Neusiok Tribe: Probably a place name.
Neusiok Connections. The form of this name suggests that the Neusiok were of the Algonquian stock, but they may have been Iroquoian like their neighbors the Tuscarora and Coree (?).
Neusiok Location. On lower Neuse River particularly on the south side, in Craven and Cartaret Counties.
Neusiok Village. Chattooka, on the site of Newbern, and Rouconk, exact location unknown.
Neusiok History. In 1584 Amadas and Barlowe heard of the Neusiok as at war with the tribes farther north. The later settlers speak to of them as Neuse Indians. They dwindled away rapidly and perhaps united finally with the Tuscarora.
Neusiok Population.-With the Coree the Neusiok are estimated by Mooney (1928) at 1,000 in the year 1600. In 1790 they numbered but 15 warriors although occupying two towns.
Connection in which they have become noted. The name Neusiok is connected with that of the River Neuse in North Carolina, and a post village.