Biography of Coe C. Horton

(X) Coe C., son of Isaiah (2) Horton, was born at Springwater, Livingston county, New York, April 12. 1864. He attended the district schools and the Victor high school. In 1882 he engaged in the lumber trade at Avon, New York; in 1889 he came to Victor and has followed farming there to the present time. He was for four years employed by the Wabash railroad in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He was for one year in the employ of the New York Times of New York City, and three years in the furniture and hardware business in Bennington, Vermont. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Cornford

(II) Thomas (2), eldest son of Thomas (1) and Margaret (Patterson) Cornford, was born in England, September 20, 1796. He married Urina Harmer, and they came to America in 1835. In order to show their respect and admiration for the land of their adoption, they named their two youngest sons, who were born in this country, in honor of two of the most illustrious figures in American history. Children : 1. Sylvan. born July 2, 1819. 2. David, June 26, 1821. 3. Thomas, April 2, 1823. 4. Mary Ann, August 31, 1825. 5. Margaret, October 30, 1828. 6. Jonathan, December … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Cornford

(III) William H.. fourth son of Thomas and Urina (Harmer) Cornford, was born in England, September 8, 1835. He accompanied his parents to America, in early childhood, began the activities of life as a carpenter’s apprentice and having learned that trade he followed it as a journeyman in Phelps for some time. At the breaking-out of the rebellion in 1861, he went to the front with the Seventy-sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, and after completing his first term of service he reenlisted in the Ninth Michigan Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war. In 1868 he … Read more

Biography of Frank Andrew Brandle

FRANK ANDREW BRANDLE – Northampton is favored in its pharmaceutical interests with Mr. Brandle’s long association in the drug store business here, both during the period while he was in others’ employ, and particularly since he established his own pharmacy in 1901, the thorough reliability and excellence of his methods receiving general acknowledgement. Mr. Brandle’s training and study have been continuous since he entered upon his chosen business career; and as a result his pharmacy is second to no other in this part of the State. He is the son of Jacob Brandle who was born in 1836, in Germany, … Read more

Biography of Joseph Raymond Hampson

JOSEPH RAYMOND HAMPSON – The work in which Joseph Raymond Hampson is engaged is eminently vital and important to the welfare of the people and the progress of the civic body. Mr. Hampson has had wide experience in this general field and has executed many large and important contracts, both for private individuals and for the United States Government. His outstanding success in these various achievements has given his name unusual recognition for a man still looking forward to many years of useful and progressive activity. He is a son of Louis and Viola (Lasher) Hampson, former residents of New … Read more

Biography of Hon. Orlando Curtis Bidwell

In the exacting and wide-reaching profession of the law, Hon. Orlando Curtis Bidwell, of Great Barrington, stands among the leaders in Berkshire County. His large natural ability was supplemented by careful preparation and his entire career has been guided by a lofty idealism, which marks his every step of progress. As a servant of the people, as well as in his professional capacity, Mr. Bidwell has made an honorable and admirable record, while his affiliations with organized movements bear definite and constructive results. He is a son of Marshall S. and Sophia L. (Bidwell) Bidwell, his father a merchant and … Read more

Biography of Albion Brainard Allen

For more than three decades a resident of Amherst, Hampshire County, and one of this town’s most active and substantial business men, Mr. Allen’s operations as a builder have contributed very materially not only to the development of his own community, but to that of numerous other New England towns. On his father’s side he is a member of an old family whose name is very frequently met throughout the United States, where it is represented by many distinct and separate families. Its use arises from the Christian name Allen or Alan, which is very ancient and has many variations … Read more

Biography of John Edward Stewart

The business world of New England and the manufacturing stationers’ trade suffered an irretrievable loss in the passing of one of Springfield’s most substantial citizens, John Edward Stewart, president of the printing company which bears his name, a veteran officer of the Civil War, prominent Grand Army man and highly esteemed throughout the community for his personal worth and by his business connections for his high sense of honor and unimpeachable integrity. The city of his adoption and scene of his successful labors could ill afford to part with such a forceful character, loyal friend and kindly neighbor, who was … Read more

Biography of Frederic H. Rhodes

FREDERIC H. RHODES – From junior clerk to president of a large insurance concern, and owing his promotion to nothing else but inherent capacity and gifts of an exceptionally high kind coupled with energy, perseverance and tenacity in following a certain guiding line, such is in brief the career of Frederic H. Rhodes, president of the Berkshire Life Insurance Company of No. 7 North Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Frederic H. Rhodes is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was born July 14, 1878, a son of Robert M. and Mary S. (Witherspoon) Rhodes. He received his education in the public … Read more

Biography of Joseph Rosenblum

JOSEPH ROSENBLUM is one of the most extensive onion operators in the United States, a man who has established the onion market, who has brought order to certain commercial conditions, and who has brought success not only to himself but to the scores of producers who are most vitally concerned. He is a power to be reckoned with in American commercial and financial circles, and has achieved this high position solely through his own ability, probity and perseverance. The State of Massachusetts, looking to her men of agricultural industries for the most favorable reports that she is accustomed to pass … Read more

Biography of Frank J. Conlin, D.D.S.

FRANK J. CONLIN, D. D. S. – A leading figure in the progress of dental science in Western Massachusetts is Frank J. Conlin, whose excellent preparation and practical experience have carried him to high rank in his chosen field of professional effort. Dr. Conlin gives constructive work to every phase of his advance, and his usefulness is well appraised in the fact of his success. He has done much to encourage dental hygiene among the people, and his present wide practice includes many of the foremost citizens of Pittsfield and vicinity. He is a son of Edward F. and Mary … Read more

Biography of Frank Lyman Gold

FRANK LYMAN GOLD-A man of wide and varied activities, each of which he has carried on successfully after he had gained full knowledge of the field of business into which he was entering, the story of Frank Lyman Gold is full of interest. (I) He belongs to a notable old New England family, whose founder was Joseph Gold, born in London, England, who came to America when he was nineteen years old. According to family records, he served for seven years in the Revolutionary War, lived for a time in Northbury, Connecticut, and died in Roxbury, Vermont, in 1829. He … Read more

Biography of John B. Andrews

John B. Andrews. Cowley County knew John B. Andrews during the later period of a very active and strenuous time. Mr. Andrews was one of Arkansas City’s substantial business men and highly esteemed citizens, and died there August 7, 1913. His was a long life, and it was lived in a number of different places, practically all over the West. He was born at Massena, New York, June 9, 1837, and he was seventy-six years of age when he died. His father, John B. Andrews, Sr., owned a large part of the townsite of Massena, New York, built the first … Read more

Biography of Reese James Richards

Mr. Richards’ long experience in the jewelry business has culminated in one of the most popular and well-equipped jewelry establishments at Northampton, and in this part of the State; and to bring about its gradual and substantial development he has added the results of investigation and training that have been lifelong. His interest in the broadening of civic affairs has always been a most active feature of his Northampton citizenship; and he has held office that has been productive of progressive results to the community. Mr. Richards is the son of William T. Richards, who who was born in England … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Bump

Charles Henry Bump, third child, was born in Hudson, New York, September 8, 1848, and died in April, 1921. He received a thorough education at Spencertown Academy and at Hudson Private Institute. In 1874 he married Emma Weeks, born in 1854, died in May, 1904; daughter of Robert Weeks, and they became the parents of four children: 1. Mary, born in 1875, died in 1877. 2. James A., III, born in 1878. 3. Charles Henry, of further mention. 4. Lawrence Woodward, born in 1884 and cashier in the National Bank at Great Barrington, Massachusetts; he married, in 1909 Edith Davis, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Allen Bump, Jr.

James Allen Bump, Jr., their son, was born in 1817 and died in 1880. He was the first agent for the New York Central Railroad Company at Hudson, New York; he furnished wood for the company and was the first conductor on the Hudson & Berkshire Railroad. He married, in 1842, Mary Augusta Shattuck, and they were the parents of five children: 1. Mary Elizabeth, born in 1843; died in 1853. 2. Sarah, born 1845, died 1920. 3. Charles Henry, of further mention. 4. Caroline, born 1850, died 1897. 5 and 6. twins, Arthur and Allen, born in 1853.

Biography of Charles H. Bump

President and secretary of W. J. Foss & Company of Springfield; treasurer of Foss & Bump, Incorporated; and president of the Mortgage and Investment Company, was born in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, June 11, 1881. His father was Charles Henry Bump, Sr., his mother Mary Augusta (Shattuck) Bump. The name is derived from Boneloz of Normandy, a fief held from the Earl of Melleut, and the family Bompas, as the name came to be known in England. It has for centuries been conspicuously and widely in the legal annals of the country, and honorably mentioned in public affairs. It … Read more

Biography of Hugh Cardinal Crawford

President, secretary and manager of the Springfield Tool Company, was born in Stafford, Connecticut, in 1893, the son of Herbert Merrill and Jennie (Cardinal) Crawford. The name of Crawford, represented in the United States and Canada by many men who have been conspicuous in almost every field of human endeavor, is of Scotch origin. wherever found, and although some of the immigrant ancestors of the name came to this country from the North of Ireland, and were of Scotch-Irish descent, the name was derived directly from Scotland. (I) John Crawford was the immigrant ancestor of the branch of the family … Read more

Biography of Albert Perkins Langtry

For more than three decades, up to 1924, Albert Perkins Langtry, president of the Union Publishing Company, of Springfield, was the editor and publisher of the “Springfield Union” of that city. He made his paper one of the foremost of its kind in Central and Western Massachusetts, and has also rendered valuable service in public affairs, serving for ten years as secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and holding numerous other responsible official positions. He is also the author of the direct primary law in Massachusetts. (I) Richard Langtry, grandfather of Albert Perkins Langtry. was born in Belfast, Ireland, and … Read more

Biography of Charles Hedinger, M. D.

Charles Hedinger, M. D., of Canton, McPherson County, is a character unique in the great Sunflower State of Kansas. Others have grown old under the bright skies and in the wholesome and invigorating climate of Kansas’ prairies, but so far as known none had reached the age of ninety-five still active in work and had passed through such a varied range of experience, meeting hazard and danger with equanimity, and getting all possible out of life at every hour of existence. Much had been said and written in recent years concerning the decadence of the modern man and his comparative … Read more