Town of Marlboro, New Hampshire

MARLBORO is a handsome post village, located in the northwestern part of the town. It has, aside from its many private residences, three churches, (Congregational, Universalist and Methodist) one hotel, two general stores, a hardware store, furniture store, shoe store, grocery, barber shop, confectionery store, a town hall, Odd Fellows hall, a foundry and machine shop, pail factory, two box factories. toy manufactory, three saw-mills, a grist-mill, yarn manufactory, knob manufactory, two blanket factories, two woolen mills, two blacksmith shops, two wheelwright shops, three cobbler shops, a livery stable and meat market.

MARLBORO DEPOT (p. o.) is a small village and station on the Cheshire railroad in the southwestern part of the town.


Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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