Rea, T. F.

Mining Man Is Dead T.F. Rea, 75, pioneer mining man of Baker County, died at Baker last Friday from the effects of two paralytic strokes. Mr. Rea suffered the first stroke February 27 and the second March 19. Mr. Rea was born in Fairfield, Iowa December 23, 1852 and came to Auburn Baker county with his parents 10 years later. He had been a resident of this county since first arriving at Auburn and quartz mining. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, March 31, 1928

Kingsley, Augusta Mrs. – Obituary

Mrs. Kingsley Dies After Long Illness Mother of Mrs. C.S. Blackmon Succumbs  Mrs. Augusta Kingsley, aged 78 died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Blackmon, 1639 Second Street, at 12:45 yesterday afternoon, after an illness of nearly eight months, the last few weeks of which she was bedridden. Mrs. Kingsley has been a resident of Baker for 14 years, having come here from the east with her daughter. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Blackmon and two brothers, Chester R. Drown of Pittsburg, and Alphonso Drown of Machias, New York. Mrs. Kingsley … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John B. Jones

John B. Jones, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Rardin; born in Franklin Co., N. Y., Sept. 1, 1829; he removed with his parents when quite young to Whitehall, Washington Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he learned and worked at the ship-carpenter’s trade for three years; then for two years followed sailing on the lakes, and his trade; after which time he located at Astoria, L. I., where he engaged at his trade until 1857, when he emigrated to Illinois, and located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., March 1, of the … Read more

Ciesiel, Robert F. “Bob” – Obituary

Robert F. “Bob” Ciesiel, 77, a longtime Baker City resident, died Oct. 1, 2005, at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise. Bob’s vigil/wake will begin at 5:30 tonight at his residence at 42797 Nye Road. Mass of Christian Burial will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. Interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Bob was born on Aug. 7, 1928, at Brooklyn, N.Y., to Leo and Viola Lechmanski Ciesielski. He was raised at Brooklyn and Floral Park, N.Y., graduating from Sewanhaka High School. He enlisted in the U.S. Army on … Read more

Biography of Charles P. Hayt

Charles P. Hayt is the senior partner of the firm of Hayt & Klinefelter, proprietors of the well-known Fashion Stables of Riverside. These stables are located on the corner of Main and Seventh streets. Their stock of horses, carriages, etc., are not excelled by any in Riverside, or even by any in the county. Of the seventy-five horses owned by the firm, thirty-five or forty are used in their livery business. They are the proprietors of the City Cab and Hack Service in Riverside. Mr. Hayt is among the well-known businessmen of the city. He came to Riverside in October … Read more

Biography of Edward Heller

Among the representative orange groves of that section of Riverside colony known as Brockton square, mention should be made of the one owned by Mr. Heller. His residence and land, ten acres in extent, is located on the south side of Rubidoux Avenue, about half a mile west of Brockton Avenue. Five acres of his tract is in oranges, about twelve years old from the seed; the balance, or three acres, is in budded trees of the Washington Navel and Mediterranean Sweet varieties; one acre of his land is devoted to raisin grapes, and one acre to alfalfa. At this … Read more

Biography of Alfred B. Miner

Alfred B. Miner, one of the leading and representative businessmen of Colton, and as the president of the Colton Packing Company is at the head of one of the most important industries of that city. Mr. Miner is a native of Michigan, dating his birth in Genesee County in 1842. His father, Pilo Miner, was reared in Genesee County, New York, and was an early settler in Michigan, and engaged in farming. Mr. Miner was reared to farm life, and given a fair education in the public schools. He was an energetic and thorough worker, but he was never intended … Read more

Biography of S. M. Goddard

S. M. Goddard, one of the leading business men of the city of Colton, is at the head, and is the general manager, of the well-known house of James Lee & Company, wholesale dealers in flour, provisions, grain, etc. It is one of the largest business enterprises of Colton, occupying a large brick store and warehouse west of the railroad depot in that city. The building is 160 x 50 feet in dimensions and is the largest warehouse in the county. The firm of James Lee & Company was established in 1885, composed of James Lee and the subject of … Read more

Biography of David D. Banta

David D. Banta is the business manager and principal owner of the Riverside Mills. This mill was built by the Riverside Mill Company, Walker & Banta, in May, 1887, and conducted by that firm until the death of Mr. Walker in 1888, since which time Mr. Banta has had the sole management of the enterprise. The Riverside Mills ranks as one of the leading industries of the city, being 106 x 40 feet, and is fitted with the most improved machinery for the manufacture of doors, sash, moldings and all class of work required in building and interior finishing. Mr. … Read more

Biography of James Porter Greves, M.D.

James Porter Greves, M. D., deceased, was familiarly known as the “Father of Riverside,” and well he deserved the title. He was the real founder of the Colony Association, the first to visit and select the land, and the first to occupy them, camping upon the desert plain now occupied by the city of Riverside, September 19, 1870. For nearly twenty years his life and life’s efforts were intimately interwoven with the history of Riverside and the colony. No man in the community was better known or more universally respected and esteemed than he. His death was sincerely mourned and … Read more

Biography of Otis T. Dyer

No historical work claiming to he a true record of the growth and prosperity of Riverside for the decade of years preceding 1890, and claiming to record the establishment of many enterprises, industries and incorporations that have been the leading factor in placing her in the ranks of the leading cities and colonies of Southern California, could be considered as anything but glaringly incomplete without a more than passing mention of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. His association and connection with Riverside’s leading enterprises form an interesting chapter in the annals of the city and county. Mr. Dyer’s … Read more

Biography of Carlos C. Sherman, M. D.

Carlos C. Sherman, M. D., is one of Riverside’s prominent and successful physicians. Although not a pioneer, he has been a resident of the city during the years of her greatest growth and prosperity, and the position he has occupied in her professional and social circles well entitles him to mention in the annals of the city. Dr. Sherman is a native of New York, and was born in Washington County, in 1847. In 1852 his parents moved to Michigan and settled in Eaton County. His father was a farmer by occupation and in this world’s goods was a poor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Suverkrup

John Suverkrup, senior partner of the firm of Suverkrup & Hook, manufacturers of and dealers in lumber at San Bernardino, has been sixteen years on the Pacific coast and twelve years in San Bernardino County. Prior to locating here he was engaged in the grocery business in Sacramento; and after settling in San Bernardino he for a time devoted his attention to farming. In 1887 he and his partner, John Hook, built the mill known as the Saverkrup & Hook Mill, on the mountains north of the city, which has a cutting capacity of 20,000 feet of lumber per day, … Read more

Biography of Y. H. Scott, M. D.

Y H. Scott, M. D., of Riverside, is one of those successful men to be found in the various walks of life who may be truthfully said to be self-made-men who from boyhood start in life with a fixed object in view; and with strong determination to reach the goal, they develop those valuable characteristics-energy, perseverance, and a determined mind, that enable them to overcome all obstacles and render them intelligent, quick to conceive, and prompt to act-characteristics especially valuable to the skilled physician and surgeon. The subject of this sketch was born in Ontario, Oxford County, Canada West, in … Read more

Biography of Emil Rosenthal

Emil Rosenthal, a well-known citizen of Riverside, is a pioneer of that colony, and since 1872 has been one of the leading businessmen of the city. Mr. Rosenthal is a native of Germany, born in 1845. At the age of twenty years he started in life, casting his fortunes with the New World. In 1865 he came to the United States, and located in New York; was employed in business pursuits for the next four years. He then crossed the continent, and established himself in San Francisco, but later came to Los Angeles, and thence, in 1872, to Riverside, where … Read more

Biography of D. P. Chapman

Among the well-known and representative orange groves in the Riverside colony tract is the five acres owned by the above-named gentleman. This grove is located on the west side of Cypress Avenue, north of Bandini Avenue, about one mile south of the business center of Riverside. About four acres of his land is in oranges, seedling and Washington Navel trees twelve years of age, and other budded trees of Washington Navel, Mediterranean Sweet and St. Michael varieties, varying in age from one to six years. He has one acre in vineyard, which produced in 1888 over $200 worth of fruit. … Read more

Boesch, Garnet Leslie – Obituary

Haines, Oregon Garnet Leslie Boesch, 75, of Point Pleasant, N.J., died Monday Oct. 4, 2004, at Claremont Care Center. A memorial service to celebrate Garnet’s life was held Saturday, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m. at Harvey Memorial United Methodist Church. Garn was born in Haines and grew up on a ranch outside of Baker City. He graduated from Baker City High School and served in the U.S. Signal Corps during the Korean War while stationed in Alaska. After moving east, Garnet established his own business, Alstate Iron Works, in Point Pleasant. He was self employed until retirement. Garnet served his … Read more

Aikey, Virgil – Obituary

Sumpter, Oregon Virgil Aikey, 66, of Sumpter, died Oct. 16, 2004, at the Boise Veterans Hospital. There will be a wake in honor of his life at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Elkhorn Restaurant in Sumpter. Virgil was born on Aug. 7, 1938, at Canandaigua, N.Y. He moved to Southern California in 1960. He served in the U.S. Army in the 101st Airborne. He was the youngest journeyman in the heating and sheet metal business in the 1960s in Southern California. After that he became a swimming pool contractor for Bee Sunny Pools in Chatsworth, Calif. In 1988, he moved … Read more

Hochbrueckner, Thomas Peter “Tom” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Thomas Peter “Tom” Hochbrueckner, 79, of Baker City died Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2004, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His graveside memorial service will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Mount Hope Cemetery. The Rev. James R. Watt of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will officiate. Tom was born on Jan. 5, 1925, at Estacada. His father died when he was 5 and the family moved to Brooklyn, N.Y. During the Depression years, he gained experience by working jobs out of the city during the summer. He worked in a crab canning factory in Maryland, on a small … Read more

Biography of Belden D. Burt

The subject of this sketch is one of the pioneer merchants of Riverside, and is the senior member of the firm of B. D. Burt & Brother. This is now the oldest mercantile firm in the city, having been established in 1875, and been continuously in business since that time. The first brick block erected in Riverside was that occupied by Mr. Burt, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets. For many years he conducted a general mercantile business, but in the later years, has confined his business to dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, etc. Mr. Burt’s partner … Read more