Z. B. Thornburg

Last Updated on November 19, 2011 by

1st Lt. Enlisted June 10, 1907, 1st N.C. N. G. Served on Mexican border. Mustered into the Federal service July, 1917, at Concord, N.C. Went to Camp Sevier, served with 118th Inf. Sailed May 11, 1918, and landed in France May 22, 1918. Fought at Voormizelle, Belgium, Sept. 1, 1918; Bellicourt, France, Sept. 29th to Oct. 1st; Montbrehain, Brancourt, Premont and Busigny, France, Oct. 8th to 11th, 1918; La Selle River, Vaux-Andigny, Mazenhein, France, Oct. 17th to 20th, 1918. Wounded at Montbrehain Oct. 7, 1918. Wounded at La Selle River Oct. 17, 1918. Decorations: Awarded D. S. C., British Military Cross, Croix de Guerre. One citation from King George and one from General Pershing. Three medals from French Government. Discharged Jan. 20, 1920, from USA Hospital at Ft. McPherson, Ga.


World War 1,

AccessGenealogy.com. North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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