Biography of Devillo White, M.D.

The original of this sketch, Devillo White, of Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., was born Feb. 11, 1801, and was married to Caroline Pratt, oldest daughter of Joshua Pratt, Esq., (one of the respected pioneers of the town,) in 1824. Devillo White’s early life was passed in a hotel kept by his father, and was not of a character that generally precedes a record so full of interest and usefulness as his proved to be. At the age of 23 years, after having sowed his share of the wild oats of his day, he found himself educated and qualified to assume the arduous and responsible duties of a physician, but without means to purchase his saddle-bags to begin with; but his indomitable will and determination overcame all obstacles in his pathway and he finally settled down to his life-work, resolved to succeed professionally and financially.

After over fifty years of active practice, we find he has fully succeeded in his purpose, standing high as he does in his profession, and having amassed a fortune second to none in this section. In politics he was always a fearless and zealous advocate of the principles of the old Whig party, and afterwards was warmly attached to the Republican party, ready and eager at all times to do battle for the cause whenever opportunity presented itself. During the late war, when the country was trembling for its very existence, he gathered together all the means he could and invested the same in government securities, and even borrowed money of his more timid neighbors, who had no faith in the success of our arms, and invested as above, thus proving his loyalty to his country in her distress.

No more forbearing or lenient creditor was ever known, and there is, to-day, many a happy and prosperous family, made so by his pecuniary assistance, and now at his advanced age, being in his eightieth year, he transacts all his own business without the aid of a book-keeper, and even finds time to attend professionally to the wants of some of his old customers.



Smith, James H. History of Chenango and Madison Counties, New York. Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co. 1880.

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