Biographical Sketch of Mrs. Emma Carey

(See Downing and Thompson).-Emma McDonald was born at Fort Gibson, August 13, 1871, educated at Western Female Seminary, Oxford, Ohio, and Presbyterian Mission, Muskogee, from which she graduated. She taught five years in the public schools of the Cherokee Nation.

Married at Fort Gibson January 27, 1894, William Vann Carey, educated in the Cherokee public schools and Male Seminary. He was a handsome man of charming personality, had the inherent polish of a scholar and wrote an excellent hand. He was elected Clerk of the Cooweescoowee District August 3, 1885, and August 1, 1887, and was President of the Cherokee Board of Education from 1893 to 1897. He died June 19. 1900.

Mr. and Mrs. Carey were the parents of: Fiona Vann, born October 28, 1895, graduated from Stevens College, Columbia, Missouri, and is a commercial artist in Chicago. Sansa Vera Pann, born April 5, 1897, educated at Stevens College Conservatory of Music, and is one the Lyceum and Chautauqua circuit; Majora Bartles, born November 27, 1898, graduated from Stevens College and is instructor in Domestic Science in Nowata City Schools; and William Vann Carey is a member of the 1922 class at Westminster, Fulton, Missouri.

William Vann Carey was the son of Rev. Walker and Malinda (Downing) Carey and Mrs. Emma Carey is the daughter of Jack and Jane (Scott) McDonald.



Starr, Emmett. History of the Cherokee Indians and Their Legends and Folk Lore. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: The Warden Company. 1921

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