Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Zeno M. Cox

(See Grant, Cordery and Duncan)-Emma J., daughter of David McLaughlin and Mary J. (Vickery) Beck was born August 17, 1874. Educated in the Cherokee Public Schools. Married in 1893, W. J. Elledge.

They were the parents of Roy P. born November 4, 1894 and Cena Belle Elledge, born June 20, 1896.

Mrs. Elledge married in December 1899 Zeno M. son of Aaron and Sarah Cox, born January 6, 1852.

They were the parents of: Zeno M., born November 24, 1901, Sarah Vinita, born February 8, 1906; Cherokee Juanita, born September 27, 1911; Melvin, born September 12, 1912 and Clinton Clark Cox born October 4, 1916.

Mr. Cox is a farmer near Estella Okla., Craig County.


Biography, Cherokee,

Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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