Additional Soldiers – N Surnames

Last Updated on November 18, 2011 by

Nail, George L., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nary, C. L., Private, Co. H, 119th Inf., 30th Div.
Nash, Eugene L., Head Cook, Base Hospital No. 65.
Nash, J. E., Corpl., Base Hosp. No. 65, Med. Corps.
Nash, J. R., Wag., 113th F .A., 30th Div.
Nash, John C., 1st Lieut., 53rd Inf., 6th Div.
Nash, John F., 1st Lieut., 80th Amb. Co., Med. Corps.
Nash, L. C., Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nash, Liston, H. A. 1st Cl., U. S. N. R. F.
Nash, S. N., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Neal, P. I., Sergt., Co. C, 318th Inf., 80th Div.
Needham, C. E., Private, Co. M., 323rd Inf., 81st Div.
Needham, Jas. E., Pvt., 1st Cl., Base Hosp .No. 65, Med. Corps.
Neelye, L., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neese, Arnold, Pvt. 1st Cl., Hdqrs. Co., 120th Inf., T. M. Btry., 30th Div.
Neese, Jay H., Corpl., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neese, Jay, Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neese, M. R., Pvt. 1st Cl., 306th Co., Amn. Tr., 81st Div.
Neighbors, Dalma O., Pvt. 1st Cl., Co. G, 323rd Inf., 81st Div.
Neighbors, Tom N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Neil, Avery, Private, Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nelson, A. J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nelson, Fred H., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 342nd F. A., 89th Div.
Nelson, G. V., Private, Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nelson, Gad, Wag., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nelson, Guy V., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nelson, Wm. F., Pvt. 1st Cl., Co. F, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nelson, Wm., Private, Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nesbit, W. Y., Pvt., Co. B, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nettles, H. B., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nettleton, George P., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neuer, J. J., 2nd Lt., 105th Engrs. Tr., 30th Div.
Neuer, Jack J., M. E. Sr. Gr., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neuer, Jack J., Sergt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Neville, R., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newall, S. F., Private, Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newberry, Clarence B., Phm. M 2nd Class, Navy.
Newby, C. M., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newell, H. B., Sergt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newell, Hayden W., Private, 13th Co., Inf.
Newell, W. G., Mech., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newkirk, M. M., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newkirk, M. W., Pvt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newman, E. W., Pvt., M. C., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newman, George R., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newman, J. B., Private, C. A. C.
Newman, J. T., Jr., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newman, W. R., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newsom, Frank H., Fireman 2nd Cl., Naval R. F.
Newsome, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newsome, Lloyd, Pvt. 1st Cl., Btry. C. 55th Coast Art., First Army.
Newton, Charles F., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newton, J. R., Pvt. 1st Cl., Co. E, 118th Inf., 30th Div.
Newton, J. W., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Newton, Miller L., Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Newton, W. M., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nichols, Andie R., Pvt. 1st Cl., 52nd Co., C. A. C.
Nichols, C. R., Sergt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nichols, G. E., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nichols, H. C., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nichols, H., Private, Co. D, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nichols, Herman, Pvt., Hdqrs. Co., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nichols, John T., Pvt. 1st Cl., 341st, F and G, Q. M. C.
Nichols, L., Pvt., Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nicholson, Henry H., Pvt. 1st Cl., 30th Co., M. P., 30th Div.
Nicholson, J. C., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nicholson, James L., Pvt., Co. C, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nicholson, Thomas I., Seaman 2nd Class, Navy.
Niven, S. O., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Niven, T. L., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nixon, K. J., R. S. M., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Noble, Charles S., 2nd Lieut., Btry. E, 25th F. A., 9th Div.
Nobles, B. W., Private, Co. E, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Nobles, J., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nookirk, H. L., Pvt., Co. F, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Norfleet, Dr. E. P., 1st Lt., San. Co., Med. Corps, 51st Pioneer Inf., 4th Div.
Norfleet, F. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norman, Jas. W., Corpl., Co. F, 105th Am. Tr., 30th Div.
Norman, Virgil James, Seaman 2nd Class, Navy.
Norris, Henry, Major, M. C., 105th Engrs., 30th Div.
Norris, J. C., Cook, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norris, L. V., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norris, Zell, Pvt. 1st Cl., Co. B, 119th Inf., 30th Div.
Northington, Major, Base Hosp. No. 65, Medical Corps.
Nortwick, Van D. L., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norwood, G. P., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norwood, L., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norwood, O. N., Private, 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Norwood, P. F., Pvt., 1st Cl., Co. F., 306th Engrs., 81st Div.
Nowell, Jos. K., Seaman, Navy.
Nowell, W. C., Corpl., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nowell, Will C., Corpl., Btry. C., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nowlan, Albert E., Pvt. 1st Cl., Co. B., S. A. T. C.
Nunn, J. L., Cook, S. A. T. C.
Nunn, Paul S., 2nd Lieut., Inf., 98th Div.
Nunn, Rodolph, Corpl., 119th Inf. Band, 30th Div.
Nurkin, J., Pvt., 113th F. A., 30th Div.
Nye, Edgar E., Sergt., Co. A, 105th Engrs., 30th Div.

World War 1,

Collection: North Carolina World War 1 Military Records.

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