Lake Village Times, Historical Notes, For 1868 and 1869

Last Updated on September 20, 2013 by Dennis

Lake Village Times
Historical Notes
For 1868 and 1869

(from a newspaper article–no date)

Historical Notes.
The following notes taken from the local columns of the first year’s file of the Lake Village Times cannot fail to be of interest to all and particularly to the young people. With the elderly they will refresh the memory while to the young and those who have lived here but a few years they will serve as bits of history of this place.

Jan. 4
The Lake Village Times started by Stanton & Haynes. Four pages of six columns each. Issued from an upper room in the Morgan block. Horace G. Whittier was one of those present when the first copy was pulled from the press.

Jan. 4.
The lake was frozen over. Geo. H. Roby and H.O. Bugbee returned from 2 days fishing with 14 trout and 350 cusk.

“The Belknap mills are maufacturing 30,000 yards of checked flannels per week.”

Jan. 8.
Levi F. Whiting commenced running a team between Lake Village and Laconia, for the accommodation of the public.

Dr. Henry Tucker administers ether to a patient and extracts fifteen teeth in ten minutes.

Jan. 14.
John Sheppard of Laconia ran from the court house to Lake Village, two miles, in seven minutes. He was to make the distance in six minutes on a wager , but lost by one minute.

Jan. 19.
Two earthquake shocks were felt.

Jan. 27.
Ira T. Bartlett and Mrs. Naney Angie Webber were married at a Good Templar entertainment in Good Templars Hall.

Feb. 3.
Enoch Merrill aged 80 years fell and broke a hip while drawing a pail of water.

Feb. 13.
The musicians of Lake Village gave a vocal and intrumental concert at the Advent chapel, complimentary to Rev. H. Bundy.

Feb. 22.
Joseph M. Batchelder who formerly lived here is engaged on building a thousand ton steamer at Shanghai, China.

Feb. 22.
Wells are dry and people are having their water drawn from the river.

“Old Robbie” the “Belknap Horse,” driven from here to Barnes’s hotel in Sanbornton, 12 miles, in 41 minutes.

March 11.
The Republicans hold a jollification over the result of the March election.

March 14.
Geo. W. Weeks buys the “Lake House” of Chas. P. Stevens, for ,800.

April 18.
A committee of the churches appont John Hoyt sexton for Lake Village.

April 23.
The Belknap Cornet Band holds a grand concert.

May 13.
The Bell Rifles have their annual May training and ball.

May 16.
The new steamer “Lady of the Lake” finished and commences running regular trips.

May 28.
The Belknap Cornet Band visits the Franklin Cornet Band of Franklin.

June 3.
Daniel R. Rogers run over and killed on the bridge at the south end of the depot while attempting to uncouple cars.

June 9.
George W. Lane, engineer on the steamer James Bell, while drawing a bucket of water, fell from the steamer and was drowned.

June 22.
Edward Hall dislocated a shoulder, sprained an ankle and broke a leg while wresting with another boy.

June 27.
J.L. Odell recently caught a curious little fish called the “Miller’s thumb of America.”

July 2.
John M. Weeks and George W. Gilman of Gilford were struck by lightning while at work on a stove in the house.

Hailstones as large as small hen’s eggs fell in Gilford.

July 15.
Orlando Moulton was prostated by heat while unloading hay.

July 28.
Charles Huckins, while diving for a chain near Bear Island received a bad cut on his head.

Aug. 8. The air was so full of smoke that the sun was completely obscured.

J.S. Crane and W.H. Pepper launch the sailboat White Wing.

Aug. 29.
J. Aldrich & Co., but the stock of goods of G. W. Munsey & Son of Gilford Village.

Sept. 4.
On this day 4.37 inches of rain fell, here.

Sept. 26.
A rattlesnake was recently killed at Rattlesnake island, measuring 9 feet in length and had 19 rattles.

Oct. 24.
“The schooner White Wing resently sailed eleven miles in an hour.”

Nov. 17.
Mrs. William Johnson went to the shed to get some wood when a stick from the pile peirced her eye completely destroying the sight.

Dec. 13.
A decided earthquake shock felt.

Dec. 19.
Stephen Grant, son of Daniel Grant, fell into a pail of hot water and was so badly scalded that he soon died.

Jan. 2.
J.M. Batchelder, once a resident of this place, now in Shanghai, China raises the sunken screw steamer Ajax and gets a fortune for doing it.

Jan. 27.
Frank Moulton caught 40 trout in two days fishing betwen Rattlesnack Island and Tuftonboro Neck.

March 27.
“Two persons sold to Rider at Diamond Island worth of trout this season.”

April 3.
Steamer Dollie Dutton sank at her wharf.

April 10.
Ben Piper caught a 14 1-2 pound trout in Lake Paugus, and Waldo Jones caught an 11-pounder.

April 26.
J.H. Sleeper’s saloon entered by thieves. A quantity of cigars and cash taken.

May 1.
The Band of Hope, children of a temperance organization, hold a fair and realize .00.

May 2.
A remarkably severe snowstorm for the season.

May 3.
Navigation on the lake opened.

May 13.
Niagara Engine Company gave a grand levee at Mt. Belknap Hall.

May 15.
The selectmen issued an order that “all saloons in Lake Village be closed on or before 11 o’clock Saturday night. All saloons must be kept closed on the Sabbath.” Also forbidding all “playing ball or kicking football on Depot square.”

May 20.
The “Gordon House” on Belvidere stree badly damaged by fire.

May 27.
Chocorna Lodge of Odd Fellows instituted by Grand Master C.H. Brown. Charles J. Pike was its first Noble Grand.

May 29.
Dr. Henry Tucker commences the practice of medicine at Clarement.

June 5.
“While the carpenters were engaged upon the new building of S.A. Piper, some parts of the supports of the floor gave way and the whole story fell in carrying with it the third floor and five of the workmen.” No one was much injured.

June 8.
John M. Dame of Gilford accidentally shot off three fingers of his hand.

June 19.
Charles D. House builds a three wheeled velo(??)pede which “astonished the natives.”

June 21.
The crank shaft of the “Lady of the Lake” broke and the “James Bell” was put on her route until repairs were made.

July 3.
Ira Rogers, an orphan boy aged 14 years, got his arm caught in the machinery at the Belknap mills. The arm was so badly injured it had to be amputated.

Aug. 21.
“It is mentioned as a remarkable fact that no building occupied as a dwelling was ever destroyed by fire in this village.”

Oct. 26.
Bayside cemetery dedicated.


Belknap County NH,


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