North Dakota Frontier Forts Prior to 1902

Last Updated on August 29, 2016 by Dennis

Abercrombie, Fort, North Dakota – On Red River, 2 miles below Grahams Point, Minn.
Abraham Lincoln, Fort, North Dakota – Near Bismarck; first called Fort McKean.
Atcheson, Camp, North Dakota – On Devils Lake, Ramsey County.

Bad Lands Camp, North Dakota – West bank of Little Missouri River.
Berthold Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River, about 30 miles below the mouth of the Little Missouri River, in McLean County; now town of that name.
Big Cheyenne Agency Fort at, North Dakota – On Missouri River; Fort Berthold.
Briggs Camp, North Dakota – At Fargo.
Buford Fort, North Dakota – Near mouth of the Yellowstone River.

Clark Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River, near Mandan.
Cross Fort, North Dakota – Name changed to Fort Seward.

Grand River Agency Camp at, North Dakota – Ninety miles above Fort Sully.

Hancock Camp, North Dakota – At Edwinton.

Lincoln Fort, North Dakota – Near Bismarck.
Lincoln Abraham Fort, North Dakota – (See Fort Abraham Lincoln.)

Mandan Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River, present site of Mandan.
Monroe Camp. North Dakota – On Red River, opposite Pembina.

McKean Fort, North Dakota – Name changed to Fort A. Lincoln.

North Dakota State Soldiers’ Home, Lisbon, North Dakota.

Pembina, Fort, North Dakota – On Red River of the North; first called Fort George H. Thomas.

Ransom Fort, North Dakota – Ransom County, on Cheyenne River; now town of that name.
Rice Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River, Morton County; now town of the name.

Seward Fort, North Dakota – Near head waters of James River; first named Fort Cross.
Sisseton Fort, North Dakota – On Kettle Lake; first called Fort Wadsworth.
Standing Rock Agency, North Dakota – Now Fort Yates
Stevenson Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River, 70 miles above Bismarck.
Sykes Camp, North Dakota – At head waters of James River.

Thompson Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River at Crow Creek Agency.
Thomas Geo. H., Fort, North Dakota – Name changed to Fort Pembina.
Thompson Fort, North Dakota – On Missouri River at Crow Creek Agency.
Totten Fort, North Dakota – Benson County, southeast shore of Devils Lake.

Union Fort, North Dakota – Mouth of Yellowstone.

Yates Fort, North Dakota – At Standing Rock Indian Agency (See Missionary Life Among the Dakota Indians)

Forts, History,

War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Returns Division. List of Military Posts Etc. Established in the United States from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1902.

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