Tax Records of Dublin NH

Last Updated on August 22, 2012 by

In the tax-lists for 1760, ’61, and ’62, we find the name of John Alexander in the first; John Alexander, William McNee, and James Taggart, in the second; and the following in the third: John Alexander, William McNee, James Taggart, William Taggart, Henry Strongman, Samuel Twitchell, Levi Partridge, William Greenwood and Joseph Twitchell, Jr. From 1763 the population increased with considerable rapidity, new settlers coming in from Sherborn, Natick, Medfield, Holliston, Framingham, Temple, Amherst and -elsewhere. There is no means of ascertaining what the population was previous to 1773, except to approximate it from the tax list of 179′, when the following named were assessed

Levi Partridge
Ebenezer Twitchell
Thomas Morse
Joseph Morse
Eli Morse
Eleazer Twitchell
Joshua Lealand
Reuben Morse
William Greenwood
Thaddeus Mason
Joseph Adams
John Ranstead
Asa Norcross
Daniel Morse
Joseph Greenwood
Benjamin Morse
Josiah Greenwood
Moses Adams
Caleb Hill
William Beal
Henry Strongman
John Wright
Silas StoneI
John Muzzey
Ivory Perryi
Elias Knowlton
Isaac Bond
John Knowlton
Samuel Twitchell
Robert Muzzey
Moses Mason
Ezra Twitchell
Simeon Bullard
Joseph Mason
Joseph Twitchell
David Johnson
Benjamin Learned
Daniel Greenwood
Simeon Johnson
Jonathan Knowlton
Moses JohnsonI
Samuel Ames, Jr.
Daniel Wood.
Benoni Death
Rufus Huntley
John Swan.
Nathaniel Bates
Caleb Greenwood
Gershom Twitchell
Thomas Muzzey
Joseph Turner
John Morrison.
Joseph Drury

A census of New Hampshire was taken in 1767, by the selectmen of each town and place; but Dublin then having no formal organization, no returns were made. In 1773 the town had a population of 255 souls, and in 1775 it had increased to 305.

Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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