Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Cherokee School, North Carolina
Post-office: Cherokee, North Carolina.
Telegraph address: Whittier, North Carolina; Western Union, 6 miles from school; generally telephone; sometimes mail, twice a day.
Railroad station: Ela, North Carolina, on Murphy division of Southern Rwy.; thence via Appalachian Rwy., distance, 6 miles.
Birdtown day school.
Post-office: Birdtown, North Carolina.
Telegraph address: Whittier, North Carolina; Western Union, 3 miles from school.
Railroad station: Birdtown, North Carolina; on Murphy division of Southern Rwy., to Ela; thence Appalachian Rwy. to Birdtown, 3½ miles.