Esselstyne Farm Cemetery, Clavernack, Columbia, New York, on the road from Martindale to Harlemville
Jacob, March 31, 1850, 87-11-2
Mary Van Deusen, wife, Dec. 12, 1843, 65-6-21
Caroline Stoor, wife, of Jacob, Aug. 27, 1805, 35-8-7.
Harriet, Oct. 1, 1860, 57 y. 8 m.
Cornelius, April 11, 1847, 77 y. 6 m.
Clarissa, wife, April 29, 1855, 82.
Mathew G., son of John and Mary, Sept. 18, 1878, 23-9-11
Gilbert, June 18, 1844, 36.
James Gilbert, son of Gilbert and Mary, Nov. 9, 1859, 23-2-5.