he has made continuous progress, gleaning from comprehensive study and research and from practical experience valuable truths which have greatly increased his knowledge and augmented his skill. In addition to his professional activities, Dr. McNaughton also has extensive farming interests in this locality.

In 1912, at Memphis, Tennessee, Dr. McNaughton was united in marriage to Miss Bernice Dodson, a daughter of John Dodson, who was for many years an attaché of the courts of that city. They have two children: John Lewis, whose birth occurred on the 25th of June, 1914; and Clara Bernice, born May 25, 1916.

Dr. and Mrs. McNaughton are earnest and active members of the Quaker Church and for the past ten years he has served on its official board, while she has been an untiring worker in behalf of the Red Cross. Prompted by the spirit of loyalty and patriotism, the Doctor volunteered for service in the World war and on the 22d of August, 1917, was commissioned a first Lieutenant of the Medical Corps. He received his military training at Fort Riley, Kansas, going from there to Camp Crane, at Allentown, Pennsylvania, while subsequently he was sent to the army medical school at Washington, D. C., and also to the Rockefeller Institute for special laboratory work. He went to France as chief of the laboratory section, being attached to Bacteriology Hospital, No. 68, their headquarters being established at Mars-Sur-Allier, near Nevers, France, where they remained until the signing of the armistice. His unit did very efficient work, the hospital caring for thirty-three hundred men in one day, although handicapped by having ten doctors less than the required number, and this won for them citation in general orders. Subsequently Dr. McNaughton was made chief of the laboratory service and assigned to the Eighty-ninth Division, which was stationed at Bitburg, Germany, for five months, during which period he was again cited in general orders, issued by the commander in chief of the Third Army, for having the most efficient laboratory. When the Eighty-ninth Division returned to the United States Dr. McNaughton secured a transfer to the sanitary train attached to the Third Division, then stationed at Andernach, Germany, and remained with that command until it was ordered to return to this country, receiving his discharge from the service on the 27th of August, 1919. He organized Lloyd L. Perry Post, No. 447, of the American Legion and served as its first commander, while in 1920 he was commander of the Legion for Ottawa County. In 1913 he was one of the organizers and became Secretary of the Miami Gun Club and he is also a member of the Rotary Club and the Country Club, finding diversion in golf, tennis, hunting and trap shooting. He raises fine bird dogs, specializing in English pointers, and has some of the finest bred dogs in the United States. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order, belonging to the blue lodge and consistory of McAlester and to the Shrine at Tulsa. In 1914 he organized consistory the Miami City Medical Society, of which he was Secretary until 1917, and in 1913 he founded the Ottawa County Medical Society, of which he was made Secretary, filling that office until 1917, while in 1920 he acted as President of both the city and County medical societies. He gives his political allegiance to the Democratic Party and has been called to public office along the line of his profession, serving for five years as city superintendent of public health and also acting as County superintendent. He has never been content with mediocrity, but holding to high ideals, has attained a position of distinction in the ranks of his profession and his life has been one of great activity and usefulness to his fellowmen, commanding for him the highest admiration and respect.


Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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