Will of John Marston – 1671

JOHN MARSTON, Flushing. “I will that my two sons, John and Cornelius, shall live with my well beloved friend John Hinchman and to be wholly at his disposall till they come of age, and he is to have time oversight of all my estate.” Leaves all to his two sons when of age. Leaves to daughter Elizabeth a gold ring, and to daughter Katherine a silver thimble. “This is my full will and my sons’ desire, as witness our hands this 14th February, 1670/1.

Witnesses, Robert Terry, Joseph Thorne, John Marston, Sr., John Marston, Jr., Cornelius Marston.

LIBER 1-2, page 61

Whereas JOHN MARSTON, of Flushing, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, dyed in ye month of February last, and made a will wherein he leaves John Hinchuman of the same place to be the guardian of his two sons. Which will according to ye usual custom of the Law ought to be proved at ye next Court of Sessions, and it soe falling out that noe Court is to be held until the month of June during which time the estate may be impaired.” The said John Hinchman is confirmed as administrator, April 6, 1671.

LIBER 1-2, page 62



Abstracts Of Wills On File In The Surrogate’s Office City Of New York

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